7 months since last update

>7 months since last update
Scornbros... I don't feel good.

Attached: depressed scorn guy.jpg (2560x2144, 634.85K)

They are just spending their time making the game good instead of shitting on social media ;_;

Attached: sadrobot.jpg (466x304, 84.27K)

While that is true, it would be nice to get something. Such is life I suppose.

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It's going to be shit just like Agony.

How so?

I literally bought agony thinking it was scorn

Next time reference this handy chart when looking at meat games.

Attached: Meat Giger and Sex chart.jpg (1358x884, 113.44K)

At least you got demon tiddies user

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Why is SMB towards sex?
Shouldn't it be literally on the point of meat.

There's a fetus in a jar.

Attached: file.png (329x268, 16.78K)

I hope this comes out someday. It always looked like a spiritual “Darkseed 3” in terms of aesthetic and I was really interested in it. Why did it fall off so hard?

Bandaid girl is the game's waifu. There's no waifus in Carrion from what I've seen.
Constant change of plans is the culprit. Especially their recent funds from Kowloon Nights allowing them to make a complete game rather than split into parts.

Bandage girl is THICC

Attached: Scorn Spooktober.jpg (994x836, 1.93M)

That really was the main appeal of Agony.

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So good they made another game more focused on them

Attached: scorn-concept-art7-1.jpg (650x918, 86.73K)

And it's not hide and seek horror but instead focused on combat.

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Attached: Scorn birth 2.jpg (1200x849, 440.58K)

>crowdfunding shit
Every time you faggots get scammed I get a hardy belly laugh
What kind of fucking retarded idiot do you have to be to give money to random strangers promising to shit out a product you'd otherwise let sit in your Steam library for 5 years before installing it once?
I hope you were one of the really retarded paypigs that literally fucking donated thousands of dollars to people allegedly making an entertainment product. I hope you mortgaged your testicles to finance your rampant faggotry and the bank is coming to collect with garden shears. I hope you die the day before this piece of shit is formally cancelled by the one "developer" whose conscience can't take the fact that he's a swindler anymore.
Fuck you and fuck every other crowdfunding shill faggot who ruined the industry.

I keep thinking this game is gonna be style over substance, am I wrong to think that?

Why are you do mad though?

So far there's so little gameplay that it seems like a safe bet. We've seen a bit of gunplay, but so far it's nothing special. We've seen some puzzles, but they're very, pardon the pun, bare bones.

Attached: scorn11b.jpg (1920x1080, 173.2K)

Good things come to those who wait.

You crowdcucks are the worst fucking cancer in the history of vidya
Even fucking retards who play P2W trash or buy annual releases of shit like CoD are AT LEAST paying for an ACTUAL product
You're fucking handing massive amounts of money to scam artists then shilling your retardation to drive more retards to give them more money
You've literally made it acceptable to give the shitheads in the games industry money for NOTHING

There's no need to be so upset. Crowdfunding is strictly in the indie scene and isn't the only source of video games. If you want to get pedantic, the problem of giving people money for games that don't exist started with pre-orders.

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eh well itll at least be a good interactive art piece ala LSD Dream Emulator, I think itll be fun to explore fucked up meat structures, wish giger had been alive to see video games get up to this point

Attached: LSD-Dream-Emulator-12-9007[1].png (1600x1200, 471.06K)

>Crowdfunding is strictly in the indie scene
And other hack no talent pieces of shit like the Castlevania, Mega Man, Banjo rejects and literal fucking games companies like Shitinum and Double Shit.

>and isn't the only source of video games
It's not a source for video games at all since the two outcomes of crowdfunding bullshit is no release or a release of an unplayable dog shit piece of garbage that would get rejected by anyone with QC

>If you want to get pedantic
You paycucks do because it helps you rationalize being human tumors

>the problem of giving people money for games that don't exist started with pre-orders.
And you faggots blew that retardation out of the water with your pathetic paycuckery.

