Guiding lands are shit

>guiding lands are shit
>constantly having to tenderize parts is shit
>monster AI is now shit
I'm just not having fun anymore bros.
Did i grow out of MH after like a decade of playing it or is Iceborne just ass?

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guiding lands beats the shit out of 4u's investigations and you don't "have" to tenderize, monster ai is fucking identical to previous games

iceborne is ass I think, don't even have the motivation to boot it up anymore. hoping the next MonHun will be less shit, really hate how Safi weapons in particular outclass nearly every crafted weapon.

>guiding lands beats the shit out of 4u's investigations
>you don't "have" to tenderize
"Just play badly, then the game is fun lol" Retard.
>ai is fucking identical to previous games

shitter cope

>better than GQs

Fuck outta here

Guiding Lands are much worse than Guild Quests, dumb retard.

ah i see you're one of those "if i'm not playing hyper-optimally i'm not playing at all" dumbshits i've heard so much about

>hurrrrr if u try to not play like shit ur bad!!!!
when they said they made MHW to appeal to western audiences they meant retards like you

>playing optimally is bad
MH community is dead, World officially killed it.

>bro don't you wanna git le gud?
back to dark souls 3 with you, you don't have to play optimally to be successful in monster hunter by any stretch of the imagination and monster hunter is an easy enough game that playing patiently guarantees you will be successful eventually

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That's no what i said you brainless nigger, you're literally telling me to ignore one of the core mechanics that massively boosts damage output in order to fix the game.

Don't worry, you're right. Some people are fucking retarded, acting like MH is esports or some shit. They don't hold a candle to actually TA niggers I can guarantee it.

I like hunting monsters, and if it takes me 20 minutes thats ok

>has to resort to samefagging himself now
Honestly sad.

You'll go far, kid. I believe in you.

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>guiding lands beats the shit out of 4u's investigations
fuck no

Treat it as an autistic grind for the monsters you want and you'll hate it
Treat it as a slow-burn of hunting and gathering at your own pace and you'll love it

>he did it again
Oh my.

just use part breaker and call it a day

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>when two people respond to me it's samefagging
Is this schizophrenia?

I, too, know how to use MS Paint or inspect element.

You okay user?

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>Dude just don't use it
This argument doesn't apply when monsters are designed around it.

What monster is designed around tenderizing, the closest I can think of is Shara Ishvalda and it's still not a hard requirement.


>when monsters
*a monster

>4th gen casualized the series
>World was a huge overhaul and and is just an almagamation of of the casualizations added in 4th gen
>Iceborne adds some shitty live service mechanics in an attempt to add a "endgame" and "roles"
It's not just you, MH hasn't been good since 3rd gen.

Ebony Odo and Namielle

>ebony odo
Lord no, I went at him with those water-element guild DBs and never felt the need to tenderize him once

3rd gen can't be best because swimming was fucking horrible.

take a break and wait for a handful of new(variant) monsters to release
that's what I'm doing

Swimming was fucking great

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Why is tenderize that good?
It just looks kind of that bonus that gives flat affinity bonuses.

>Swimming was fucking great

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MH is just too casual and mainstream now. I booted up 3 recently and had way more fun than anything in World

We're talking about weakening spots with the clutch claw, that's called tenderizing.
You're thinking of Weakness Exploit, but yes that skill is also super busted. Affinity is everything in this game.

Random question gents. I just bought a Switch a month ago and when I'm playing Generations occasionally for whatever reason the controls become unresponsive for a couple of seconds.

Like the camera will just start spinning or my button presses don't register. Anyone know what's going on?

>oldfags mad MHWorld is the best MH game
>All they can do to cope is call out the best part of the game as something bad
>They think their opinions matter

World has problems but I wouldn't trade any of the QOL improvements for 20 reskinned Rathalos. Also the meta is irrelevant since the average vtard can't kill monsters without crutch weapons.

Seethe harder, GenUlt Niggers

Hoo, that's when the damage numbers are circled by small arrows, right?

