Gets cut next game

>Gets cut next game
Sorry tranjokes

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Why even play the next game? It won't be better than Ultimate, they'll never have a roster this big again.

The last Smash game I'm buying, most likely.

That's just trying too hard


Would it be spinoff if the main character gets cut? What do you even mean?
banjokazzooie: the tiger from diddy kong racing episode?

there's more to smash than the roster.

Every week or so I visit /v l and I STILL see this shit, you people are crazy

Not anymore.

Most of the roster is getting cut in the next game.

Not according to Yas Forums.

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My theory is that for the next game they will develop a system similar to Soul Calibur that allows you to make your own fighters, as well as movesets. You fight a huge ton of them in singleplayer and any ones you like you can save.

Super Smash Bros: Unlimited (Since the roster is now infinite)

Like what? The shitty "gameplay"? The poor excuse for a single-player campaign? The god-awful smelly wannabe FGC scene?

get rid of your depression and you'll see the light of truth

>One of the biggest, most positive reactions ever
>So big that it got Nintendo and Microsoft's attention
>Surprised everyone with how massive the fan reaction was
>Phil Spencer said it was the easiest deal he's ever had to make.
>The trailer and B-K's classic run victory screen shows all sorts of characters cheering.
>Anti-fags actually think B-K will get cut IF there is another smash.
The goalposts just continue to move and move and move.

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Maybe, but it's one of the biggest things.

On top of that Ultimate feels like the sweetspot of gameplay for me, the only game that could be argued to be better is Melee.

Your psychic?

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then, that's what DLC should've focused on. more fighters is cool and all but i want something to broaden the experience to new ways. all they do is add fighters over and over. i wish home run contest wasn't the last mode added to the game.

>The easiest negotiations were between Rare/Microsoft and Nintendo.
>Easier then SquareEnix and Nintendo
Banjo's gonna stick around like Megaman and Pacman.
Sorry Seethy Stevey.

ok, but here me out.
both steve and banjo in the same game and everyone is happy

>yfw this is the new Smash roster
>you unlock Megaman, Pac-Man and Sonic.

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I haven't been going on this board lately but all day and I think yesterday I've just seen Banjo shitposting back and forth, is this common now?

It's schitzo stevefags from their failed discord group trying for one last hurrah.

Yeah, and the fan favorites getting cut will never undo their addition to Ultimate. The argument on whether or not they could/should get in is over. Detractors lost. Sonic is in. Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo are in. Snake is back and he brought the Belmonts. Cloud is the chosen representative of a franchise celebrated within Nintendo's history. Square Enix was willing to get another franchise in. Bayonetta was not too violent or risque. Third parties like Capcom and Sega could get additional characters from their companies. Villager was not too peaceful. Pac-Man could have a full moveset and could be his classic design. Duck Hunt was not blocked by Wii Fit Trainer taking up a surprise slot. Little Mac is in with a full moveset and Villager's jab meant dick. Both Rosalina and Bowser Jr could get in. Shulk was not too unknown. Pokémon can get in at any time. Fire Emblem can keep fucking expanding. Squirtle and Ivysaur could come back no problem. Mooks can get in. Miis can get in. Recolors and reskins can get in. Japanese exclusive characters can get in. Western characters can get in. Characters like Daisy who are basically spinoff-exclusive can get in. Irrelevant characters can get in. Characters irrelevant to their own franchises can get in. Characters can undergo design tweaks to make the transition to Smash easier. There are 75+ characters in please shut the fuck about your dumb bullshit rules and just play the game.

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Probably discordfags false-flagging to stir up shit again like they did with Geno a few weeks ago.

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>next game

>next game

What do you think ultimate means, user?

Why do they do this

Autism. Hell, the Banjo fans have probably been in /vr/ just talking about the games.

>implying anyone will play the next game

>Banjo and Kazooie return next game
>To make stevefags seethe even more, they add 2 more Microsoft characters those being rash and conker and Steve ended up being an assist trophy

Like said, Banjo and Kazooie getting cut next game will not undo their addition in Ultimate. They are, now and forever, a part of Smash Bros history, and that's really all we needed. Well, that and a new BK game but what are the odds of such a thing anyway?

>Add Rash, Conker, and secret character Sabreman


because there is hope that all generic swordmen get culled.

Aw, were you btfo'd so hard it hurt your feelie weelies, Stevefag


Reminder than Banjo was revived by Smash Ultimate.
Reminder then Banjobros smugness will last for eternity.
Reminder that Banjobros hold no hatred for those who mocked them, but wish only that they too could experience their feeling of eternal victory.

