>Demon Souls was the truly revolutionary game and is far better than any of its successors
Fucking finally. How come so few people realize this?
>Demon Souls was the truly revolutionary game and is far better than any of its successors
Fucking finally. How come so few people realize this?
>fall off the map because of jank platforming
>world tendency goes black, making enemies much harder
it might have great atmosphere and level design, but the game has aged badly in many ways
Most Souls fans didn't play it.
Revolutionary, yes, better, no
That was the point of it you mongrel. It added a layer of suspense, tension, and replayability.
I forgot this game has a climb button, but DaS2 has half the game devoted to walking around a tiny collapsed wall. Haaaaaaaaaaaaa
I ain't watching any souls related video.
Who the fuck even cares.
i want to play it so bad, cant even emulate this shit though. fucking complicated shit.
If nothing else, cos very few people played it compared to Dark Souls.
It's better than Ds2 and Ds3 at least.
Despite being an experimental game it is by far the most polished and complete Souls game.
Also the archdemons except Dragon God are still the best bosses in the series.
>Fifty fucking four minute game """"""analysis""""""" video
Do people seriously watch these things?
looking up a fix to this error gives me no real solution fuck you
ive been saying this for gosh darn years. even matthewmatosis made a video on it
It's aged pretty poorly even in comparison to DS1 since that got a remaster
They're often interesting and help you learn about your hobby. The 'famous' remake analysis videos for Ratchet and Clank and Majoras Mask for example are really well done, and there was that SOTC analysis of its animations and effects that were insanely well done and I learned a lot from them. I think the same guy covered Jak and Daxter too.
Not watching this though, I know why Demons Souls was the best.
Matt thinks Dark Souls is better
I rather play video games than watch some e-celeb basedboy explain the story of a video game for a fucking hour and call it an """""analysis""""". But then again, nu-neo-Yas Forums is nu-neo-Yas Forums, you zoomers do what you zoomers do best.
That's the good thing. Sometimes "bad" game design adds to the experience. An easy example is O&S from Dark Souls, which is one its most memorable parts despite meshing terribly with the combat and camera system. Demon Souls was full of seeming bullshit like the manta rays in 4-2 and the poison swamp consuming health items you had to farm. Later on FromSoft became obsessed with making everything a fair action game. Fights like Maiden Astraea are some of the best things ever, despite mechanically being dull and is despised by people who take "prepare to die! LMAO" difficulty too seriously. The difficulty only ever existed to enhance the atmosphere and experience. It being the main point of the game was a cancerous corruption.
Still my favorite souls game. Yes there are rose colored glasses for sure, but having played every iteration since then, DeS is still my favorite.
I think you need the disc version in the right folder.
That's like saying you would rather go on a real adventure than playing a video game.
It did not. There is no basis to this statement.
Instead of being able to jump over gaps you can climb up them. That's the ONLY gameplay difference between Demons Souls and the rest of the series, aside from slightly larger movesets and different stat attributes.
>mfw skeletons in 4-1 who aggro at a long range and follow you everywhere
i had to illegally download the pkg from a website and i thought that would be it, do i actually have to find a complete version of this game on disc to play it? first time emulating so i am pretty retarded.
and healing not being total shit in Dark Souls
>i had to illegally download
I've notified the authorites.
Healing is more casual in Dark Souls.
You're honestly comparing going on an 'adventure' to the difference between playing a videogame and watching a YouTube video?
The fuck is wrong with your brain?
i’ve only ever emulated ps2 games n such but don’t you just make sure you have the right iso loaded with whatever program you’re using?
You would rather do than sit idle and experience/learn. I'm extrapolating that fact.
There's something wrong with your brain for not catching onto that.
Just buy a PS3 and mod it yourself. PS3 is a great console to hack cause you can play any PS1, PS2 and PS3 games and many emulators.
I'm not the same person. The fact that you don't understand the difference in the time, money and effort required to adventure and the difference between playing a videogame and watching a YouTube is actually full-on retarded.
yeah i am not sure how emulation works so i assumed the pkg was the game but it turns out to not be? I guess i have to find a iso with this game and also use the pkg for it to work?
I kinda miss the gimmicky but zelda-esque boss fights in demons souls
later souls games overdid it with the pvp simulator fights
He has a PC though which can do all of that and more.
all souls shit is reddit garbage.
i'll have a go at that next month likely, just for now I want it to be convenient and easy. Modding a console sounds very tedious.
You can enjoy all of those things if you aren't autistic.
But dude, Flamelurker was a good fight. Obviously people would love it if we made 80% of the boss fights into Flamelurker, right? The other 20% can be Allant. 11/10, best game ever.
Just use Blunt/Magic damage lmao
You are using 3 separate damage types out of the 5, right?
