"inspired by EarthBound"

>"inspired by EarthBound"

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I miss the forced daily Yiik threads


What are you talking about? I don't understand. Can someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on?

>"biting" social commentary

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Why is the lumberjack with bad eye-sight shocked?

>Live in Idyllic beach town
>Brother explains how much effort went into looking for their lost brother
Was it satire?

I want my goddamn Chondra porn already.

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this game was so bad that it infacct good

Earthbound's the biggest meme in video games, name another game that is seemingly so universally beloved while also being completely untouched by the vast majority of players

Because he broke NDA like a moron, and now he doesn't get to be in Smash.

Didn’t they also take inspiration from TWEWY and Persona as well?

>fuck you and fuck your dead sister, I'd kill her myself if I could.

Why is this game The Room of vidya

is this le epic forced yiik thread based

does someone really say that in the game? based as fuck

>now watch me jerk off you half mixed race Korean goddess.

Yikes. That's the saddest thing I've saw today.


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>Inspired by Earthbound
>Has more in common with Persona 4

>inspired by FLCL
of course it's so bad

Except The Room is actually watchable while YIIK is borderline, if not entirely, unplayable.

>tfw the future's looking bleak in 1999, boys

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If people want to talk about it then its not forced , just stop coming in them genius


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>Persona 4
The ending is lifted almost directly from Persona 3

the textbox perfectly blocks any hint that she's wearing anything below the waist. Do with that information what you will.

I actually played Earthbound all the way on the Wii U and it's in my top 10 now.

What makes this game... postmodern?

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the correct term is "undervania"

It's bad on purpose

I haven’t played persona three in over 10 years but I can’t remember the part where you pull a lever to collapse the multiverse into a single universe because an alternative version of yourself is smashing universes for fun as a giant meteor.

>not liking FLCL
>not liking the Pillows
Shit taste

The Y2K fight is a beat-for-beat ripoff of Izanami's final form.

The tail end of the game tries to break the fourth wall and it tries to be a commentary on social apathy and shit like that.

So... do what Metal Gear Solid did more than 20 years ago. Sweet.

Sonic 06 is The Room of vidya.

Yiik is the "The Item" of vidya

Funny you should mention that, because it twists the whole name entry thing in the intro in the same way for a significantly less satisfying payoff.

They made a reference of a dead girl that was last seen on an elevator.

I didn't knew that it was satire or it was serious.

Werent they rich?
Their mom was some hotshot politician scientist.

I mean neither do they

Yes, metal gear solid 2 is one of if not the only examples of post modern game design that actually works.


It's remarkable how they can make trippy aesthetics look so cliche and cookie cutter.

>surprised no one liked his unlikable protagonist

Big brain genius developer.

Not just a reference, she was a plot-important character for the first half of the game before being sidelined for the meteor shit, and is played up like some forlorn love interest at that. The game is full of this kind of "no awareness" shit. Like when the party needs to open up a van's locked doors and Alex goes "does anyone know how to pick a car lock?" The black guy immediately goes "OH SO I'M BLACK YOU THINK I CAN PICK LOCKS HUH? But I did go through a Sherlock Holmes phase so I can pick like half a dozen types of exotic locks - just not car locks".

Like what the fuck


Trippy aesthetics are usually inspired by an artistic vision or drug use and not because another video game did it.

Goddamn hentai design.

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It takes some imagination, not surface level imitation to pull something like that.

just post Vella porn already

>Voice actor for the black girl isn't even black


oh fuck

I'd give my left nut that she was just a fetish fuel character.

In what way? FLCL was a type of coming of age story with themes of puberty and people wanting to grow up too quickly.

>you can do any game you want
>make a mash up of the games considered deep by buzzfeed

Will never not make me laugh

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Game is full of that annoying hipster "passive aggressive, non-committal" style of writing I can't exactly explain.

Why is her design wasted on such a shit game bros...

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Its funny, to an extent hes not wrong.
The issue is his game was fucking awful so trying o make the claim people didnt just GET YOUR ART doesn't fucking work here.


you gotta provide a source of that my fellow coomerino

>I wanted to make a game about a piece of shit unlikeable character who, by the end of the game has to transform
Neku from TWEWY
Luke from Tales of the Abyss
Haseo from .//hackG.U
This shit has been done before and better. Alex ain’t anything special at all.

The original source is someone on Twitter, I don't remember who
I uploaded it on Paheal

Twitter snark.

Dude is 25 and owns a fucking record store. They might be the richest characters in the entire game. It's just fucking virtue signaling.

Even though Earthbound was undoubtedly the main inspiration, you'll never find it mentioned anywhere in-game. Instead, Chrono Trigger, Lufia 2, and Secret of Mana are name dropped, despite those games having trivial influence at best. YiiK is such a remarkably shit game.

Five Nights At Freddy's

It's honestly closer to the Troll 2 of videogames, with its hilariously bad plot and terrible performances. If the gameplay wasn't the worst thing ever I'd honestly recommend YIIK just for the laughs.

