Can someone answer this question?

DOOM (2016) was universally appreciated by gamers, zoomers and boomers alike, and people are excited about DOOM Eternal.
So my question is, why is Yas Forums the only place on the entire internet that has a small group of autists who hate the games for dumb reasons? It's almost like they don't hate the game for those reasons, but rather, they actively try their hardest to find reasons to justify their hatred of these games.
So, is anyone capable of giving an explanation for this phenomenon? Or is "autism" the only explanation we can give?

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Other urls found in this thread:

doom 2016 was fun and played fun. eternal looks dumb and boring.

2016 was meh, eternal looks like an improvement

Yas Forums just likes being contrarian. They have nothing better to do than autistically sperg about optional skins and other irrelevant shit.

the art style and monster design is shitty as fuck. The original doom did hell better

The two posts above yours really cements what you said

This is why no one takes you guys seriously

Because the entire goddamn point of anonymous image boards is to get (you)s and the best way to do that is to be a contrarian asshole.
That's literally it. OP's actual opinion doesn't ever enter into the equation.

in short: doom is a good game but not a good doom game (so yes its autism)


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Its not doom.

Its just another case of an old game being being brought back to life like Frankenstein monster, because plebs will buy it if they see a popular name in spite of the game being souless garbage.

[>] Well Designed, puzzle like levels

[X] Linear Hallways that randomly lock you in for an arena match

Yas Forums hasn't been a video game board in nearly a decade. It's a contrarian/trolling board. 90% of people who post about games here haven't even played them.


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The biggest thing is Yas Forums likes Tortanics, I really don't take it too seriously and there's enough people wanting to actually talk about the game that it does help drown it out.
You should see VR threads, it was like this for years but once Half Life: Alyx got announced it's been a shit show.
The biggest thing is that people will just lie about it, making it extremely obvious they haven't actually played what they're criticizing, and when you make an actual point or call them out on it it's 'cope, shill' or 'seething'
It's just how the board is.
I wouldn't be surprised if the people the most vocal and upset do end up playing the game because they're just playing the Yas Forums haha funny (you) game.
All the anger and vitriol on here isn't an indication of anything really.
Just how we user's are.

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The point is the original doom wasn't a soulless cash grab. Why would anybody even want to play new doom when it does nothing new. Its just another bland shooter that predictable in every way that a cash grab should be.

If you could have only old doom or new doom, which would you choose?

>faceless marine
what a poser

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I personally didn't enjoy doom very much because everything about it felt repetitive after a while of it feeling great to play and I didn't like how the action kept getting interrupted. You go from killing everything in sight to doing platforming and the switch between them is really jarring, also the platforming sections were annoying. I will say that the multiplayer was a lot of fun. But I didn't like the old doom either so why the fuck am I in this thread exactly?

I really liked 2016 but wasnt more than a really fun campaign. Thing is, is that its not a proper sandbox like og DOOM.

That's a dumb question


You cant even answer it because you know the new games are shit.

Wow man, the platforming/jumping/climbing part at 08mn53 looks soooooo fun, I can't wait! That's literally the best Doom game ever! It's the same as the old one but better!

Other fora tend to be separated by board topic meaning only the autists for that specific game would hang around there and most of them will defend shit to the death.

Here, there are individual threads about different games and more meta topics in regards to platform and peripherals. The autists here are for games in general in other words, meaning not everyone likes your shitty shooter trash.

Understand now? Good.

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>that shitty gameplay at 9:20
>$60 game

2016 was kinda shitty desu. Copy pasted arenas, QTE enemies, terrible story, cringe incel visuals for angry metal loners etc.

It was mostly hated upon release, but incels found a way to create a false perception of critical acclaim. They have a lot of free time.

That's some impressive mental gymnastics, user. Can't you just accept that a lot of people liked it?

Contrarian as per usual. I've been here since 200X, and believe you me, if Doom 2016 wasn't as succesful as this, Yas Forums will be head over heels with it until the sequel comes out, where it would be regarded as the one that ruins Doom 2016 (and the whole series) forever.

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Holy fuck. They really did it. They ripped off Shadow warrior 2's (remake) movement system. That's fucking hilarious.