It is that useful?
I'm not a big fan of using the clutch claw.

Guiding lands is EASILY the best endgame they've ever had though. Monster AI is much harder too after they finally got rid of the 90° turn that was universal to all the monsters.

didn't used to be
back when the highest raw damage was 200, +20 attack was better than +5% attack
now that we have Mr. Weapons that go up to 2000 raw damage, suddenly +5% attack is equivalent to +100 attack,the maximum straight up attack boost you can get
now crits are king, but not everyone got the memo

Clutch claw is so mandatory its not fun. Master Rank doesn't feel very organic.

In HR you got punished heavily for not planning your hunt out. MR planning your hunt properly against variables you don't know yet is the bare minimum to not take half an hour a hunt.

Go back.

GL is legitimately great and I'm happy we have some freeform hunting for once
agree, broken parts should just count as wounded and be done with it
get good

You haven’t been playing for 10 years, so let’s start with that lie

It's good, maybe even the best MH in general, but also the most flawed one.

Main problems are the awful online algorithms, cheaters, tenderizing and just overall laziness like not even being able to fucking sort skill names by a logical scheme.

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>In HR you got punished heavily for not planning your hunt out.
That's your excuse for every MH game and it shows. I bet you said the same shit about base world, Generations, 4U and 3U and so on.

Weakness Exploit enhances attacks made on parts tenderized by the clutch claw, in addition to natural weak spots, so they synergize well when the monster is covering its vulnerable parts

You didn't grow out of it, MHW is just shit. It's more accessible shit that sold like crazy though, so get ready for another decade of it.

You just don't like modern MH. That's fine.
Take a break until MH6.

Yeah i did, sorry faggot. I know it's hard to believe, but some people actually played this series before it became Nintendoshit.

Its just boring. Every monster plays like shit with these massive attacks where you just have to wait for the monster to stop sperging out. Theres just no action anymore it almost feels scripted with how the monsters rear back to let you ise the new gimmick. Iceborne made hunting monsters not fun

Have they added HR / GR layered armors in Guiding Lands on PC yet? I've been holding off on playing until they get added. Just can't play this fucking game without the dopamine hit I get from seeing "NEW" on a piece of equipment at the forge every hunt.

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Go back and play the Monster Hunter games you've got rose-tinted goggles for and you'll see they're not actually any more complicated, in actual gameplay they're less so. Main difference is you were using decorations/charms to cancel out the negative effects of your armor.

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I know & a lot of people lie about it as well.

What is this webm trying to prove?

It’s impossible for me to go back, in afraid. Anything before 3U is nigh unplayable to me now.

That's a natural reaction, MH1 and 2 (and their PSP upgrades) are goddamned horrible in comparison to later titles and often relied on broken hitboxes for any semblance of difficulty.

>Go back and play the Monster Hunter games you've got rose-tinted goggles for and you'll see they're not actually any more complicated
No aspect of my post had anything to do with complexity, i think Iceborne is too bloated actually.

That's good for you.

That’s because of Joycon drift, nothing to do with Generations.

I honestly kinda miss how broken and unfair FU was.

Now don't get me wrong, things like bad hitboxes and overly obtuse mechanics are objectively bad, but subjectively i really enjoyed how it felt like the game was just stacked against you back then.
You had to prep more before every hunt to compensate for the bullshit and when you solo'd some endgame boss back then it really felt like a huge victory.
NuMH is too smooth to replicate that feeling with its accurate hitboxes, balanced weapons etc,

I wonder how much less shitposty MH threads would be like if there was no console war factor.

"end game" in every Mhun is shit

Consolefags are just too obsessed, their choice of toy defines their entire identity.

iceborne is so fucking awful

MHW is boring.

Clutch claw and mantles have to go.
Boosters can stay maybe.

Grinding Lands sucks because no communication and people are gay.

MHW would be massively improved if they brought back 4 player lobbies that can be freely named.

Yeah but they'll never do that because they want this game to be some type of pseudo-MMO for some fucking stupid reason.