Joe Rogan interviews everything wrong with Doom these days

Joe Rogan interviews everything wrong with Doom these days

>we need a broader audience
>i suck at quake because i play with a controller
>i was a Mac fanboy
>i need to dodge every question joe asks about classic pvp because we are doing something unique that obviously joe doesn't like
>we want violence but we want this game to be played by 9 year olds so there can be no "f-words" or sex
>i can't explain why doomguy looks the way it does as joe tries to rationalize his armour

jesus fucking christ this game is going to be shit isn't it?

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>wanting sex or Doomguy swearing

Get the fuck out of Yas Forums you underage retard.

M rated game
E rated dialogue


>Cringe humor overload
>Bethesda publisher
>Doubling down on the bad music
Bethesda keeps trying to widen the audiences with every franchise and it keeps killing them.


The most impressive part is that these were all beloved last gen. Bethesda has gone absolutely mental.

goddamn as i listen to this further the more i think this game is casual garbage for normies

how the fuck did he get smooshed if he was inside the booth?

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Why would Doom have sex in it?

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>violence good
>sex bad

Is this why burgers rate so low on the percentages of adults having sex?

Rage was never beloved lol

I don't need poorly done sex scenes in s shooting game. I can do that in real life. Can't shoot hoards of demons though

you people have realy basic reading comprehension don't you?

>also joe calling out the guy for being PR trained to talk about the game

fucking joe is a beast

no, it's because they think it's normal to work 12h a day and another 3h prepping the next day's work so they can make more money to buy more food and become obese, to then buy medicine to treat obesity caused diseases, to buy and almost immediately throw away stuff so they can buy the new one

then they don't have time for a normal life

I've been saying nu-doom looks too cartoonish and people here laughed at my face, now this guy literally said multible times they're making a cartoon.

>Can't shoot hoards of demons though
Every human has demons.

You stupid motherfuckers actually listen to Joe Rogan?

The man regularly admits on air that he has no idea what he's talking about and his side of the conversation is whatever he thinks will make the stream more entertaining instead of his actual opinion.

The only thing the man is qualified to talk about is MMA. On every other topic he covers he and his guests are total retards.

For fuck's sake he's one of those morons that still thinks the many worlds theory of quantum events means "There's a universe that's exactly the same but we're all cats"

Stop flocking around the king of the retards

Wrong. Everyone loved it up until the ending that sucked ass.

The original is already basically a cartoon

he's honest enough about his lack of knowledge and he's curious enough to ask questions.

all qualities you obviously don't have and exactly why you hate him.

Hugo outright said that the female whiplash demon doesn't have breasts so they can use her in marketing materials.

>jesus fucking christ this game is going to be shit isn't it?


Listening to that unfunny fuck wax philosophic over the nature of comedy is pretty cringy.

>noo you have to pretend to know everything to be an unhinged freethinker like me
Fuck off Yas Forums.

>annoying music and noise

Is this another concern troll/shill thread against id/Bethesda?

>It's a Joey Diaz episode

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>HBO show about the adventures of doomguy
>he actually called him doomguy

how long this dude is fired for his sexist speech?

>The man regularly admits on air that he has no idea what he's talking about
At least he doesn't lie about it.
>he's one of those morons that still thinks the many worlds theory of quantum events means "There's a universe that's exactly the same but we're all cats"
There are people that still believe in theism, so people can have a few irrational ideas.
>Stop flocking around the king of the retards
Really? You consider Joe to be the "king of retards."

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the shills are here, better stop those f-words, Yas Forums


Who the fuck is listening for Joe himself you fucking retard? The entire reason his show is so popular is because he gets diverse amount of guests who ARE actual experts (in most cases, some episodes have idiots that slip through the cracks) in their fields to come on the show.

but the game calls him Doomguy too

goddamn you sound insecure as fuck

>he's honest that he's stupid so you SHOULD listen to him
That's idiotic.

>he asks questions!
Stupid leading questions whose answers are always fucking wrong.

Joe is the epitome if the phrase "A mind so open his brain fell out"

Again, what place do boobies have in a Doom game? It's a game about blowing possessed soldiers and demons to bits. It's of absolutely no consequence.

No he doesn't, he's had maybe two guests in total with real qualifications and he ran them over with retarded leading questions and by cutting off their answers.

NDT looks like he wants to punch Rogan in the mouth by the end of his interview

Someone post cyberdemon ass.

>the game doesn't look like a game but like a cgi movie
Joe said this as a positive, I laughed my ass off. This boomer normie 1 hour ad for a game is pathetic.

yeah, you definitely sound like an insecure contrarian.

>all games must be low polygon and pixelated just like my brain and the indie games i play!

there better be mods for that though

>insecure contrarian.
This describes this boards hateboner for eternal as well

Yeah, lol. Maybe you can buy some skins.

>come on man how come there's no swear words?
ah you are one of those people, someone who has to say shit, fuck, fucking and other swears every other word cause you are a mouth breathing brain dead moron. lmao

Fuck off Joe.


shill detected, you can say tits here you fucking faggot

>almost 50 replies and not a single person has linked the interview itself
Nu-Yas Forums is truly incompetent.

Even Joe himself will repeatedly and vocally tell you that he is stupid, his show is stupid, and if you get any of your "knowledge" from it you're stupid.

why do you people praising the game and shitting on Joe all sound like angry female "gamurz" who came here straight out of tumblr?

>Joe Rogan has that CSGO player on
>Joe asks why CSGO looks so god damn old
>They also look up footage of LoL
>Joe says the game looks like shit, compares it to a mobile game

Joe's kind of a tard, but he's also pretty dope. Dude's a turbo casual wowed by games with the best grafix though, he'd probably shit himself watching the preview "footage" of TLoU2.

he wasnt inside the booth. its clearly shown that hes operating the controls from outside the booth

>50 replies without a faggot shill
We're doing better

Why are you pretending anyone is talking about the game at all and not just telling you you're a faggot retard for taking Joe Rogan seriously

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>needs to post the link to something stupidly easy to find on youtube

incompetent indeed

Someone tell Joe Rogan about Diabotical

on top of that,he’s a closet gay

you only hate him because he talks to cool people all the time and he's a really likeable fellow who could beat your fat ass with his eyes blind folded.

>Really? You consider Joe to be the "king of retards."
Yes. Pewdiepie is the kind of the baby retards and Joe Rogan is the king of the adult retards.

Logan Paul is the king of teenage retards


It's okay, OP. Keep browsing and soon you'll be able to make as a good thread here as you would on Reddit! I believe in you!

I listen to Rogan though. Just don't put much stock into his opinions on video games

oh noes! anything but that! being gay is like totally immoral think of the children!

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