Is this the most epic Valve puzzle

Its so frickin ebik, I love it when its pure gamble

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lol get fucked zoomer

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Right, nothing better than getting killed because of things that are completely random in a single player game, WOHOOO


Okay Phil

just climb the ladder quickly bro

Woohoooo joes here what can we do

Its as random as it gets.
Right, but then you still get chopped.

How does it feel knowing I was able to do this at 13 years of age and you are unable to do it at your current year?

It isn't random, git gud lol.

what's random????

Lol, I too can do it if just use saves, LMAO. But then you can do everything and why even play the game.

You can produce a different result every single time.

You push the button and it gradually increases in speed..............
What is random about that??????????????????????????????????

Its not, it goes quickly in less than 3 seconds.



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>the way its intended to play

Why are so many people getting triggered by Half Life recently, is it the f2p period?


Some triggered trannyfaggot is making these threads.

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i never really considered half life 1 to be a casual filter but here we are.

>OP gets BTFO

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to be fair for a first player you shouldn't be expected to go that fast,i dunno

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imagine losing to the fucking environment LMAO

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Bro, you should have touched the button from the other part of the room, LOL!

you can turn off the vent and try it again, there's no excuse for OP retardation

>people still dont know that forwards+strafe while looking up in halflife/cs makes you climb ladders faster

The fan gets placed on a different position, dumboid.

I realize now, I never even noticed it as a puzzle or real obstacle, wow

Yeah, if you just spiddidy doo the whole game it seems quite easy. Might as well just use noclip.

how do you sprint in half life?

>half life is more of a movie than uncharted 2
Fucks sake has he ever played Uncharted 2? The closest it gets to not being a movie is the train mission

Don't you have some Facebook posts to make, Fabian?

thats just W lol wdym

Aren't you busy sucking Eli's cock?

so fucking based

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>clears something that he knows

Honestly, I could excuse maybe 1 death. Maybe you're actually low enough IQ to not understand that pushing that button will activate the fan. Or maybe you think its going to push you down for some reason.
But you've suddenly changed your tone from "its RNG" to "Well.. you just know what to do"
You're just fucking bad at games. Stick to movies, kid.

>stick to movies
But this games is as casual as it gets, even on hard 90% of the enemies can be EASILY killed with a crowbar. The other too can but what is the point of the game if I can just lmao speedrun everything you dumb bitch faggot, you can't even see the irony in your own post. You don't play the game the way its supposed to, of course its going to be an easy game if you do that. Fucking retard.

At no point did I say it was hard. The only one crying about difficulty is you.

To be fair, he probably isn't too far off from 13. Yas Forums is the most underage board on the site by far, even more than Yas Forums.

>still can't comprehend
A lost cause.

comprehend what? you've lost the argument lmao

>still doesn't get it

>started a thread calling something RNG
got BTFO
>said I wasn't playing as intended
got BTFO
>pivoted into saying it was easy
I agree, it is easy
>you just don't get it
I understand, you got BTFO lmao and you're clearly mega upset by it

You didn't play it as intended...


they used to call HL1 the thinking man's shooter.
so what do you think you should do to prevail, OP?

You barely pressed the button from afar and nobody climbs the ladder like that, LOL.
The problem is that there is nothing to think about it. I really wish there was since I do play it carefully and look around the environment for clues.

Nobody walks up to the ladder, looks up and holds W
jesus the damage control here is cringe. just admit you're failed at climbing a fucking ladder lmao

how can you know something that is supposedly rng?

>climbing is the same as walking
Knew it, you're mentally disabled.

After dying a few times he learned how to exploit it.

AHAHAHHAAHAHAH holy shit you're so fucking bad at games
you literally hold W looking up
that's it
there's no skill to it
you've shown your colors. you're just fucking retarded and bad and mad you got blown the fuck out

See, I said climbing yet you continue to talk about how you get to the ladder... Once again you miss the point. Nobody clims the ladders and jumps from it like that. You rushed it and if you had to do it normally its not supposed to be like that.

I choose to believe this thread is bait because the thought of someone being this retarded makes me want to kill

>wheres the qte for sick ladder animation

You can always kill yourself, user...

this thread again. this place is filled with newfags.