Tick tock, Civfags

Tick tock, Civfags.

Attached: hum.jpg (1200x675, 222.14K)

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I’m all for more turn based civ builders

whats this

Didn't this game kill its own hype by releasing a gameplay trailer?

Civ is getting boring. It's good that there competition coming.

What's different about this one?

I heard it's better than Civ V with the Brave New World expansion pack

I actually really like the climate challenges they added in Civ6 that make you worry about CO2 emissions and floods and stuff like that. I think they should expand further on it and also make the future gameplay more interesting. The giant mech is cool but I wish that Civ expanded even further into space as well after you reach that point. Also maybe combine it with an end of the world type scenario that you have to survive with your civilization and that can be another winning strategy. There’s lots of potential.

Somehow I can't feel optimistic about this one, and I generally like Amplitude's games.

there's no tangible difference.
it's just that the civ playerbase are autistic, and a simple ui change is enough for them.

>I think they should expand further on it and also make the future gameplay more interesting.
>maybe combine it with an end of the world type scenario

Attached: BE.jpg (460x215, 36.52K)

Just play Call To Power

No, I didn’t say I wanted a separate game. I want it all within the Civ package

You can change Civs mid game.

6 is unbalanced broken garbage, I always get my first factories in the BC era and climate change is a complete nonissue as well I never have to deal with actual consequences while powering all my cities.

Just because there’s a winning strategy doesn’t mean it’s broken or unbalanced

Civ VI was trash out the ass. Hopefully this'll be better.

>Spiritual successor to Alpha centauri
>explicitly state in the intro for SMAC the factions are based around ideology not nationality
>In beyond earth the factions are just space nations
what did they mean by this?

yes it does, the pacing is completely uncared for, all this game did was kill the civ franchise and make way for amplitude to move in on their theme

Seems like you're not being authentic.
Isn't that just being a cheating bitch?

Sounds like you’re a retarded poltard with an agenda

>poltard with an agenda
my gender is man, stupid

>libtard enjoys shit game
like pottery

It's made by the guys who made some of the most overrated 4x games ever made.

The terrain looks a lot better than Civ.


Attached: olmecscity.jpg (1920x1080, 2.8M)

triggered polcucks

Childhood is playing sid civ
Adulthood is playing Victoria II

>"Amplitude Studios SASU is a French video game developer based in Paris"
Into the trash it goes


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into the trash it goes

Hopefully it's good. I didn't enjoy Civ 6.

You don't need to rush your first city because you can pick up some bonusses while you look for your first settle location. You can pick a culture every age. So you can add bonusses to your civ in everyone of the 6 ages, in theory this should make the game more balanced because you can adapt your bonusses to your situation. The goal is to get as much fame as you can, so if you do well in the early game but lose some wars later on that early fame is not lost. It's too early to tell if it's really going to beat civ at it's own game but it's about time civ got some competition.


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>I didn't enjoy Civ 6
Yeah, all the options for strategy is off putting for low IQ individuals.
I understand; go back to COD, or whatever the fuck is in season.

Is this just ancient/classical era or does it go all the way to modern and future stuff?

You start in pre-history until you found your first city then you have:

ancient era
classical era
medieval era
early modern era
industrial era
contemporary era

Attached: Humankind-city.jpg (1920x1080, 624.69K)

>More district shit

God damn it I hate that shit. Its fucking stupid when you cant exploit a resource that is literally right next to your city and closer than resources you can exploit because "lel different district!"

Is the map absolutely massive to make up for these huge cities?

That city looks way to fucking big for that time period. What scale are they going for? Because it sure as hell ain't global.

This looks like mobile game and I don't buy mobile games without slutty lolis in them, so are there slutty lolis or am I gonna skip it like civ6?

I don't know how districts work in Civ VI but they're fine in Endless Legend. There are probably going to be a couple of regular districts with special ones for the cultures you've choosen along the way. The upside to adapting bonusses is that you can actually specialize after you know your surroundings.

Don't know if the size is roughly the same as Endless Legend it will be fine.

Cities will probably not have historical scales, judging by the screenshots.

Attached: Carthaginians.jpg (1920x1080, 954.45K)

>I don't know how districts work in Civ VI but they're fine in Endless Legend.

I'm talking about the map partitioning. Its fucking stupid.

obsessed faggot

It's a bit different from Endless Legend, the regions are somewhat set at the start but can be changed during the game. It's still quite vague but there talking about it in this video.

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beyond earth was a shitty cashgrab that was essentially a mod but sold as a full price game
just like battlefield hardline

Civ clone

>and climate change is a complete nonissue as well I never have to deal with actual consequences while powering all my cities.
That's just realism.

>tick tock
Civ has already been blown the fuck out as a game by basically everything else on the market. What are you talking about?

looks neat I'll try it

If they wanted to legitimately build hype their marketing materials should be focusing on highlighting what makes this another hex-based civ builder DIFFERENT to people who already hesitate buying Civ VI because it doesn't seem to add anything of significance over Civ V.

Amp makes better games, it's that simple. They deserve the win. Endless Legend and Endless Space (series) are quite good. All they lack is combat which civ lacks as well.
Not everything can be Total War or Field of Glory.

Bullshit. Civ II all others can fuck off.

Adulthood is playing Field of Glory or Dominions.

So, confirmed civs so far:

>Ancient Era

>Classical Era

Any hopes for future reveals?

It's probably gonna have an absolute banger soundtrack just like everything from Amplitude.


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>babylon instead of my nigger Sumer
What the fuck? I'm sick of people forgetting about the original Mesopotamian lads. The ones who made the progress the babylonians capitalised.

I know there not really a culture but it would be weird if USSR wasn't in the game.

Attached: Aksumites.jpg (1920x1080, 1006.69K)

>no bridges over rivers

Nah. I used to love Endless Space and Endless Legend. But when they started to make DLCs for Legend and later made ES2, something changed. I couldn't find fun in their games anymore. Like, at all. They lost something inside.

Im sorry but I will stay with modded Civ games.

>muh babyshit
Awful.The mark of a good game is to have Ur feature as a capital.

>endless legend combat
It's already dead on arrival.