
What does Yas Forums think about this new arena shooter? I'm installing the beta right now.

Its on Epic only, but i don't care as long as i get a good new arena shooter.

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Looks like an arcade rotation of Overwatch

Attached: quadfrag.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

I think I cant fucking play it yet.

play warsow

Ded game

>1 active server with 2 people playing
It's dead Jim

I actually hope the art style will get the zoomer audience. I don't like it, but the gameplay is far more important for me.

Best arena shooter since Q3/QL

I'm 3 weeks in and its my favorite game to date. I'm proud of my middy to rails, but even more proud of the LoL players I brought over

Plays and looks like a mediocre Quake Live clone, can't believe anyone has hopes for this.

hmm, the art style really turns me off. I'd rather it just look like a quake ripoff

don’t gotta hope, it’s lit, I have 2 second queue times, all the homies are in. pizza on call, dick so hard

>mediocre Quake Live clone
it's the best QL clone by far though? clueless zoomer

fucking retard

I wanted to play warsow/cpm but both those are completely dead in America besides 2-3 Yas Forums memespouting retards like chalq

My aim is fucking terrible, I don't know what's wrong. Most of my rockets are hitting for 5-15 and my lg is awful. It's going to be tough to get into this.

Attached: 1582933936747.png (755x791, 743.1K)

aim lg more with the keys, not your mouse, beginner mistake

here come the shills again.

notice not one cunt gave a shit about this game when you weren't shitting out threads for your chinese quake 3 knock off.


beta opens up on weekends, behave yourself

hi shill

Its being shilled so much I'm pretty sure most anons wrote it off as shit.
Good games don't need to astroturf like this.

hey can’t you see who is same fagging? try it out

I've been strafing as usual but it seems all off, maybe the round models are throwing me off.
I think I have it at what I normally use. 110 in Quake/Source, converted to 93 in their units.
I dunno, I'll keep trying. Hopefully their matchmaking works well once it's out.

why do I care when betas open?
I'm not playing a game that is being begged at me. Fuck off with your low standards.
You probably give bums money when they ask. This is no different. Panhandling is a shameful endeavor.

I discovered it like 2 days ago. Watched a few videos and i'm now playing it. Got my beta invitation in 24h.

Its really good. Just feels like playing quake for the first time. Probably the best arena shooter option around right now.

Why lie like this?
Anons have been complaining about the beta leaving them hanging for weeks.

james why doesn't the game have a feedback button? You guys say you appreciate the feedback but not everyone is on twitter or discord

I don't lie. I just got my beta key like 2-3 hours ago. I registered for it 2 days ago.

you can play or not. If you don’t want to, no one is making you, just hang out in other threads. calm down.

Nah just checked my emails. Got it 12 hours ago and registered the day before it.

>epic only
I was actually kinda hyped for this game. Damn. Steam when?

I'll hang out here and ruin these threads, but I'm not going to play it.

not james but you call me what you want sweaty. email them using the contact link on the main site

I like it
Don't understand the spergs screaming about shilling when the game is f2p

>shilling AND phoneposting
Ask me how I could tell.

the audio is fucking horrendous. People strafe up behind you at full speed without a single cue. The rockets are hard to see so hard to aim/dodge, same goes for splash. It's pretty solid otherwise...runs amazing, looks amazing. You can see for the stuff that works they want a solid foundation.

I don't give a shit about this game, only came here to point at this faggot and laugh.

not him but how?

sweety shitposting is a psyop. Sweety has a 99% chance to autocorrect to sweaty on a mobile phone.
The only purpose it serves is to out phoneposters.

Yo, here. Just checked my email by searching for 'diabotical' and my key was in an email from March 7th that I didnt read fully so I guess I'll get to try this after I flush.

I am posting from my phone, I’m playing games you idiot. Jesus maybe that schizo meme shit has a direction

Sweaty is intentional dude everyone knows this.
t. phoneposter

I thought phones auto-capitalize and this retard is writing like a retard instead.

>looks amazing


You can manually uncapitalize words on phones, you know that right? You can uncorrect an autocorrect too. Changing filenames is also easy.

game is fun af

Attached: rail1.webm (996x560, 2.84M)

Looks like Overwatch.
I'll pass. Tell me when they make an arena shooter that doesn't look like its made of fisher price plastic toys.

