Guys where is the bombergirl pc port?

Guys where is the bombergirl pc port?

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Here *unzips pants*

Man she doesn't look slutty at all when she's actually wearing clothes.

Here's your Bombergirl pc port, user.

Switch port when

What do you expect from Konami, user?

That doujin...

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Is it weird that I don't care about the regular artwork for this game, but think their in-game models are cute? Maybe it's perhaps they're small, which makes them more Bomberman-like?

Wait a minute, that jpg...

Doesn't meet recommended specs.

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I can see

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Best girls

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Shit that's cute

Most bombergirls are cute

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After they release all the new girls


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>Emera in the lowest tier

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Right here.

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The Getsu Fuhma one looks kind of goofy.

Cummed myself to death Tiananmen Square 1964 Winnie the Pooh

Unless some other company snatches the IP from Konami's skinny and dirty hands I don't see it happening.

You would've gotten your news for it at the kac if it wasn't for corona

I wish the Nun had some 18+ MMDs

I wanna fuck her stinky cuncun bros

my hot take

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the fuck it's only on ps4?

It's only on arcade.

>Limiting culture to outdated way of playing
Yet another reason to hate Konami

arcade only ad japan only

Japan still has arcades. It's hardly Konami's fault that your cities are too sprawling and you neglect public transit too much to support arcades anymore.

OR, or they could release it on arcade and other systems. It's basically a problem created by them

daily reminder

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It's only a problem for baka gaijin who are on a moral crusade against skimpy anime girls anyway.

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>that doujin by great mosu

jesus christ, I almost coomed myself to death.

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This one?

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They will when it stops being as profitable, probably

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>that mosu by great doujin

christ jesus, I almost death myself to coomed.

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>mosin nagant

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What is the actual doujin

one day

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Hi. Please redpill me on this game.

It's just a Japanese arcade game right? How are you guys playing it?

More like never ever.

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>he thinks we're playing it

We can only enjoy the art and doujins of this puffy vulva flat vampire

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When is she getting her own game already? I need a better male role model now that Alucard likes taking it up his faggot ass.

>love the succubus flat tiddies but also the nun’s huge honkers
How do I choose

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Battle of '99 starring Julius and Sepia Belmonts when

My god, Sepia is a blessing

Sepia game!

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