Hello Yas Forums what would you like to see in a dating sim?
Hello Yas Forums what would you like to see in a dating sim?
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The online multiplayer similar to the Souls games where you can invade the worlds of other players and cuck them or compete over the same girl to determine who has more game.
Also, post the panda for that, cropping it makes it annoying to try to find.
Herohero tom is the artist.
I don't think OP is futa, but I don't really remember it.
Herohero Hospital or Tom, one of those
Breast expansion
>american anime girls
Thanks senpai
An actual completing story, no just incel pandering
>He called me cute, now we must fuck
Is fucking cringe.
what the fuck are these inbred creaturas
It's not
sorry user, the dating sim gerne dies with the death of flash.
Weight gain
how would you go about doing that?
Modern women literally act like this if you're not hideous
There used to be a game about that.
Network Netoraru Kare Machi Kanojo
fun game. teatime is dead though so obviously the servers are too.
God, Herohero Tom had a solid artstyle, but he got too fucking big.
I wonder if he'll ever go back to drawing slighty less fat chicks.
Heres you're American girls
geez, those are some *BIG* girls.
>but he got too fucking big.
I wish he would go big again
god i hate the fact i love this dudes content
that doujin had some nice banter
whats wrong with these bitches lips? they need to moisturize or something
The non futa stuff is 10/10 jiggly.
The futa stuff is also 10/10
you're both my brothers no matter how much you may disagree
He's doing commissions now if any of you have 250 just laying around
>all this bullshit coming out in weg form
>no one has done a shameless copy of true love 95
>keep the evergreen anime rip off girls and swap out the rest for modern ones
>make sure the only gameplay thing people can recall, the god of slacking event, is still in and works in exactly the same way
>enjoy having patreon cover your living expenses for 5 years
using any chapstick other than original unflavored/scented is for faggots and crossdressers.
More brown and yellow women. Why does everyone have to be white?
Get enough of those in real life
That one doujin he made with the pedophile in the elevator was pretty hot
You're the laziest nigger i've ever met it's like the third reply
herohero tom my dude
What's with the fat fucking necks
Those lips look like goatses' asshole
That's hot
anthro stuff?
this was the only good doujin from him
Team Death Match
He drew gardevoir
Source on translation? Also everything he has put out has been kino
Isn't that just called new character dlc
the extreme whales ones he makes is eh...
The fate one and the elevator one is the best imo
I love his whales
In real life all I meet are stupid ass chicks that are never honest about themselves and/or don't want to make money,even if I inform them they could make 10x I do in a month by getting into streaming,starting an OnlyFans account or something like that so I envy you my dude.
He’s been going a little too wild with the fat stuff but I didn’t mind when it was just mildly overweight futa giants raping the shit out of one shota
>Granblue doujin still isn't translated
>Hello Yas Forums what would you like to see in a dating sim?
Male catboy partners.
>He’s been going a little too wild with the fat stuff
Were is the meme coming from? I wish he would do whales again
he's suggesting the women use it you genetic dead end
Is that the local roller derby?
Stilwater Beavers.
Fully artificial intelligence
I want them to actually love me back
Any dating sim needs to have a cute and funny onee-san route.
Lots of choices, stats, items, an actual map to move around in, there's way too many games that call themselves dating sims now that are just linear VNs
That takes effort and why do that when you can make 10-80k a month churning out daz schlock?