Borderlands 3

You did buy my game, right user? It's up on Steam right now.

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lol no

any good rule 34 of her?

Nope! I will never give money to faggots who think it's okay to withhold a product from another demographic for any amount of time because they were paid to.

Heh sorry, but I bought granblue fantasy versus instead.

They didn't withhold it from you, you stupid fuck. They just put it in an online store that you refused to use.

>They didn't withhold it, they just withheld it
Oh sorry, was I not supposed to post? I know you need your Coronabucks and all.

Ok, schizo

I bought it day 1 on EGS and enjoyed it a lot.

Epic bro here: its fucking awful and I liked the first 2. Save it for Alexa or whatever steam bros

Hahaha oh Randy
I wouldn't buy a fucking borderlands game even if there was a gun to my head

Bitch, you were barely in it!

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None, of teenaged version anyways

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Turns out being greedy kills the hype after a year. Epic is a death sentence for your company. And everyone's heard it's not even mediocre.

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Lost all interest. Had no interest in the beginning using EGS and because it's reviewed pretty averagely, I really don't see the point.

Starting it up soon. How's Flak? Are the pets permanent/long lasting summons or are they just an attack like bloodwing? Really enjoyed Gaige/Axton/Roland/"Jack" in previous games so hoping I get a similar experience.

t.falseflagging epic cuck

I didn't even buy 2

fuck off tranny

Flak is great! He's just as funny in the second one.
>Are the pets permanent/long lasting summons?
Yep! They travel with you in between missions too!
>Really enjoyed Gaige/Axton/Roland/"Jack" in previous games so hoping I get a similar experience.
Glad to hear it, anonymous!

Too obvious, you need to a bit more subtle

lower price to 5 dollars first

the point is to be as obvious as possible to piss people off and reduce sales

friend gave me a key since I lost my job recently. hate claptraps new voice actor, but besides that it isn't too bad so far. gunplay was improved and feels smoother, enemies have a lot better AI now and will utilize cover more effectively as well as actively retreat and regroup. some weapon manufacturer gimmicks are ok, like dahl smgs being able to switch between 3/4 burst fire mode and semi auto or full auto depending on the gun helps to conserve ammo in the early game. other gimmicks like maliwan weapons needing to charge before firing fucking blow. started with zane, seems to be like handsome jack doppelganger in the presequal, but I am still early.

No, I was going to but epic store bullshit had me waiting for Steam and that was enough time for it to come to light how shit the game was in terms of story and characters. It's so bad the player character(s) are completely ignored and pretended to not exist and Lillith/crew do everything you do. Final boss was absolute trash, almost as bad as Destroyer. The first dlc is killing homophobes in order to ensure a gay wedding happens which is just retarded sjw cringe. The actual gunplay was ok so maybe when they have a complete edition for $10 I'll check it out.

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> The first dlc
You fucked up at the end

>despite all this negative, he's STILL willing to send any amount of money their way

the first DLC is robbing a Jack themed casino user


Fuck no.

Why would I want to play this shitty looter shooter full of terrible meme humor to begin with?

What do you mean, this guy paid for a copy so you don't have to!

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Which character first, Zane or Amara?

Why wouldn't you?

I hear zane is the go-to choice for mobbing, but I can’t say for sure

other big complaint is the distance for voices and sound effects. everything that is within 50 in game feet or so sounds like its right next to you. can't tell you how many times so far i've heard a skag jumping and it sounds like its right behind me, but then turn around to find it barely within pistol range.

I'm going to use Randy's shill thread to tell everyone that EDF 5 is 50% off.
Should I get it? The DLC spam seems a bit excessive.

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good post
edf is amazing

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lol no

All I can say is the main game is fucking awesome.

>animeshitter has trash taste

No, I'm subtly indicating I want someone else on this thread to buy it for me


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I pirated this game back when it was cracked and i didnt even bother beating it because it ran like trash, just constantly stuttering. I got a 1080ti.

Have they improved the optimization?

Of course not, BL2 was dog shit.

What compels a person to do this? Some good stuff in there but fucking jesus christ

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Yes, get EDF, especially if you have a buddy to play with

embarrassing post

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No, get fucked, sellout

I wonder how many giant mutant bandit cocks loli tina sucked growing up. she had that "dickalicious" line in the pre seuqel

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I'll buy it when I can get it for $5 on humble bundle so I can give all the proceeds to people who aren't gearbox.

Got it for free on epic because of some deal with AMD or something, together with the Outer World's.
I don't really care about borderlands tbqh so I never tried it

Maybe if you hit gamepass sometime I'll give it ago until then suck my penis.

Leveling is stupidly slow in BL3 and Denuvo ensures you can't mod your xp to level faster

Even at 50% off, EDF5 is a bit too grindy if it's the same as 4.1. However, I did buy EDF 4.1 at that low ass price it's at right now and I love it to little bits


While I liked the first game I really didn't like the second one and dropped the pre sequel like 15 minutes in.

Why the fuck would I get BL3 when all I've heard about it makes it sound like they doubled down on everything I disliked from 2 onwards

Get EBF5 instead.

wtf thats not tim sweeny

based cunny king biden poster

being on Yas Forums is a great start

>ammo and cash is picked up automatically if you're within 2 meters

best change they could make

things I can tell about this person

>drinks soda
>probably smells
>jerks off, a lot

ye, bought the super deluxe edition, can't wait to play in about an hour

Zane is fun as fuck. shield and drone will keep you alive and boost every shot you make while constantly regening health and weakening enemies. plus his lines are the best amongst all the characters.