The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now...

>The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you found in this one...

Attached: Death.jpg (340x255, 19.95K)

what game

>downloading Fallout 1 right now

What build should I run?

10 luk jinxed

No point in not going small guns into energy/big guns
The game gets cancer really fast if you don't get the best gun as soon as you can.

small guns lockpick and speech :^)

Looks like Fallout

luck and charisma

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

melee works too

>It is done. Vault Thirteen belongs to the Unity and the Master. Your knowledge of the Vault defenses saved many mutant lives during the attack. You personally made the final kill when you took the life of the Overseer. You will certainly become one of the finest soldiers for the Unity, and your skills will see you rewarded often in the future. You are happy. But there remains the tiniest doubt of what could have been...

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>Your death has sealed the fate of everyone else on Earth. The Enclave triumphs, releasing the FEV virus into the atmosphere. Millions die... and the world falls silent again.

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>FEV virus
>Forced Evolutionary Virus Virus

This game is impossible.
Even without the time limit you generally need a FAQ to progress, but with time crunch the game just becomes insultingly obtuse.

Death is not a hunter unbeknownst to its prey. One is always aware that it lies in wait.

bro the time limit is a literal non factor, fallout 2 is harder than fallout 1 too

oh no guys what happened to the good people of Shady Sands?

Attached: ssands.jpg (640x480, 183.25K)

Just max out endurance and charisma bro

how are you even able to solve captchas?

>time crunch
you can run the length of the map several times before 150 days pass. The slightest amount of planning will mean you can consider the time limit a joke. Just fucking talk to people and you'll figure out where the chip is without even reaching any of the endgame locations.
>generally need a FAQ to progress
god, you're such a fucking zoomer. Fallout holds your hand with regards to finding objectives compared to most 90s adventure games, you know?

i'd love to see you try and play the original version of the game with the mutant invasion mechanic


Don't spend any points, I believe in you.

It's a reasonable time limit, come on.

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I used Fallout FIXT to mod the original time limit back in.
It is just about possible to go everywhere, do everything, avoid sequence breaking (e.g. no going to the mutant military base before your character would logically have a reason to know where it is), and complete the game before the first deadline, which is 90 days in.
I think 87 days or something like that passed, it required taking two levels of the shitty perk that reduces travel time, which also meant I needed 6 EN. Was pretty fun honestly.

Over the last couple weeks I’ve taken an interest in playing this game despite not really having a vested interest in Fallout as a series. (The only one I’ve played before was Fallout 4 and only for a couple hours) This one seems really different from that in a lot of interesting ways.
Is there anything I should know to make the game more enjoyable or things to avoid that make the game miserable?

you need to know what skills to invest in or else you'll have less fun

>play fallout 2
>run a charisma/gunslinger build
>remember "that" tutorial
>critical miss
>critical miss
>you have been hit for 5 points
>critical miss
>you have been critically hit for 20 points
>rinse repeat
Why do people defend this?
I might be exaggerating a bit, but its by far one of the most ill thought out parts of the game, you pretty much HAVE to tag melee just to stop it being so shit, it took nearly an hour just to cheese the enemies by running in circles.
Its not fun, even by cRPG standards.

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Don't spec in any kind of meme way thinking it'll be "funny".
No, your aptitude for throwing, or traps, or gambling is not going to pay off long term compared to an investment in speech, small guns, science, repair, or lockpicking.
Fallout FIXT is quite good for restoring content that was scrapped from the original game, too.

>remember "that" tutorial
nigger, just fucking kite them. As long as you have AG of at least 2 you should be able to clear out the entire temple without taking damage. None of the enemies in there have a ranged attack, and they can move a maximum of 2 tiles and still attack.
Not the game's fault that your battle tactics are literally as stupid as a fucking radroach.

It's a non-factor if you used a guide or already played it.
But even if you don't actually hit the limit, its presence actively dissuades you from exploring, which you have to do a ton of to progress.
A good deal of the game feels like more of a Sierra adventure game than an actual RPG, but at least those have the decency to kill you and send you back to before you barked up the wrong tree.
Take the first instance of this as an example. This is how most people would play the game I imagine.
>go where you're told
>get told you need rope
>that's literally all the game tells you
>turn around and go back to the town you skipped to buy rope from an NPC you don't know about, costing time each way on the trip
>You get punished and lose a day or two for not being clairvoyant.
The day lost isn't going to make the difference, sure, but you can't know that before you finish the quest and get a sense for how much time you actually have.
And all the other quests and diversions feel like wasted time as well because there's no way a priori to tell how near or far you are from getting the damn water purifier.
This time limit mechanic was actually well-done, and pushes you just enough to keep you on edge.
You're also supposed to play the game multiple times, so not knowing what to do is fine since everything you do meaningfully progresses your character, even if you spend 3 days killing zombies.