Demons Souls was by far the best
They ruined it with dark souls by casualizing it for xbox/pc babies.
it's actually sad to see the differences in bosses from demon's souls to dark souls 3
iirc false king allant is the only boss with a big sword and combo moves in demon's souls, fast forward to das3 the exact opposite was true
>How come so few people realize this?
Because even Dark Souls was an extremely niche game until two things happened:
1) the PC petition got press
2) PewDiePie played it
Demon's Souls was even more niche, since it was PS3 exclusive and had a bad reputation. So since it took 6+ years after release for the series to become mainstream, no one wanted to go back and play an unpolished game.
Like, it's crazy to think about now that Souls is its own franchise, with Demon's Souls directly changing video games and all, but basically no one cared when they came out.
>They ruined it with dark souls by casualizing it for xbox/pc babies.
They didn't plan on releasing it on PC, you colossal dumbass.
There was the Penetrator, who focused on large slow sword-swings that were difficult to avoid without i-frame rolling. Can you imagine that at the time that was considered a gimmick? How far we have come.
not the same without servers. world tendency was a huge factor
Dragon God was awesome though. It was a "reward" boss after Firelurker and the area is still memorable.
>and had a bad reputation.
What the fuck are you talking about? The only reason Dark Souls exists is because Demons was a success.
i know but i am not waiting until a remaster happens to play this game because if i get it on the ps3 its probably going to be full of tryhards.
world tendency is still a factor without online, just slightly less so
>Dragon God was awesome though
Holy shit, how fucking blinded by nostalgia do you have to be to think a forced stealth section does a fight against a mountain-sized dragon justice
>forced stealth
are you mentally challenged?
God damn son. I remember being big into Armored Core. Then one day on IGN they had a just a picture of the knight in OP and a thing saying that From was making a new game. The hype was unreal.
>Demons was a success
relatively speaking
absolutely based
Better have youtube celeb xy and z make a video. Otherwise its not real
While overall I think Dark Souls and Bloodborne are better games, I think that Demon's as an experience is unparalleled and I mostly attribute that to the its rough development. The team had to pick up the slack on a heavily incomplete project that they all expected to fail anyway, so what you get is a game with super experimental design that the developers are building totally irrespective of marketability or consumer appeal, and with no time to second guess themselves.
It's a fucking weird ass game to even be released from non-indie developers where your choices can lead to every spell vendor in the game being irrevocably killed, even having your entire health bar available to you is a luxury, on the rare occasions that you do get your humanity back you're expected to be fucking careful with it because repeated deaths can lead to your world being fucked by black phantoms and supreme rapist monsters with buffed stats, enemy players can force their way into your session to try and skullfuck you with crazy gear you've never even seen before, and through it all the game wants you to band together with (or totally dick over) your fellow players to overcome an extremely hostile world. I think the objectively worst thing about it is how a lot of the tomfuckery surrounding world/soul tendency is really badly tutorialized, and so players might not even KNOW they're screwing themselves by not treating their human form seriously, but those mechanics on their own are solid.
Tl;dr: Criticize all you want about it being janky and unpolished, nothing like this gets made anymore by big developers and even while its successors have refined the formula over a decade of games, DeS as an experience is just fucking cool because it's an unconventional trip through an incredibly cutthroat world, where everything is included because the developers thought it would be cool to play first and foremost and they had to stick to their guns on that to even complete the game.
>it's good because it's shit
ok retard
his voice is just atrocious.
It was okay. 8/10
Even False Allant isn't as generic as the bosses in the later games cause he has an interesting quirk which is that he can delevel you.
cutest waifu
>show my zoomer friend the beauty of Dark Souls
>he digs it
>constantly nags me to guide him as gold/white or at least red phantom
I mean, I never had this much co-op in my lifetime but how the fuck he enjoys it when I do everything in his game lol.
Guilty. Only played AND finished BB and DaS1. Both are actually my favorite games of all time.
Should I try DeS? Also no chance I'm going to emulate this thing, my PC is a toaster.
>was over dark souls when 3 came out
>get it later
>2 friends constantly asking me to summon them
>point out every exciting thing minutes before it happens
>oh when we go in here be careful of the ______ because ______
>they already know all the enemy movesets/attack patterns and have gear they're comfortable with
>ruins literally everything fun about the game
Fucking faggots, I tell ya
likely looks up to you as a player, 'wooow he does what i do but like 10x better and has cooler stuff' and gets enjoyment out of that and doesn't even acknowledge that you are doing everything
Where’s Demon’s Souls HD, From?
It was more revolutionary, not a better game
Played it last, it's pretty good but far from the best.
Least number of bosses
And even then it still has a few unmemorable bosses and too many gimmick bosses (pretty much all archstone bosses)
Who asian DeS here?
> too many gimmick bosses
People like you are the reason why the franchise died.
DS3 is the best game in the franchise.
how bout they fucking rerelease this game on pc then