First vidya crush?
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I want to marry and impregnate Flannery desu
This but with Jessie
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tfw no girl to adventure with
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Aika from Skies of Arcadia
Might've been Kaori from SSX Tricky. Even maxed out her stats and did all the challenges with her.
Funny thing is, haven't thought about her in years.
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Good taste.
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Honest answer. Not even sexually desu, I just want to cuddle her and tell her she's loved
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It was originally Cammy from Super Street Fighter 2, but she will be a popular pick so I pull a hipster and enjoy the Konoko.
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Same, came here to post her.
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Not really from the videogame but she's from a videogame
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Either Commander Mars or Mai Shiranui.
don't judge
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pokemon was a game before it was an anime
im absolutely judging you
>first crushes were all redheads
what does it mean
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Squall from FF8, though I only admitted this to myself later on
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Went full autism into maxing out her level when she came back
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I've still never beat fucking Battletoads. Made it past those racing levels but the next boss always got me.
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TimeSplitters Future Perfect.
How underage are you, faggot?
Fucking pedos, at least pick a good Roll
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Princess Rosella from King's Quest 7 Graphics are much shittier than I remember
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Superior Roll. Also Tron Bonne.
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But I was a kid when I crushed on her.
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>theme is first crushes
>why are you posting crushes you had as a kid
holy fuck fuck off back to r*ddit you dumb bitch
My first vidya crush is you, user :)
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>tfw i have shot enough ropes out to this woman to circle the fucking globe
OP didn't specify that it had to be a heterosexual crush
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This cutie.
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Red is a color that appeals to young children.
Red is the superior color. I bet you're an orangefag.
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No, I'm referring to actual surveys. Red does really good with young children for favorite color, but blue and green are more popular overall.
Aile's a brunette though.
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what about yello
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I love Reisen!
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>basic bitch animu girl
Fucking hell you and reimu fags need to kill your fucking selves.
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