That's true. The big appeal of the game for me is that it takes place in such a different world than our own.

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>The big appeal of the game
There is no appeal because there is no game, shill

Like those games or not, they were crowdfunded and released, meaning they're not scams. You're irrationally upset because crowdfunding doesn't produce the sort of games you like. Maybe you should take a walk and just ignore crowdfunding.

By that extension there's no appeal with Cyberpunk2077, Doom Eternal, etc. There are elements of upcoming products that entice people.

>crowdfunding doesn't produce the sort of games you like
It produces dog shit glorified alpha builds and retarded paypigs like you
Even faggots who give camwhores money at least jerk off and get something out of their money
You pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for empty promises and ponzi scheme shillery
If I could will you into having AIDS I would

I've never heard of this game until this thread but I've been having dreams the last 2 weeks about something that looks very similar to the guy in this game.
I'm not feeling comfortable about it.

>there's no appeal with Cyberpunk2077, Doom Eternal, etc.
You're right. There isn't. They're not out yet and any faggot who thinks they're not garbage until proven otherwise is also cancer and needs to be chemo'd

Did a crowdfunded game smack and ice cream cone out of your hand a child?

Attached: Scorn meme 1.jpg (1837x1008, 763.47K)

Is a shill of this vaporware trash fishhooking your mouth as he fills your ass with stretch goals?

You're so upset that you can't even write a coherent sentence. Take a break from Yas Forums for a while and play a game you enjoy.

lel i never gave my money on kickstarter or other similar shit and i still got some good titles thanks to crowfundingfags

Carrion is so fucking good

Dont worry user, your dreams are totally not gateways into alternate dimension versions of you. Youre totally not experiencing a nightmare hellscape in some alternate reality every time you go to sleep. You can wake up and feel relieved that none of that is real.

based poles saving horror indie vidya again

>paypig so desperate to shill he can't fucking read
I hope you're reading this thread while driving on a narrow bridge with no guardrails over a deep river

Who's to say they aren't remaking the game from the ground up again after Agony crashed and burned realizing they have the same fucking game except vaginal wall cavity hallways?

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Fuck what you heard this concept art is legitimate.

>good titles
Name fucking 1 crowdshit game that you think isn't abysmal and you'll be wrong

Agony was a hide and seek horror game while Scorn is a survival horror game with offensive mechanics. The aesthetic might be similar in the sense that both games use a lot of meaty environments, but it wouldn't make sense to recreate the game just because another game flopped.

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I will post more.

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christ how do you get to this point as a person

literally a creature

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A Hat in Time
of course faggot like you will shit on it because it has a tranny flag innit and of course faggot like you already forgot it had Jontron voice innit before dlc with tranny flag was released despite "jontron is literally nazi controversy" before the game release
because faggots like you don't even played it and don't play any games at all, people like you spend all their free time here and complain about everything

All crowdcuck paypigs are subhuman trash

>7 months
What even happened 7 months ago? i only remember a gameplay demo from 1.5 years ago or something.

Scorn Guy's life is so depressing that threads about his game turn into shitfits.

Attached: scorn18b.jpg (2512x2264, 492.64K)

The developers posted an update about the game.

Attached: tumblr_ovtmnvkcdN1sfo1z9o3_1280.jpg (680x383, 30.96K)

>of course faggot like you will shit on it because it has a tranny flag innit
>not because it looks like a 2003 game tech demo
>not because it's as stable as a crowdcuck's finances while they give more money to more scammers
>not because it has terrible cringe reddit humor and awful VO
>not because it's a boring as fuck collectathon piece of shit made to milk money from adults so infantile they want to play a genre for 10 year olds

And what was it?
>We're still working on it!
or some variation of that?

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Yeah, basically.

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Attached: 7 months scorn.png (865x921, 204.5K)

it's like a slithering creature that subsists on his own anger

like a hateslug

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