If Banjo was truly revived by Smash Ultimate, then why is the latest Banjo game still Nuts and Bolts?

Actually, his latest game was a 2015 ball demo thing. He turned into a fucking ball. For some reason. Him and Conker.

Its only been 6 months
See you at July's Microsoft Direct

At least he's actually in a smash game. Seeth harder steevie

Give it time, my friend. Rome wasn't built in a day.

The only reason anyone remembers Banjo-Kazooie in 2020 is because of JonTron. The boomers that grew up with the 64 forgot about these games a long time ago.



>Never the guy
>Never drew a dime
>Never cut a memorable promo
>Never put anyone over
>Never had the balls to step out of his Collectathon comfort even when Rareware threw millions at him
>Only had one good game
>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
>Main evented the second lowest drawing Xbos exclusive of the '00s
>Tanked the buyrate of Rare Replay so hard his remaster was cancelled
>Was barely ever in the AAA picture outside of the N64 because he was never a big enough deal
>Only the 10th best member of Diddy Kong Racing
>Only the 9th best member of Banjo Pilot
>His gibberish speak was cringeworthy
>His ugly yellow pants was cringeworthy
>Unironically calls himself """"""""DA BEAR AND DA BIRD""""""""
>Shit taste in video games
>Shit gimmicks
>Failed at getting over with the Xbros crowd so badly he was reduced to a bonus costume in Minecraft which actually drew dimes
>Only significant achievement was being one of 12 N64 games that actually sold more than a million copies
>Is the video game equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre middle manager whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is staying in the same shitty job for 25 years
>Drew so poorly in his 2005 game that Conker of all people had to take the spotlight off him
>spent the latter part of his career buried by superior young talent
>The biggest impact he had on the business was giving Playtonic enough leverage to swindle 2 Million dollars from sad millenial manchildren who can't grow up and let go of the past

>Main evented the lowest drawing Nintendo system of the '90s
But there wasn't any Banjo game on the Virtual Boy

And he got in smash before le funni block man
Hi. I was 9 when Banjo Kazooie first came out. It was my fourth game on my Jungle Green see through N64 that came with DK64.
It still works, btw. And just to upset you, I'm going to play it right now.

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Imagine being this dude and taking the time to type all that out.

>Mr. Pink

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Literal retard

They had it saved from when they posted le funni steve model

>screen-caps Banjobros for a cringe comp
>ends up screen-capped himself in a cringe comp
Live by the sword, die by the sword and all that.

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Next Smash game
>Free to Play
>starts with just the original 12
>seasonal updates adding 6-10 Ultimate characters for a fee
>every paid character is buffed to the point where the original 12 are all trash and the Ultimate newcomers are all dominant

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It's a mobile game, so why would it matter?

there genuinely isn't.
Gameplayfags will always just go back to melee anyways, as sakurai has done his absolute damnedest to ensure that there will never be another smash game like that, so the only thing samurai can possibly do to keep other people interested is ensure that their character doesn't get cut.
If they get rid of the "everybody is here" thing for the next smash bros game, nobody will fucking play it because it still won't have to approval of the gameplayfags, and it won't have the approval of rosterfags either.

I can only assume Mr. Pink is a Reservoir Dogs reference, Bad Fur Day was rife with pop culture shit. No idea what the deal with Banjowulf is, though. Maybe a nod to Saberwulf?

The game was also some kind of multiplayer katamari game

It's a reference to Sabrewulf from Killer Instinct.

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Please do not give Nintendo any ideas. If there's anything I want them to learn from MKT, it's that the free-to-play model they went for is fucking atrocious.

i'd like to play an smash game that isn't using 15 year old tech

lol, not after Brawl

That'd be dope but it wouldn't work. SC is a bunch of original characters, Smash thrives on crossover.

stevefags are forever btfo

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so, what, they'll suddenly make a game that's mechanically better than melee?

I just wanna know, who else could they add at this point?

Crash Bandicoot.

that projection though

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Unless he decides to focus on the gameplay since he can't on the roster anymore. Logical thing to do

Conker, Joanna dark, and rash

>kills themselves over a video game
Actually retarded.

pretty retarded desu but not as bad as the person they were replying to.
a.k.a. a rabid tranjoke

If it weren't for the fact that he has actively shunned making the gameplay good since melee, I would think you were right.
But considering his track record, I would say that it would unlikely. Ultimately, only time will tell, but I'm not putting up any hopes for it.

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>Ultimately, only time will tell
was that a fucking pun

it is now

I call it natural selection