Is there a single game that doesn't get hated by some anons on Yas Forums? No there isn't.

See this is what I mean.

They say something disingenuous or inflammatory or wacky and I say oh noooo that's not true and I reply to them and they reply with 'cope seething dilate shill' and we reply back and forth and back and forth.

It's just a game, we're all just stuck playing it.
It really doesn't matter at the end of the day.
It's like being in a cartoon, no matter what happens everything will reset back to normal for next week's episode and we'll keep doing it until the sun burns out.

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Except they turn out to be correct every single time, like the CP2077 trainwreck.

What the fuck is Brainy shooting at?

Where is power armor nig in the bottom right aiming? Why he already attacking? No one's even there.

Also, I dunno what the fuck is going on with the zombie in the middle or that chain connection.

Why's all this shit so bright and shiny and plastic looking?

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>shoot anything
>mandatory cutscene of you killing it
>same cutscene over and over and over
>if you dont do this you die on higher difficulties, as the game is literally balanced around them

It's a badly-designed game. Stupid shit like RPG elements only make it worse.

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This user right here knows exactly how Yas Forums works.

Eternal looks like sanitized boring garbage. How does anything in that launch trailer look fun? It's near mindless and no challenge.

>classic chads
>Well structured and thought out arguments as labyrinthine yet perfectly coherent as the levels of their homeland

Not a single pair of these hands was typing here earlier than 2016.

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>Why would anybody even want to play new doom when it does nothing new.

Jesus this is painful.

Half the autists will say it's nothing like the original Doom and it sucks because of it, then the other half are saying it is exactly like the original Doom and it sucks because of it.

It's not hard to see why society in general is fucked up.

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Because you can't let people think what they want to think

What we wanted
>The design philosophy of DOOM with logical improvements

What you think we wanted
>DOOM again

What we actually received
>DOOM with God of War finishers, a half-assed RPG system, a story nobody asks for nor is interested in, a total absence of level design, a total absence of art design and the usual Bethesda faggotry


I tried playing 2016 because shills wouldn't stop praising it. The game was fine until I got bored of the retarded platforming and the shooting gallery design of the game where you just walk from arena to arena and then fight a handful of demons that slowly spawn one after the other. I thought it was a mediocre game but not really bad and much better than the garbage the industry shits out every year so overall it was a positive game.

Doom eternal was announced and shills wouldn't stop talking about how it was heavily inspired by doom 64, my favorite and best doom imo, so I was really curious about it. Then the trailer drop and surprise surprise, eternal takes every single bad aspect of 2016 and makes it worse. Platforming sections, retarded attachments and perks and whatever, the same shooting gallery design, obnoxious hud with retarded "follow the waymarker" level design, cutscenes npcs and exposition out of the wazoo. The more I learn about eternal the more disgusted I am at it and the fact shills are shitting up the board in full force is a big red sign for me that this game is going to be garbage, not that I needed more than two awful trailers to confirm it anyways.

NuZoomers BTFO

both 2016 and eternal looks meh, I got bored of 2016 really fast and don't plan to play eternal.

Hi, welcome to Yas Forums.
If you post something positive about a video game, you will be called a fag and a shill. If you post something negative about a video game you will be called a fag and a shill.
Nothing anyone says here has any value. This board is only for very thinly failed porn threads designed to make you reverse image search fan art to cause you to jerk off. All other threads will be shit-posted to death by the same couple dozen autists over and over again.

Yas Forums has literally never been right though


Played all the classics and loved them to death, haven't played 2016 but I think it looks neat.

From what I've seen the biggest difference between both iterations is the level design. Classic is more open ended and maze-like, while 2016 is more claustrophobic and has more verticality. I feel like a middle point could be reached, but I'm not sure if the devs at id are even interested in doing that.

I must say that I prefer 2016's version of Doomslayer.

True. Pic very related.

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What's stopping you from playing it? It's worth trying if you're interested.

Wanna complete other stuff first.

Doom16 really isn't that good. The pacing is off (due to those kill modes) and level layout aren't that interesting.

That's pretty good bait. I could see people falling for it.

