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How do you deal with hatemail?
Oliver Robinson
Hunter Brooks
Laugh at it and save a screenshot
Noah Torres
"haha yeah"
Anthony Wilson
It's my favorite part of playing online, I honestly won't feel satisfied until I receive some form of hatemail. The best is when it's from little kids or negroes.
Noah Smith
I don't play multiplayer video games (they're for low-IQ toilets) so I don't get "hatemail".
Blake Hughes
I cry and beg them for mercy and hope they dont kill me
Jacob Perry
This is the only correct opinion.
Chase Harris
report for toxic behavior
Luis Lopez
One day I was playing Friday the 13th and some 30+ year old started telling me his daughter beat me. So I asked him if his daughter was hot and he sperged out and tried to screen record me saying something bad.
Julian Walker
I don't. The only place I have ever had to deal with being hated in such a format is for the company I work for and it's policy to turn such issues over to someone else so we can't be accused of anything.
Someone once, for example, posted a thread on the official forums for the company about how I'm gay (because I kept telling someone to follow the rules in-game and penalizing them as it kept happening anyway).
>coworker gets my statement, looks over the records, and bans them permanently, forums and in-game since I was being nice giving them as many warnings as I did
Didn't have to do anything except point out it's existence and state the facts.
Who the fuck keeps messages on when it's not necessary?
Parker Hughes
This. Nothing says I did a good job like getting someone bitching, trying to cope
Sebastian Parker
Reply back
Liam Gutierrez
Anthony Campbell
this one is so clearly forced it's actually fucking painful to read
Caleb Reyes
Jerk off
Logan Lewis
I can't deal with things I never get anymore
Ps3 was a goldmine
These days it's just people sending friend requests and squad invites
John Moore
Who knows but let's post the classics
Lincoln White
People on the internet aren't real you can't hurt me
Grayson Kelly
reply with "huh wat u mean?"
Leo Harris
Wyatt Perry
That theory is stupid, like if we sleep and wake up as someone else yet there is not a single difference then it doesn't matter the slightest
Joseph Long
"its" is the possessive form of "it", "it's" is a contraction of "it is"
Dylan Kelly
>Also my dad werks 4 sony
I'd just ask him if it's a good time to invest in A/V equipment or a Bravia, derailing the conversation.
Kayden Sanders
bait them into saying nigger or some other hate speech so I can report them and get their account nuked for getting mad at fucking video games.
Always hilarious.
Owen Taylor
I don't. I pretty much have all means of communicating with me closed off on all my gaming platforms. I used to get a huge kick out of rage, but then I grew up and stopped relying on other people's emotions to enjoy my own life.
Isaac Martinez
Caleb Miller
I don't get any.
Samuel Morris
"lol mad bitch" if it's not funny
post it here or send it to scrubquotes if it is
Dominic Allen
Christian Gonzalez
Only social rejects get hate mail. I respect people I play with and play honorably by following community guidelines and rules.
David Turner
*sticks my balls on your face and crab walks around you*
shut up nigger lmao
James Moore
>a few AM radio stations
which stations is x SoLsTiic x referring to?
Mason Ward
i laugh at it
i have gotten hatemail from a jap before lol
Charles Wilson
Nicholas Evans
Chase Smith
tell him "ok but how about you git gud"
and then mute his sorry ass
it's always whiny nubz who cry about any game
Thomas Roberts
A better question is how would you even know what sodomy sounds like? what if he likes it, then it's not a punishment
Parker Bennett
Reply with "Didn't read lol blocked"
Benjamin James
Parker Harris
Luke Jenkins
I don't think it's possible to send me messages.
Christian Richardson
Either this or jerk off to it. Depending on how good it is.
Samuel Carter
this one can't be topped, a work of art
Asher Nelson
>tfw ended up being so good at a game I'd get votekicked every 5th match or so for being too good while getting constantly spammed by shitters in chat
I really miss BL:R.
Hudson Hall
I don't get hatemail. In fact, I once got an apology and offer to help me in co-op.
Thanks onlyafro. You were cool before your started cross dressing publicly..
I'm as resistant to socialisation in game as I am irl. Unless I'm playing specifically for interaction I try to minimize it.
Also this. I went from highly social games as kid, complete with trash talk and constant mic use to almost exclusively single player. The only games I really want to play multi are super involved and I'd need to get into a 'community' to get into them.
Samuel Peterson
>Subject wheelchair balls
Parker Cook
I had something going in a smash arena the other day. After like a 15-0 winstreak as Jigglypuff I got kicked lol
Jaxon Nelson
the man himself
Wyatt Hughes
Blake Roberts
Benjamin Torres
Holy mother of kino
Owen Campbell
Cry about it on twitter.
Michael Moore
I wonder how many of those were Yas Forumsirgins
Evan Flores
I submit it to scrub quotes
Adam Watson
But it only shows "User Blocked"
Tyler Miller
i don't, i'm the one who sends people hatemail
Connor Phillips
Screencap their username and post it on Yas Forums for people to harass.
Nolan Nguyen
Jason Mitchell
>playing tekken on steam
>those rare moments when someone is so buttblasted they add you to their friends list just to sperg out and block you
I fucking treasure that shit
Juan Ross
not only do smash players stink but they also rage easily
Carson Thomas
>so mad he can't spell
god I love this
Henry Reed
Stolen from “marshmallow people 3” on YouTube
What an unoriginal faggot
Jaxson Baker
There will never be someone as based as Little Tom
Henry Murphy
at least some correct themselves
Isaiah Davis