It's time for the genie to guess any vidya character

It's time for the genie to guess any vidya character

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>think Mara
>previous question: does your character have tentacles
You motherfucker!

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What happened to you akinator, you used to be cool.

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I finally found a character this asshole couldn't get...

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Stumped him, he couldn't guess Minerva from VC4. There's a daily play limit too, which is whack for Akinator. Wonder if it's just for mobile browsing to bait app downloads.

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wow, he's gotten real shit

asking dumb questions

It can't find the catgirl from the Sonic OVA.

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How does he find the one we think off?

>guess aigis from persona 3
>asks this question
yeah I'm thinking based

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>he doesn't know Khris
these are dark times

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>after 50th question guesses metis (pretty darn close)
>next 20 questions are "is your character from X franchise?" tier
wow he's trash now

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after 81 questions he couldn't figure it out. he's gotten dumber over the years.

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wasn't there a database wipe a while back

Is it me or he really did got worse.

>was thinking about eluned from runescape
>shows me seren

Good game you mother fucker...good game...

LMFAO when is this does this guy gives up? It took him 48 tries to guess my character and even then, he asked me if my character had "human eyes" as if anyone in lis had a Sharingan of something, I remember he used to give up by question 20? That was like 7 years ago lmao, was thinking of Kate btw

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I dont get it...?

eluned is a part of Seren, which in facts makes her seren. That fucker cheated.


This stupid dumb asshole couldn't even get Ky Kiske.
What the fuck happened?

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Hahahahahahaha he couldn't guess my girl Lidell from a witch's tale lmao! Guess I beat the genie

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Close enough

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63 questions in and it can't guess the ball from Within A Deep Forest

Wanted to go hard mode with Torch, couldn't figure it out but he got close guessing Adrian Shephard on the second try

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>Even Akinator became a jew

>Is your character associated with (random thot streamer)
why is akinator so shit now? He couldn't guess Hero from Hero must die. again

He couldn't get Ashton Anchors. None of the questions even got close. And now it's telling me I can't ask again until tomorrow. Akinator is shit now.

Absolute SCENES

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>3rd question
>is your character from X server
>google wtf that shit is
>its some minecraft shit
Why do zoomers ruin everything. 10 years ago he could guess obscure shit in 15-20 questions

This app is so fucking stupid. You get awards when he guesses right.
The whole point is to stump him. What the fuck.

80 questions he couldn't guess jim carrey, the mask, or the son of the mask. he's done for good.

What happened to akinator bros? He's so garbage now.

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Couldn’t do two characters in a row, what a shit program.

Dude Akinator is shit these days, he used to get it right all the time and now it's all OH YOU BEAT ME OH

Failure. The new Akinator is shit. It didn't even ask me who it was. I'm never playing with this fucker full of shit anymore.

What happened to the old one?

The absolute madman

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You aren't even the first person in this thread, man

He just failed to get Gene.

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Easily defeated, hopefully he'll know next time now.

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Fucking brainlet couldn't guess Andrew Dobson.

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HOW DID HE...?!!!

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who doesn't know the fuck earthworm jim is

Took him nearly 70 guesses to finally start asking "Does your character have brown hair?" "Does your character use a bow?" "Is your character from a mobile game/app?" and "Does your character have animal ears?" then somehow he settles on some random bitch from Vainglory that doesn't even have animal ears.

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Well, the young Fortnite generation doesn't seem to be aware of him...
I'll pick Buck Bumble, Arina or Marina Liteyears to make it harder then. With these he has no chance.

he gotten senile


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I hate this little nigger.
He was fun when it was first around but now he can fuck off back inside his lamp like a fart being sucked back into someones asshole.

>Is your character a nigger?
Too far

Who knows? Maybe it got popular and the fuckers monetized it, then normies kept feeding him pleb shit?

Can't believe he couldn't guess yumi from Ape Escape 3, and it made the same fucking question 4 times.

Literally asked if my character is a Pokemon 7 times and couldn't guess fucking Ori. What went wrong?

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Oook time to go real obscure.

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Damn, was not expecting him to get this one.

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Impressive, but
>does your character have stripes
kinda gave it away.

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Took 25 questions but he got it for me.

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I wonder if it could find Metal Sonic from Super Mario Bros Z.

Got you covered

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that's... not right

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Well, he fucking got it.

>does your character have purple hair
>40 questions later, still hasn't gotten it
>does your character have purple hair

It hurts to see him like this bros, I think he has Alzheimers.

>Is your character from an Anime?
>Spends the next 30 questions asking about specific shades of red, green, blue, and purple hair

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akinator used to be amazing

then retarded normalfags and zoomers flooded his brain with every Youtuber and Minecraft LPer who ever hit 50 subscribers.

Beat him

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We need to make our own Akinator with blackjack and hookers