>charisma/gunslinger build
>picks fights with scorpions
Come back later and kill them if you have ocd

Is this a bad ending? Why is the afterlife dark?

because when you die everything goes dark

>This game is impossible
Yeah, but instead of just being a dumb zoomer, my problem has always been save corruption and repeated crashing near the end of the game.

I've never finished it yet I've played through it so many times just to have it crash on the way to the base and then corrupt my save.

I'm pretty sure the woman who tells you where Vault 15 is also tells you you'll need rope. Someone tells you that. It's not impossible for a first-time player to know they should get some rope.

>in heaven, all men have a BBC

>Mutant threat ended
>Genetic timebomb in humanities veins is stopped
>America and eventually the rest of the world rebuilt into its former glory

This was supposed to be a bad ending?

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>You are happy. But there remains the tiniest doubt of what could have been...

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>back when "game over"s existed
better times

>literal billions dead
>larping "glory" shit when it's just a plain ol military dictatorship
yes, you stupid edgelord.

Game overs are a failure of the game designer.

this shit still frightens me today
fucking hell

this this this losing is bad game design

>literal billions dead
There is no way Fallout earth has a > seven digit population

What would you say the game is trying to convey with the time mechanic?
I think the purpose of Dead Rising's is readily apparent, but Fallout's isn't.

Is it supposed to add tension? Then why make it so long?
Is it supposed to inhibit grinding? Why not do that in a more sophisticated way, like making a more parabolic XP curve and/or tiered XP rewards?
Realism? Then why doesn't every quest have a time limit?

To me it was nothing but the game chiding me for playing it how I wanted to play it.

sounds like something someone read in some handbook and then just never questioned.

Fallout 1 is legitimately scary and extremely eerie

I think the funnier thing is that the master was so sure he wouldnt be rivaled by any faction but the enclave would've just annihilated the unity and Frank Horrigan would've just laughed while ripping off the lieutenants head and beating the master to death

Good thing Fallout 2 isn't canon

They were dead anyway. The Enclave wasnt evil or stupid. Wastelander's DNA was compromised and within a few generations would result in death anyways. They were just stemming the tide.

Max agility, speech lockpick small guns. Choose Gifted. Put some points in Perception and Luck.

are you retarded?

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i'm a retard who can't play older games because I'm used to handholding in every game I play and even I beat the game in about 2 weeks of playing it casually, from my experience it's one of the easiest older RPGs to get into

i don't think frank horrigan or the enclave's modified FEV virus would exist if the master hadn't lost. they were only able to create those because the mariposa base was abandoned.

Its annoying but impossible not really. I beat the game for the first time and little guidance within the time limit and 0 towns were overrun by mutants.

If anything Fallout 2 is worse because of this stupid ad (Not responding) glitch that happens on enemy turns, that i cant fix. My one and only play through of it was miserable

>within a few generations

People in new vegas seem fine. If that was true I'm sure they'd have something to say about more kids being born with defects or impotency problems but that ain't happening.

That was written long after.
The Enclave being right probability is considerably higher as presented in Fallout 2.

I don't remember any evidence of that being seen apart from enclave people telling you so.

1 int
10 cha

They would've been able to overtake it or at least secure FEV samples. Vertibirds made them a nearly impossible enemy to defeat, that and their pre war arsenal and improved power armor. Also i'm pretty sure they had some FEV samples on the oil rigs. If not the eastern and western Enclave still would've been more than their match if you're into that lore. Maybe not Frank Exactly but victory would still go to the enclave when they get a hold on FEV samples

that's cause it never happens. the scientists you meet imply that humans are evolving quicker, but the writers intentionally left it vague. you can even convince the head scientist that this evolution is a good thing and that it's simply the next step for humans.

I'd give my left nut for one of these.

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I miss manuals and I don't understand all the line about good games not needing one.

I’ll keep that in mind, thanks. I’ll have to look into FIXT as well.

I've got the contents, but no box. The manual is 10/10