I am about to purchase this fine product and there is literally nothing you can do about it.
I am about to purchase this fine product and there is literally nothing you can do about it
It's a good remaster like the Starcraft remaster or a shitty one like Warcraft 3?
We dont know yet, I will say that it looks more Starcraft Remaster quality.
>generals will never get a remaster because its "racist"
>generals will never be playable in Win7/Win10
Definitely looking like a great remaster so far. Comes out in June. I got the big collectors edition as well since I’m a huge c&c fan. If the game looked like shit though or warning signs appear will cancel but I doubt that I’ll have too.
Generals was where the series died for me so I am ok with this.
>tfw there's no remake mod for generals
>generals will never be playable in Win7/Win10
But Generals plays fine in 7
>AND steam
Well that's unexpected from EA
$10 says you'll still need to run it with origin.
I mean I HAVE origin so that's not a big deal, I'd just rather not buy games for the platform because it's a shitty platform
It's out?
I'm about to call you a faggot and there is literally nothing you can do about it.
Double faggot
You still have to deal with Origin. Fucker keeps randomly signing me out. I dont understand why every other launcher is so much less competent than steam. Even GOG galaxy keeps losing my games location.
The old/new graphics is a LITERALLY soul/soulless meme. It goes from gritty and down to earth to polished Fortnite zoomer color puke.
I'm glad they allow for both.
Still, they advertise with the ugly zoomer/nigger-pandering graphics.
>does not require origin
EA is no longer the cancer, now they are a minor cyst on the back of gaming.
Is C&C multiplayer online as bad as starcraft korean gameplay?
I want to buy it, but I also don't want to have to play as fast as possible to even stay alive.
I wan tto build bases and shit senpai
We are talking about C&C remaster not WC3.
Graphics are stylistically no different from the original. The video shown looks not much different from playing the OG on a good CRT monitor. If you only ever played with horrible upscaled graphics on an LCD I can see why you feel it looks different, but originally the crts smoothed the fuck out of shit at those low resolutions the assets were originally built for.
ban wojak faggots
>ban wojak faggots
It's going to have ELO, so just shit the bed for your first 50 matches and then you can play with other slow as boomers like me.
>that feel when its 15 mins in and you havent even scouted an enemy base yet
Shitter RTS is best RTS
don't worry user, i'm sure the corona virus will take care of them.
ban wojak faggots
>It's going to have ELO
Oh thats nice as fuck, thanks.
I love ranked in games
>ban wojak faggots
Let me know when pic related gets the remaster treatment.
>I wan tto build bases and shit senpai
This. Amassing a fuck you army you only to end up needing a tiny fraction of it to win is how true patricians play RTS games. Everything else is autism.
>ban wojak faggots
me and my friend used to lan on the playstation 1 version and would stay up all night building enormous armies before fighting. was so fun.
they just decided to be hands-off with it because the last two times they got hands-on (C&C4 and Rivals) everything went worse than expected
Source? I know it's available on Steam, but have the confirmed you don't need Origin at all? I'll actually buy it if that's true.
They comfirmed in a AMA that you won't install origin if you buy it on steam, it just that if you want to join multiplayer you need to use a ea account, thats it.
Cool, thanks. If it just wants an email I can handle a throwaway account.
I remember not caring too much about Red Alert (loved the shit out of Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge though). Is Command & Conquer any good?
Red Alert 1 is pretty much an improvement over the original C&C in every way. It has a fantastic soundtrack though.
Red Alert 2 is the pinnacle of the series for me.
Will you be able to use custom maps in multiplayer? I miss playing the insane compstomp maps in tib sun with 7 other people.
they showcased the map editor so probably? maybe there won't be any import tools at first but it should be very doable
>Still have all my old CDs when I bought a C&C collection from costco
>Installed RA2 and Yuri's revenge without any of that origin garbage
>Had to jump through a hundred hoops to get it to work on my modern computer but its still as fun as I remember
Now I just need to beat my habitual desire to build walls and massive turrets backed by anti-air batteries so I can actually win
Ban wojak faggots
>Ban wojak faggots
Bring out RA2. A working version on steam with single player gamespeed option would be an instant buy for most.
It's amazing the state of RTS and Diablo type Hack and Slash. Only the older games were ever made well. Every up and comer feels so mediocre or just downright bad. Fucking MOBAs.
are aloof
he's not wrong. you're only proving him right.
ban wojak faggots
are correct
Source is the steam page. Compare it to the page for Jedi fallen order, which did require origin. All it requires is an EA account, not third parry drm origin.
wake me up when they remaster Red Alert 2 with Yuri's Revenge and throw some Mental Omega stuff as a bonus
what's going to happen to OpenRA?
nothing, still has the 8 player Tiberian Dawn skirmish edge over them
Nothing, just healthy competition.
>Origin is $20, steam is $36
>Special is $60, $80 with shipping, $90 after taxes
>Limited Run is $150, $190 with shipping, $220 after taxes
What is going on?
Also, the physical bonuses are shit and the only things I want from the limited run is the box, the artbook and the replicas.
Everything else can be pirated.
You could steal those you know.
But that's a crime that take effort.
Do I look like a NOD scum?
did you seriously expect EA to not try and jew you out at every opportunity?