If you had to pick one who would you choose?

If you had to pick one who would you choose?

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great body and lovely personality.

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>open slutty
>unaware slutty
>low profile slutty

the one that gives the best footjobs

I'm agonizing over the decision in FF7R. I was always a Tifa man, but after seeing this Aeris (fuck you, Aerith sounds gay), I may change it up.

The only true answer.

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Tifa, honestly. She gets more shit than she deserves for being scared and trying to keep Cloud relatively stable, and she stuck with him when her worst fears materialized

>fuck you, Aerith sounds gay

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Always Yuffie

Tifa because she's been damaged and rejected by the one she loved like me.

Yuffie because she is underage and I love cunny

nobody since Aeris is already a corpsie

Which one has the most toned tummy?

Don't project your sad love life on best girl, Tifa got the D like the Stacy she is.

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The one with the fattest ass

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Yuffie, for sure. She'd be perfect if her hair was a bit longer.

That would be Tifa tho

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Aerith is used goods. Tifa is too hot not to be. Yuffie is young enough she might not have yet sold her body out for Materia.

Why not a nice fit firm bubble instead of some squishy mass?

Tifa stole Aerits brapbox

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oh no....

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Yuffie is so best man oh man.

Yuffie and is not even close

Aeris is a cheap whore who sells her body to old dirty men for 50gil/hour
She is also known as "the hoover of Midgar" and "that girl who sucks dog cocks for 100gil"
Her selling flowers is a code for her giving her virginity for 200gil, which everyone knows already. Thanks to her, most of Midgar is part-ancient and next generation will have incest relationships at least on some level
Anyone who disagrees is just delusional

Tifa fucks black men and sucks cocks under the table. That is how her bar stays afloat. The name 7th heaven comes from her fucking 7 dudes at the same time and sucking 7 meters of cock in one day.

Yuffie is pure

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>Aeripttthhh is dead (and ZACKED)
>Tifa is with Cloud (and after all he's been through the poor bastard doesn't deserve to be cucked)
>Yuffie would pick my pocket mid-coitus (even if my trousers were in the other room)


Yeah, as his second choice. There's more to love than getting to slam.


>still in denial that he wanted to bang both thots
You waifufags will be the death of me.

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Oh my god Yuffie is so perfect I would lick the dirt between her toes while she just giggles maniacally and I erupt my ejaculation with the strengh or a supernova covering her entire petite skinny body with my hot fluids

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nice headcannon

Aerith of course. Shes the perfect wife. Gorgeous, funny and a lively girl.

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The dog. Man's best friend.

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None because no one is allowed to love me. This is a rule I've set for myself.

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Lick tummy, smell shithole, drink breast milk

>finally SE makes figures of the ff7 og character design
>they give Tifa bitch eyes instead of her droopy eyes
Can those faggots do anything right?

She's a dirty thief

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This but smell and lick all their shitholes. Bonus if their shitholes are hairy

That little klepto bitch got me killed on my very first playthrough. Fucked up by birds chasing her to Wutai. Had to restart days into playing because I didn't have a memory card yet, as my Playstation was brand new, got it just to play FF7. I love her anyway

Tifa because she has everything, but Yuffie is a close second because of that tummy.


Who ever the girl in the middle is

Based Dark Nation

Shame we're still like 2 years away from Elena

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I remember spending a long time messing up the dialogue choices to unlock Yuffie in 2nd grade. I tried all of them except the correct combination multiple times because I was sure there was no way you were really supposed to refuse she joins you and I didn't want to miss out on unlocking her.

Since Aeris kicks the bucket and it's a three-person party, I'll take Tifa AND Yuffie, thanks.

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Tifa because she has HUGE knockers

Yuffie. She is cute!

Priscilla or Marlene.

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doesnt matter each is a great waifu which none of us betas could satisfy

I'm sad I can't remember a lot of my original feelings when I played the original. My memory is destroyed from all the medications I've taken the last 6 years. I replayed it and I wonder which characters I liked then. I'd say Yuffie now though.

Have there been leaks of character designs or models for Yuffie/Cid? Or the others? I know they're not in this part but I would assume they'd design the main cast as one of the first things.

I wanna lick Yuffie's tummy!

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Her boobs might have gotten smaller but her thighs haven't

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Where's that from?

>Her boobs might have gotten smaller
They havent
Her body has changed to be less cartoony

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For me, it's Tifa.

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The graphics look better there


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the fuck they have done to her
her milkers are massive
Did Nomura got so butthurt at the criticism that delivered

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Classic costumes when?

>nu tifa x old tifa