Claim your vidya waifu before someone else steals her away from you. I'm claiming Jessie.
Claim your vidya waifu before someone else steals her away from you. I'm claiming Jessie
I bet she has big puffy areola that take up more than a fair amount of her breasts.
I claim that Luci's voice warms my heart when nothing else will.
do you just like only jack of to art of that one character or what, i never understood the waifu shit. please don't be some autistic tulpa shit either
My amazing and beautiful king
Perfect Dark Zero sucked because they changed her hair too much.
Do you seriously expect these virgins to have that kind of self-control? No, "waifu" just means "character I jerk off to more than others".
Sub or dub?
You have to be autistic to even know what a tulpa is for starters, /x/. Second, yes, waifufags have literal brain damage induced from a combination of being unwanted and jerking off to cartoons
its basically just who is your favourite female video game character
I’m going to marry Freya!
I love Kasumi!
It's her day today.
For me it's my cute and beautiful wife SOPHIE!!!!
I love my redhead wife SOPHIE so much!!! She is the perfect protagonist in every way, and in the sequels after her game, the way she shows up and is a master perfectly fits her character development. The best character development in the series! Unlike stupid stinky feet Rorona who can't even teach Totori how to do anything without blowing things up!
My cute wife SOPHIE is the greatest Atelier protagonist and dare I say character in all of the the Atelier series. Arland nigs and Ryza secondaries can suck on her big toe stupid cucks
Juri is my wife.
My wife.
I hope all you fuckers played through FF7 already or you're setting yourself up for a massive disappointment
Luci's voice is her own, no one else's.
I can't imagine anyone being excited for this remake unless they liked the original or at least like Final Fantasy. The presentation of this demo was too weird and cheesy for people who are not already familiar with FF's quirks.
Imagine being a gamer but not have played FF7.
I always found her to be a bit okay
There are worse characters to crush on though
Perfect Dark Zero sucked because they turned the gameplay into a CoDclone and changed Joanna into a dimwitted bimbo.
Crazy Doctor
You can only claim one, faggot. That counts as none and you will die alone.
I honestly think there's way more people who know OF FF7 than those who have played through it.
My waifu is so obscure that the chances of her being posted is practically 0. So I don't need to.
Well, no shit Sherlock.
my own ff14 character
I claim Sofia.
Why is everyone all gung ho about jessie? She's still going to crushed at the end of the midgar section.
man of culture detected
Marisa! the cute and funny little witch!
Shhhh outsiders don't know that. Normies only know edgy Cloud and Sephiraiath, let them figure it out themselves.
I see polyniggers
Imagine being the female version of a Smash character and being nowhere in the game lmao
Mia is extremely cute.
I love my employee, Bongbong.
taishi sama!
She would have 100% gotten in if Eleven and Eight had female versions too
I claim my wife.
Cammy is best
>already claimed Jessie
Fuck you, I never lost this so fast in the past before.
Play some gaems
My cute and beautiful wife SOPHIE!
>No one claimed Tharja yet
Then it's mine now.
Good choice, she is in my top ten.
>he claims a waifu the rest of Sector 7 is smashing
I mean, it's your choice, OP
Pretty obscure fortunately
Sophia Claimed
I claim Mipha