Filename thread

Keep it vidya

Attached: Adam Jensen takes over a golf tournament.jpg (1500x578, 308.91K)

Attached: Okami.jpg (1280x720, 54.06K)

Attached: QTE_Fail_in_Wonderful_101.gif (400x293, 822.96K)

Attached: outdoor yoga.jpg (1152x728, 70.25K)

Attached: automatic hardware detection.png (729x616, 32K)

Attached: D-D-DIGIMON.webm (1024x576, 2.33M)

Attached: Spec Ops The Line.png (640x480, 110.31K)

Attached: Random encounter.png (750x996, 493.11K)

Attached: Ben Drowned.gif (360x270, 806.3K)

Attached: Iori thread.jpg (252x39, 6.27K)

I get it lel

Somehow, I heard this post before I saw it.

Attached: getting caught during a stealth mission.jpg (260x240, 22.9K)

Attached: SophieRichardsIsDead.jpg (1600x1065, 531.99K)

>filename thread
>keep it vidya
>Yas Forums - video games
God damn I hate you retards

Attached: taunting in killcam.jpg (640x480, 29.33K)

Attached: Garfield Minus Garfield.jpg (600x1125, 267.6K)

Attached: Incremental game progression.jpg (342x1912, 269.67K)

Attached: how to localize a kanji filter test for american audiences.png (394x460, 136.61K)

Attached: How it feels to watch all your favorite franchises go down in flames.jpg (236x241, 26.49K)

Attached: Bioware directs a porno.jpg (384x357, 21.25K)

Attached: Tower Girls.jpg (640x684, 100.55K)

>gta v

Attached: Reddit Makes an Eroge.jpg (400x436, 70.42K)

It really feels good.

Attached: Booker, catch.jpg (568x432, 16.03K)

Attached: autoresolve.jpg (312x413, 33.43K)

Attached: Hitman.jpg (640x625, 93.18K)


Attached: RULES OF NATURE.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

Attached: risk of rain.png (61x55, 9.15K)

Attached: Accidentaly joining a RP server.png (637x4565, 648.92K)


that's a Yas Forums tier filename m8

That's cool, where is that from?

How come?

Oh... I get it...

Attached: custom sprays.jpg (1200x900, 118.45K)

Attached: Deathstroke gets a contract from 4chan.jpg (600x556, 197.66K)

Attached: A BR with 140 ping.webm (720x720, 2.63M)

Attached: Mario Kart DS.webm (640x352, 2.78M)

That guy is good.


Attached: You were just like me.gif (360x271, 483.15K)

Attached: idle.webm (352x270, 1.33M)

Attached: Touhou Music on Synesthesia.webm (640x360, 1.3M)

Attached: gotta get back back to the past samurai jack.jpg (800x1131, 544.45K)

Attached: Asuras Wrath.gif (500x375, 730.55K)

took me way longer than I expected to get this one, good shit

Attached: I'm a Chuckster.gif (540x270, 670.53K)

Absolutly top tier.

My dad loved hotshots on psx

Attached: blade's edge mountains.webm (888x500, 2.01M)

Ballmastrz9009 on Adult Swim


Everybody’s golf is the only game I have played on ps4 that is actually just fun to play.

Attached: Animal_Crossing.jpg (640x480, 76.38K)

Attached: super meat boy.jpg (814x442, 88.07K)

>Complain about filename threads being off topic
>When there are over a dozen corona Yas Forums threads up

>makes a claim
>gives to proof to back it up

post filenames you fucks

Attached: wacraft icon.jpg (3264x2448, 536.28K)

Attached: master chief taking a dump.jpg (196x543, 12.85K)

Attached: girls und panzer.gif (200x178, 1.35M)

Is there footage that's not sped up?

Attached: Ikumi Nakamura.png (888x1300, 564.11K)

this is good. upvoted

Attached: Girls und Panzer.webm (1280x720, 1.34M)

Attached: E3 2020.gif (480x270, 3M)

Ah the tinder reddit. Epic humor my good sir! He really confused that female!

holy shit I can't unsee it now

Attached: 1579253181689.png (400x286, 154.82K)

who hurt you?

Attached: AND THEY RUN WHEN THE SUN COMES UP.webm (1280x580, 2.65M)

Attached: JUST HAVE SOME GODDAMN FAITH.jpg (640x480, 46.42K)

Does Yas Forums not like red hood?

I can't speak to current iteration (Red Hood and the Outlaws) but the original Under the Hood storyline is pretty universally hated.

The joke here though, is the 'doing it for free' line.

i dont get it

another user told me it was very grindy which put me off from playing it. is that true?

Attached: Joker explains 4chan moderation.jpg (640x360, 37.15K)