>What I wanted:
>Dusk, Amid Evil, Ion Fury kinda of revival for the Doom series
>What we got:
>Overwatch: God of War edition

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>From what I've seen the biggest difference between both iterations is the level design.
Correct, it's mostly a performance and AI thing.
I do prefer the mobility and wide open spaces of the original Doom games, but Doom 2016 does a good job of making the combat fun, making you want to fight, and it tries its best to make you feel like you aren't trapped in a room to fight even though you technically are.

>I feel like a middle point could be reached, but I'm not sure if the devs at id are even interested in doing that.
It seems like they're trying to do that with Eternal, arenas are much larger and they're trying to add more in between fights so it doesn't feel like it's so stop and go. They talk about criticisms about 2016 in interviews and it really seems like they did what they could to make the same game but bigger and with a better understanding on what people didn't like about Doom 2016. and how to make it better.
I definitely have my gripes about Doom 2016 so it get's me excited whenever I hear the developers or people who really enjoyed Doom 2016 say that it's hard to even go back to Doom 2016 after playing Eternal.

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That's neat to hear.

I've also heard Eternal is gonna need a Bethesda account, tho.

Man, I'm so glad Eternal is not called Doom 2.
Having to say Doom 2016 so many times is fucking exhausting.
Fucking hate this naming convention for reboots.

Doom 2016 was an okay game. Let's be honest. Wasn't compelling enough to finish. Not bad, just kinda meh. It was well made structurally though...I guess

ok yoomer

I can't wait until i hear the cope from Yas Forumstards
>Ok, it might be an always online game but it's DOOM

You know I'm really not sure on that.
I really doubt you'll need make one to play the base game, it's probably just multiplayer.
That's just how it is these days sadly.
Have to make an Activation account for CoD
Epic account for Fortnite
Ubisoft account for Siege
EA account for, whatever they put out
And an Xbox live account for MCC on PC.

It's fucking dumb but at least it's free. It's not like I haven't made a throw away account for lesser shit like an old ass forum for a download or something.

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>The point is the original doom wasn't a soulless cash grab.
To be fair, Doom kinda was a cash crab as was the first Quake. Shareware episode had the best maps and introduced the most the monsters and weapons. Full version just added 2 more weapons, 2 new enemies and 2 new bosses. Even the maps didn't reach even near the quality of first episode. Doom 2 again was made exactly only to get cash while making Quake. Even almost half of the maps were quickly put together. Not saying that they were bad games though. Hell, they might be the games I love the most. Modability and the community elevated the both games into legendary status. So many good map packs and content.

Yas Forums only cares about japanes games, cause it makes them "elite" for not following trends, it is all about muh anime and jerking it to muh waifus, you could make a game where you stare at animu tittes for 100 hours and it would be goty by Yas Forums weeb standards


Not gonna buy it. Might pirate it later down the line to try it. Same shit I do with any products from Bethesda, EA, or Ubisoft.

Found an apologist.

Because being a fan of Doom 1/2 was an easy way to display ecred and anything that jeopardized that nerd dick swinging was met with condescension.

Its one of the reasons why Brutal Doom became such a meme (aside from the creator) and why Doom 2016 gets vitrol from a very vocal subset of autists here. When Doom 2016 launched the most common way to try and discredit it as a Doom game was to post slaughter webms as if slaughter wads aren't niche bastardizations of Doom themselves. Its literally just "Nooooooo my secret club"

Yas Forums just doesnt like video games

>DOOM (2016) was universally appreciated by gamers
it wasn't

meant for
I know you just want my (You) but I haven't seen a single thing saying that you need a Bethesda account to play the singleplayer or that it's always online.
If that is the case that's bullshit and I won't buy it, I agree with you.

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It was, dumb contrarian.

I can't have my own opinion of thinking that Nuum wasn't that good, even after beating it on Nightmare and getting all the trophies on PS4?
Piss off faggot.

It's on the page itself

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>Why would anybody even want to play new doom when it does nothing new.
Well it gave us more melee-oriented combat and added upgradable weapons and armor in semi-rpg style first time in official Doom game. Most of complaints are made, because those new things were added, and that it wasn't "vanilla" enough. Also bringing back few of the retro fps elements that were missing in Doom 3, making it more unique combination of modern and retro, which helped it to distinguish from other modern shooters.

>they were right about a game that isn't out