What are you playing
What are you playing
>hindi games
gonna finally play some Metal Gear Solid since I've always felt I missed out with that series and I'm at rock bottom anyway, need something to divert the pain away
>Why does COVID-19 kill old people?
Gonna try to move to Madagascar while the ports are open.
Old people dont take care of themselves.
Did someone actually ask this?
is that a transexual in the back
At 8 hours a day, you could probably play through every Metal Gear game in about 2 weeks.
What other series could you play through while in quarantine, Yas Forums?
Sadly, they did. They also pronounced Dr. Fauci's name wrong.
I want to try Sekiro but it's expensive on ps4 and my pc is potato.
No that’s just your typical anglo female
>fucking Cybershit
>No L4D2
>best vidya play during quarantine
It's going to be a long one boys....
I swear to god if COVID delays the physical copies of New Horizons I will fly to China and kill Xinping for creating this disease.
OP originally posted this on reddit
Post the exploitable nigger
Who here /raider/?
I'm finally making a dent in my backlog. I've finished 4 games in the last few weeks/month. Surely that doesn't mean much to the average gamer but for me it's like I've finally gotten my groove back. Feels good.
just buy a used copy from gamestop and play it as much as you can within 6 daysso that you can return it on the 7th and get your money back. just dont say that you beat/couldnt beat it as they can refuse your return
I have Daggerfall, Skyrim, and Zelda II on the docket. I'll add more if necessary, but my restartitis means this'll probably be enough.
Quintessential American.
Why isnt there a bot for finding reddit shit so that no one has to visit that dumpster to prove op is a faggot every time manually
I told a GS manager once that I did this and his face went white.
Yep. As someone accurately pointed out, the reason the press rarely ever ask important questions is because the government can prohibit their organizations from future major conferences.
It's ridiculous how all this could've been prevented if they had just put everyone coming back from outside the US into containment facilities.
Imagine ameritards actually voted for Trump. Hahahaaha
source for webm?
I cant play anything due to worrying about dying and loosing loads of money regardless.
Starting Skyrim again feels so fresh and so clean. I don't get people who play past lvl. 40-something.
When did Boris Johnson get a tan
>Tfw remote work until further notice
>Work an IT job where I do fuck all, mostly just read or watch YouTube
>Gonna be getting paid a salary to play vidya finally, at least for the next two weeks
Minecraft comfy buildan
Maybe some FFX
Once Animal Crossing comes out though that's it
First sign that it was Reddit poster was that he was actually wanting to play Soipunk 2077
That entire thing was just Trump sucking off corporations. What went wrong?
I bought canned food just in case, otherwise just gonna sit inside all day playing vidya
I'm gonna feel real bad if I have to start eating the catfish. I've got them pretty much domesticated, all I gotta do is splash around a bit and the fuckers will eat out of your hand. It's actually fairly common and pretty easy to do.
Luckily there's a feral hog infestation, so it's pork chops for everybody. Even the goofy prepper can come if he brings beer, there's enough of the fucks to go around.
Don't worry. Be happy. In every life we have some trouble,
but when you worry you make it double.
Tactics Ogre: LUCT
lmao monday is going to be a fucking bloodbath. No way that surge is real.
It's always safe to assume OP is a faggot
El Abominacion...
How old are you?
>groceries packed
>now this
I wish i was 14 year old so I can laugh at this shit
>has a dog
I lol'd
There is an oversaturation of thighs in that picture.
He is part of pajeet race of India
Oh boy, it's back up to where it was 2 years ago at the beginning of a countrywide epidemic.
>when you literally have worse hair than trump
>when its by a big margin aswell
I bought 50Kg's of lentils. I'm good for the next 6 months.
Here I thought I was sitting comfy and cozy in rural Alaska, apart from all the COVID nonsense.
Then I realize it will more than likely delay the delivery of my preorder of the FF7 Remake.
Mail delivery is already normally shit around here and our (CAPPED!) internet is completely worthless if the game is as huge as it is.
I'm screwed.
Call of Duty®: Warzone, obviously
This coronavirus won't delay me getting my copy of the Wonderful 101 remaster, will it?
Murder by Numbers and Slay the Spire, mainly.
witcher 3
pathologic 2
total war games
Based virus
how did they get that cat to do that
no just your typical white woman
Why would a tranny indie game be on the list?
Aren't catfish invasive too?
Trump made him say it again until he got it right lol
Looks very well trained.
Maybe it will, but don't give up hope!
Just bought Sekiro. I absolutely love it, and I aint even a weeb.
What happened, I missed it I was playing video games.
Did he say anything important? Coutnry wide lockdown?
It's good
wtf how do I get my cat to do this
mogs me
Yes, but they stay in the fucking pond and don't fuck up anything outside the shitty pond and have never tried to fucking eat my dog. They can have the pond for the entertainment they give me. All pigs must be killed as bloodily as possible so it attracts their cannibal friends and make it easier for me to kill them.
I'm looking forward to cyberpunk.
>the reason the press rarely ever ask important questions is because the government can prohibit their organizations from future major conferences.
The more likely answer is that they're just fucking retarded.
>just dont say that you beat/couldnt beat it as they can refuse your return
or you can say nothing, except to say give you your money back because you dont want it anymore and they have a return policy
are americans really this pathetic and passive aggressive and boot licking that they cant return something without some bullshit excuse
martial law announced and student debts getting wiped.
LOL at all the Trumptards that are about to get screwed by healthcare and their jobs thus their mortgages. Maybe the virus takes out the boomers and drive the house prices down.
Pathologic 2
Soon, DOOM
personally I hope the stock market hits zero and the global economy goes entirely bankrupt, if only to see the billionaires go out and try to hire people with worthless slips of paper only to be beaten and raped to death by mobs of subhumans.
hell yeah dude
why'd you post this?
Just gonna need Nioh 2 and Re3 and i'm good pandemic or not
Big if true
>barneyfag for reddit
that would be kino