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Other urls found in this thread:


andy sambergs an earthrocker

video games

sunk phil's dick

>hey tony its me bam...you know bam margera from jackass?
>I heard you were making a new skateboarding game and well you could put me in just like the good old days!
>oh you're too busy questioning about your existence on this planet okay that's cool tony but hey if you find the time could you promote my video on being an earthrocker...hello tony you still there?

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>Tried to NTR Tony Hawk's games from him but couldn't due to Tony Hawk's ironclad contract with Activision.

Supposedly a band Tweeted about doing a soundtrack for a new Tony Hawk game, so it's possible.

Attached: Bam Margera 2020.jpg (235x235, 10.74K)

>Tried to NTR Tony Hawk's games from him but couldn't due to Tony Hawk's ironclad contract with Activision.

was this before or after the alcohol addiction?

Pretty sure Ryan Dunn was alive and wel...he had some sort of degenerative disease at the time, but he was still alive.

Is Bam an "Earthrocker" because every time he takes a step he rocks the earth?

Alcohol is a hell of a drug

thats phil retard

bam hasnt even been able to skate for like 15 years now

viva la bam is american kino

ryan's death broke him

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Are bam and tony not cool anymore?


>Pontius teasing Jackass 4 on his twitter feed
>Bam in this fucked up state and clearly in no state to be a part of it

I mean, holy fuck yes I want Jackass 4 but without the West Chester representatives I cant help but think that it would feel hollow

what did he do this time?

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What did I miss?

He was genetically predisposed to being a fatass. He was only ever thing because Ville Vallo normalized eating disorders for him.

Nigga is turning into a blend of his dad and dsp

Vice did a documentary on him like two years ago where he was using skating as therapy and to lose weight.


He relapsed anyway

Attached: bam.png (1034x233, 19.7K)

Quite honestly the most based man of the CKY crew. To make it video game related, he's a huge Mortal Kombat autist

Attached: dicamillo.jpg (1575x2048, 1.75M)

He's an Earth rocker because everytime someone finds him, he's laying on his back, with his wallet stolen. Got knocked out by a woman in a Texas bar, traveled across the world to troll an internet troll, and got jumped by some literal who wigger band.

Technically, Rake Yohn was a moderator on several game forums, while his friends were signing MTV contracts.

Attached: Rake Yohn has kids, why don't you.jpg (194x259, 12.11K)

Become a Yas Forums moderator.

>family man
>very successful chemical engineer
>likes the vidya
>hates Mustard
Rake was always the most based CKY member after Dunn

>that gunk between his teeth

i wish camera quality was worse i hate seeing shit like this

Protip: Bam's crew literally ruined Jackass. They didn't want to do any dangerous stunts, constantly requested to torture other members on camera. Even though Wildboyz sucked, it was a group of friends that developed from Jackass.

Aye Bam was a fucker but Dunn did his fair share of dumb shit and had the defining stunt in the first movie. Dunn was pretty darn cool.

Aw, c'mon Bam I got work in the morning

This is all you need to know about Bam
>Bam, you crying?


So what does Bammo have to do with Clutch anyhow?

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>this is the next clip i watch
bam really is a bitch, he bailed mid stunt after ryan was the one getting his ass kicked

Just a reminder Knoxville sustained the worst injuries of his career making this.

It was so bad that even I fucking hated it, and I enjoyed Bad Grandpa

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Nothing worse than a bike handle landing on his cock


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The final skit in the final Jackass should be Bam getting the shit beaten out of him on the toilet. Full circle(like his gut). Pottery.

you could have easily made this thread on Yas Forums without getting banned.
can i ask why you didn't?

I would fuck Bams mom. Not gonna lie.

>you can't fight gravity, Arthur.

>I've got a Ham,John

>omg le weirds and edgy channer post!! i like scat, bros!!!
no you wouldn't. you aren't edgy or special. sage.

What were the injuries?

I love saggy old women.

what games have their own language?

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no you aren't

Jesus what a loser

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Christ. Try harder.

So are they making a new Tony Hawk game or not?

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Does Bam have a kid?

Absolute neck

I'm not sure they were ever cool. Theyre like polar opposites other than they both skate. On top of that Bam was almost coming in and taking his franchise from him. I'm sure we worked with him gladly on the games cause those fat stacks hes getting paid.

that's because Dunn was on the other end of the teeter-totter. If Bam stayed, he'd easily get mauled. Not saying he isn't a bitch, but he was smart to have bailed as soon as Ryan got dismounted.

also supported mega64 on shit so that adds another layer of based

>uh, uhhh, a-woo-woo ees in mah haiirr
You can feel Rake sizzling every time Dicomillo started that shit.

What’s even happening

He does actually.

Holy fuck that poor little bastard.


Knoxville is a fucking MAN jesus

ah yes the cringe as fuck heartagram

Die probably.

He reminds me of some sort of super human.

Aw cmon Bam it's 4 o'clock in the mornin, I aint churna get my dick sunked right now

Steve-O and Knoxville's friendship makes me very happy.

>literally just the same letters with some squiggly and straight lines thrown in
This was some rehab project, I can tell.

Is this Lindy and Bam shopped together?