Hes not wrong but the problem is that YIIK doesnt actually deliver those themes. The protag never changes or develops, everyone loves him despite him being a whiny pretentious douche the entire game, and he ends up literally being THE most important person in the fucking multiverse.
A good example of a game that actually proves his point in that quote is Pathologic 2. It got completely dumpstered by all the publications that jack off "games as art" solely because it used gameplay in an interesting and bold way to facilitate the narrative and atmosphere and wasn't a generic walking sim.

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What a fucking drivelling retard
Anything can be art. Dancing can be art. Making crude shapes out of bricks can be art
Just because a media is 'art' doesn't mean it's inherently special so everyone has to like your pathetic attempt to be post modern, NEO modern, Lactosentolerate-modern or whatever the fuck niche literally concept you like wanking yourself off with

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Why does no one get you're not supposed to like Alex, and that he's shit? I get the criticism of the rest of the game but Alex is intentionally unlikable.

Marketers shilling the game isn't "people wanting to talk about the game." Stop conflating the two

Wow, good for zoomer

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>Thigh job
Hello, based department?

hilarious, just hilarious
a game about adolf hitler could be released and would garner more support than yiik

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TWEWY is a pretty good example, although it's less of a piece of shit character and more along the lines of "Eh, I'm just too cool to care." Neku was basically just another variation of Cloud from FF7 or Jotaro from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. YiiK's Alex is legitamtely a piece of shit character who shuts down others and almost entirely only cares about himself. That could've potentially made for an interesting character arc, but YiiK is such a fucking piece of shit of a game that it never happens, and the developer doubles down on the idea as if he's some kind of martyr when he utterly failed to even set out what he tried to do in the first place.

I have a feeling simply changing the VA for the MC could've drastically altered how the players perceived him. He's simply unbearable as is and yells way too much when situations don't warrant it.

Fuck off retard, having a problem with being discussing vidya on a vidya board? I'm sure there's a twitter screenshot thread in the catalogue for you to throw ape shit at

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>people still falling for this shit bait
i actually don't even know who's baiting who anymore

Tons of media has done it, tons of media has failed to do it. But then this guy fucks it up...

>90s rpgs get named dropped, character states that they were the foundation of his childhood
>Even though he's past high school and these games came out a few years ago.

The problem is the dev/writer wanted a sort of character growth arc for Alex towards the end of the game, going from a shitty person to someone that understands their faults. Then they tossed out the original ending because the writer's mother died and he had a bit of a creative breakdown, and instead Alex never resolves to actually be a better person, he just has (You) do everything for him and resigns himself to the equivalent of suicide to fix things. Then when people complained that Alex simply wasn't likable the writer lashed out and complained YEAH HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE, YOU PEOPLE DON'T HAVE LEGITIMATE CRITICISM.

What part is the bait?

>those areolas
yeah, I'm gonna go cum

Is the hipster guy a self insert of the dev?

>more along the lines of "Eh, I'm just too cool to care." Neku was basically just another variation of Cloud from FF7 or Jotaro from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
I mean, Neku tries to kill Shiki at the end of the second day in order to save his own ass and all of the other characters call his ass out for being a piece of shit. Cloud was actually just cocky and self-assured only for it to turn out that he was trying to emulate what he thought his friend Zack was like, and was actually just a fucking loser who couldn’t get into SOLDIER. He’s actually a fucking dork underneath it all.

Ah, a fundamental failure on multiple levels.
If your gameplay isn't good, people will nag on the flaws.
If your game is heavy handed and chogged down with cutscenes that isn't great, people will critique what they don't like about the story.

The simple fact is that unless you are locked alone in a house with one game, you might drop it if its bad.
The biggest problem with denial as a discipline, is that it leads to a lack of understanding, which could be used to make more art.
Fundamentally if Andew Allanson or any of his core team makes another game, denial will let them make another game with subpar gameplay and presentation, despite showing a lot of potential.

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I think the problem is that the game goes really fucking hard into making you hate him, to the point that he becomes a ridiculous, one note character. The characters around him start to be more interesting as a result, but you're always stuck with Alex. On top of that, his inner monologs (which go on for fucking ever) make him whine and go "Oh, woe is me" and prop himself up to be more important than he already is. As the icing on the cake, the creator claims this was all part of an arc for his character development, but that never happens; he's just a piece of shit all the way to the end. It's stupid as hell.

Game is inspired by Devil Survivor 1 & 2

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Man, that sounds familiar. It's been a real long time since I played TWEWY. I think you're right.

Game is inspired by dad's hairy ass

Earthbound is good though.
Watching it go from a comfy urban fantasy to apocalyptic is great. The way it slowly gets darker before culminating in the final boss is probably one of my favorite tone shifts in vidya.

It’s cool dude.

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I dont think you need to have the protag change or develop into a good person.
The problem is his protag you hate for what I assume to be all the wrong reasons.

I think the dev wanted you to make you hate him for being an asshole to the rest of the cast.
However this sorta falls apart when the rest of the cast were honestly bigger unlikable assholes than the MC so he felt completely justified in being assholes to them and making you apologize was retarded.

Everyone is going to hate him because hes a liberal arts faggot which I really doubt was the devs intention.

The real problem is that Alex is justified in his woe-is-me spiel, as he IS the most important person in the multiverse. The character development is non existent and meaningless