Attached: rail2.webm (996x560, 2.91M)

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There are some seriously retarded people in here, it’s bad. Anyway, greetings from my phone that also has a browser. Not digging gold rush much but I love all the other modes

>netcode is somewhere in between QC 2017 and QC now. perfect tracking, perfect rails, and perfect direct rockets go through players constantly. you get hit behind cover with any hitscan weapons and rl splash damage is bipolar. even reddit, the massive circlejerk where no negatives are allowed, has brought this up
>lag comp is horrendous. doesn't matter if it's 120 or 20, the player with the higher ping has a huge advantage. again, another issue even reddit has documented
>in eveyr mode there is 1 fairly decent map with the rest being fucking shit
>ffa is a clusterfuck. why are there 2 powerups on every map? why can't i hold both at the same time? why are the weapons scattered at random with no thought? the gimmick of respawning with the weapon that killed you makes it so most of your encounters are lg and rl and it gets very old, very quick.
>ca/wipeout is more boring and tedious than before. if there was a cap on time that increased with each death i think it could've worked
>ig screams a pretentious dev who wanted to make something different for the sake of it being different
>1v1 is the only fun mode so long as A) netcode is in your favor and B) you don't mind playing the same 10 or so people
>game is dead on yt and reddit
>twitch stays below 3k unless 1 cunt is streaming or james needs to stream to make it seem popular
>james actively shills here when he's not streaming. these threads have a nasty habit of getting to page 7, getting a new bump/topic rolling, yet poster # never increases. also, if you watch some vids of james being "le bad boi", you can spot his personality a mile away in these threads

Game has potential and I really do want it to succeed, but James is an egotistical crackhead that sold out to Epic for more crack.

I don't get why you chose the shill style to write this post, I can't understand if you like the game or not, it's like you think "there's no thing like bad advertisement", but for games there certainly is
if you are the type of idiot that this game attracts / person that this company hires to shill , I don't want anything to do with it

It’d be better if it wasn’t instagib

I think it looks pleasant, but I get that its likely a turn off for a lot of players
a shame since its instantly better than QC

Attached: instagib.webm (996x560, 2.97M)

Check out raphas last stream to see how great QC is

Direct rails did nothing

Dropped. All they had to do was to copy fucking Quake 3 Arena and call it a day. They instead ruined it. Its a piece of shit and its a shame it had to drag the name quake trough the dirt.

They updated Overwatch?!

QC is also shit. DB is also shit for different reasons, some similar

The fucking chinese zombie posting in this thread is unreal.

>I can't understand if you like the game or not
how the hell would he like it if he hasn't played it yet?

wtf is 'chinese zombie posting'?

Doubt it, the issue with ((no new player entry)) of quakeclones is still there.
Graphics wont change it

its amazing how people can shill, then lie when called out on it, then sleep soundly at night.

>every game discussion is shills
>the 1000 shills who flood real game discussions and try to ruin it are the good guys

Stay in your shitposting threads instead of killing the last few game discussions we have here. You are the real shills

It’s what man children say when a game comes out they don’t like but many others do. Something to do with tencent investing in epic. Meanwhile they are on discord which is owned by tencent. They just don’t know

so uhh whats the point of playing this over cpm with friends, mm vs retards?

everyone who likes x when I don't like x is paid to like it, natural logic of a schizo. QC fags especially are scared that it will split the playerbase.
There already is more demand for this than there ever was QC.

fairly certain ctf will be the center of weekend 4 test.

Attached: quadd.webm (996x560, 2.97M)

It’s got mm and browser, and it’s good

stop calling me a shill for not knowing what fucking 'chinese zombie posting' is you shitposting faggot

>everyone who likes x when I don't like x is paid to like it, natural logic of a schizo.
No, you shills are just trying way to hard to act like you`re not.
Why would you even care if someone says that people are shilling the game?

>go to customization
>Made in China sticker
I know why it's actually there but I still laughed

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because you fucking piece of shit nigger retard are in every thread like the obnoxious stain you are

>getting mad
Wasn't even directed at you. I replied in a hurry during fragging some dudes.

Because a drove of autists ruins every single game discussion on this board. They flood these threads and shitpost them to death. They are the ones acting like shills. While the people in these threads actually discuss the game.

Shills aswell, so what?
Be happy someone bumps your shitty "quake clone that will fail like all the other 10 quake clones before" thread.
Also, stay mad.


the same one cunt shill who makes up 75% of all posts in these posts uses that word about three times in every thread.

Who the fuck is james ?

compared to quakelive/3... the majority of players used custom settings that made it look like smeared shit.
>inb4 this looks like smeared shit on default

pretty sure hes the creator of diabotical

Lurk moar.

creepy date rapist about to get me too'd.