Is bullet sponge enemies a justifiable mechanic/design decision?
Is bullet sponge enemies a justifiable mechanic/design decision?
It somehow works in resident evil.
But they removed the most important detail of zombies which was a way to know if they were truly dead.
Maybe in efforts to make things more realistic. Not knowing whos dead or just waiting to wake up.
Just shoot 'em. If they get up, they're not dead. Or, just slash constantly with one of your 11 knives. They die before they even get back up
It wouldnt be such an issue if this was a viable option. The game is designed around resource scarcity including ammunition.
this guy can't aim for shit
It is when that's the point of the virus to begin with.
And you have more than enough resources to kill every enemy in the game, so it's not an issue unless you're bad at the game and can't spare any ammo/knife durability.
>resource scarcity
So, what you stink at the game? Ass loads of ammo, Shotgun almost always 1 hit kills, fucking gun powder EVERWHERE giving you more ammo, game acknowledges what you have and you can beat a boss even if you enter with piss. Unless you can't aim for dick, or activly shoot Mr. X, or skip ammo like a fag, then that is a blatant lie.
He missed the first shot and wasnt close enough for the second. The short barrel shotgun is finnicky as hell
The only bullet sponges in the game are the G mutants in the sewer before you get the scenario's special weapon
In the Clair scenario, I never used gunpowder once. Before the final boss, I used all of it at once for a laugh and made 400 pistol bullets. I then used all 400 to kill G, and didn't use the mini gun at all. It took almost the entire 5 minutes, but I won. Scarcity of ammo my fucking ass. Git Gud Faggot
bro you're swimming in ammo in this game by the end even in hardcore the fuck are you doing
>missed 90% of pellets in the first shot
>it doesn't kill
Yeah, I mean I don't get the point of this. Not only can he not aim but you know... They're zombies... So... You could shoot off their arms and legs and nothing will happen.
Anyone going into an early RE title expecting to 100% clear all enemies on a blind run are retards. The games very deliberately want you to either take risks with clearing out enemies, or force you to leave some alive and even in REmake decide if you want to spend the fuel to burn a corpse or not. I dunno how many people were like OH GOD NO YOU CAN'T HEADSHOT THEM EASILY IN REMAKE 2 OH JESUS, but you never could besides a point-blank shotgun kiss or a good magnum headshot.
How the fuck are you going to talk about "realistic" in this scenario? That zombie's head should have turned into minced fucking meat.
The virus is meant to turn whatever it infects into a bioweapon. A small percentage will turn into Tyrants.
That's just not knowing how to play. You have to wait until the crosshair centers and turns into a dot to get the critical hit. That will kill in 3 shots or it will blow their head off in one hit if you're lucky.
People already have the ability to function after taking multiple 9mm rounds to the body, it's not terribly farfetched to think a zombie could take multiple to the head.
Indestructable in the sense that they don't die due to organ failure and shit. They're still basic fucking tissue, they don't turn into weapon-grade steel. That shotgun, realistically, would phase a human head out of existence. This is what a fucking shotgun does to a human head, you absolute retard.
I believe that zombie is set to have the most health of any zombie in the entire game no matter what.
and its the biggest reason why i'm never going to play that game
fuck having to shoot zombies 20 times in the head and still not killing them permanently
Shoot em in the head or cripple their legs and run by, numbnuts.
we are not asking for them to explode, you astronomical, multi-dimensional DUMBASS
no, i dont like to play it like that
capcom can go fuck themselves
It was fucking horrible in REmake 2
disguting ,I was like really ?REALLY?WHAT IS THIS SHIT?!
Then I continued playing because the game is good but the only sponges should be the bosses ,make normal zombies only die when shot to the head or the heart or when taking extreme damage.
You know weak and strong at the same time, this way an horde of zombies would make you literally shit your pants.
I don't think it's an issue in REmake 2 for reasons already stated but Mass Effect's hardest difficulty is just stupid because of artificial difficulty due to bullet sponge enemies. Even with the best weapons, it takes a ridiculous amount of time to kill even the weakest enemies. It's not hard, it's just tedious and not fun. Harder difficulty should have had more enemies.
That's your own headcanon. In RE though, the T virus makes the infected resistant to most attacks. That's its purpose
>Is bullet sponge enemies a justifiable mechanic/design decision?
Why, you want each enemy to die in one hit?
spoiled fucking child you are
Fallout 3 super mutants very hard
It is if you're not supposed to kill every enemy you come across.
>another dsp thread
you already posted this shit last week idiot, dsp is a fucking idiot with the reaction time of a toddler, kys.
Talking about Resident Evil ,RE:Revelations hardest difficulty doesnt make enemies sponges , they literally turn into a fucking wall lmao.
But yeah its the biggest issue of REmake 2,still a great game
Thats the core audience for this game
That doesnt make the game any better user.
i value my time too much to waste it on a crap game
maybe if there was a mod to fix this issue, but there isnt
These zombies are piss easy to deal with if you know what you're doing. The way RE2 and hopefully RE3 does these "super zombies" is fine. They're stronger and meant to either be avoided entirely or dealt with prior to shit hitting the fan. The zombies in your webm for example can be killed well before the game forces them to stand up, if you explore a little bit. The zombie in the morgue is meant to be a tense moment where you get the key and, if not playing like a cautious person, didn't deal with the zombie by the door. The suspicious looking zombie slumped on the floor.
If an entire game is bulletsponge enemies or gameplay it gets annoying. I hate difficulty settings that just jack up enemy hp across the board because it becomes more of a slog than it does hard. RE2 remake is far from this if you play smart. Now is it the fault of the game not explaining the reticle mechanic? Kind of. Unless the game did explain it and I just missed it. Though you'd think after seeing it shrink so many times that you'd get the idea it must mean something.
Sure if we were talking about Borderlands or Skyrim, but RE is deliberately designed that way to play up it's horror elements.
>These zombies are piss easy to deal with if you know what you're doing.
I think everybody knows this, but so what, we dont want easy we want F U N , and these enemies are a pain in the ass once the surprise wears off , more annoying than anything.
When the objective of the game is to survive and not explicitly kill the enemies yeah what is wrong with them being hard to kill?
We just think its bad design we obviously arent idiots and see the purpose of it but we just dont find it good/convincing
How's that bankruptcy coming along anyway?
They aren't though. A point blank shotgun blast to the face kills any zombie, period. The OP's webm was not shot at point blank. On Claire it's even easier because you just grenade launcher their ass and they're dead.
The shotgun is mostly ok desu,the pistols really werent,and the knife was also stupid crap.
(I havent play in almost a year btw)
The game has dynamic difficulty. You can just die once or twice and go back to one-hit kills.
>i value my time too much
clearly not, if you're too stupid to think of just running past
VERY clearly not, if you spend any time whatsoever on Yas Forums
>i value my time too much
clearly you do not given where you are rn
*breaths in*
I did not like the way this was handled in re2 remake
imo zombies should be a trifling nuisance, dispatched easily, but a single mistake can be a huge setback
re2 remake is the opposite, every encounter has high potential to harm you, but the penalty for making a mistake is very low. deflates the tension.
It's realistic, it's 9mm pistol
It wasn't to make things realistic so much as just a way to increase tension. That you could be walking through a hallway you already "cleared", not knowing who was still alive.
To be fair, the more a franchise/series goes on the more likely it is that it becomes shittier. If you expected every new Resident Evil game to not "ruin the series" then you had your mind way in the clouds.
For fuck sake why is it so difficult to get this right?
How can REfags defend this?