Fucking Japanese air force
Characters who did nothing wrong
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Whenever I see this guy portrait it seems to me he's wearing a female school uniform.
caim did everything wrong
Caim is probably one of the most unrepentantly evil protagonists in vidya user
Are there any other characters like him in Videogames? People shit on Taro for his anime writing but I love how the main characters tend to be genuinely flawed people, and in some cases are just plain awful.
I don't know. He drew the line at incest and made his sister lose her shit over it.
I can only think of Walker from Spec ops and the Nameless one from planescape torment as the only other protagonists with real flaws
Might be the wrong thread to ask this but I've got some questions
1)Is Nier Automata a good game? For reference I loved the original but I'm unsure if the sequel will measure up
2)Is Drakengard/Drag-On Dragoon emulateable and if so a)change the audio to Japanese and b)is it worth playing in the first place?
superior boy coming through
Nier auto tomato is really different gameplay-wise and is better there. Story and presentation is not as good but still nice.
All three drakengard games can be emulated nigh-perfectly.
First two are half-musou/half dragon ace combat games. Musou parts suck, even more so in two but the dragon parts are actually fun. First one is a really good experience if you can actually stomach the ground parts. Second game was really rushed and it shows + the tone is lighter but it has some amazing parts as well with the characters from the first game and a few shit I won't spoil. Don't be a fucking weeb and use jap audio, these games are designed english voice first and foremost like Dragon's Dogma and Bayonetta. Don't play 3 unless you are one of those ''ironic weeb'' guys who think the plural of waifu exist and use cropped hentai images as avatars, every single thing but the music sucks and the old guy managing to find different ways to refer to his schlong
not as good as the original, no. still a good time. if you can't stomach Automata you won't be able to finish DoD1, it's genuinely a sub-par game held up by the writing and sound.
>2)Is Drakengard/Drag-On Dragoon emulateable and if so a)change the audio to Japanese and b)is it worth playing in the first place?
They're worse Musou games in a nutshell. Running joke is you're better off reading TheDarkId's screenshot Let's Play over playing them. Drakengard 3 is probably the most approachable one because they scaled back from Musou to simpler action.
>Is it worth playing
It's the game I most regret completing to 100%.
It has good parts but otherwise 90% of the game is mindless grind.
>these games are designed english voice first and foremost like Dragon's Dogma and Bayonetta
Are you sure? I don't think that's the case, it certainly isn't with Nier. I don't mind Japanese games were English audio is the original or intended dub (any Capcom game really bar Monster Hunter) but I didn't know that was the case for Yoko Taro's work
Dude, those parts were about Drakengard instead.
Drakengard 1 and 2 both have amazing english VA work. 3 got the -the same guys and galls you hear in every anime- VA so not including that one.
Shion from Xenosaga
saved the world , just for it go to shit anyways
Caim is based
brother one is my waifu
DoD1&3 and Nier are flawed masterpieces if there is such a thing, 2 isn't really a Taro game so eh
So now that Automata sold a jillion copies are square dumb enough to give Yoko a giant budget for DoD4?
drakengard 4 when
there's little to expand on nier now and chances are we're still getting a third game sadly
I mean what's left for them to do? You basically dick punched the Watchers in 3's true ending negating both the original Drakengard and Neir timelines.
Taro should just let them have their happy ending and create a whole new universe to fuck up with emotional trauma.
He could just pick a random ending and go nuts with a sequel
>DoD 3
>while calling 2 a non Taro game
Drakengard 3 was literally written by a horny writer who wrote elementary books and is absolute trash
thanks for the recomandation but i don't like sf
Neckbeard hates anime, more news at 11.
also fits the thread topic
It’s been awhile since I’ve played the game but what did he do that was evil? I remember he enjoyed killing but that’s all. I don’t even remember being it expressed that much aside from during the opening.
Equal opportunity murderer with literally no compassion for anyone. Old, young, male, female, all were equal to Cain in that all should die screaming.
His only standard is that he would not fuck his sister no matter how hard she thirsted for his dick. She literally destroyed the world she was that dick hungry but by god the man stood for one thing and he would not be denied.
Well he kinda slaughter the shit out of some kids, kill a lot of people and beyond, murder the grim reaper. Overall start as some humble prince who want to protect his world, to man with no compasion and only murders can get his dick wet. Or something like that.
I don’t remember any of that. As far as I remember he just killed soldiers.
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
shoulda paid attention to the cutscenes between. most of the battles took place outside cities Caim was sieging, and once you killed the army with caim or the dragon, their civilians were ready to be slaughtered
Caim, Saving the world one genocide at a time.
Same it fucks with me
Is 3 really that bad? I'm loving 1 so far and I kind of want to play all of them
clearly the kids violated the NAP
Demon path Revya
Play 3 and make up your own opinion, it's divisive. You'll get everything from it's shit to amazing
Drakengard > Nier > 3 > Automata > 2
jap cover?
It's not even a drakengard game both story and gameplaywise and the said story gets ''linked'' in out-of-game content
You don't have the only bearable parts of the older drakengards, the dragon riding, the story has nothing to do with the other games and at best you can say ''ok this looks like that one thing'' + it's abhorently written and paced with shitty generic characters with 5 of them so shallow they are only there to justify the tweest, the artstyle is extremely generic, it had bad voice acting and from people you have already have heard a million times, it breaks the fourth wall for hours through the story because hehefunnyjoke like it's an SNL sketch, the writer couldn't into subtlety AND it had abhorrent performance on top of all these.
Seriously, anyone who likes 3 at all might as well say they like pinapple in their burgers and pizza
It's not even a short game, you have to play through actual recycled content for god knows how long to progress, so it's not even ''go try it yourself'' tier.
Just go listen to the OST and save yourself the hassle.
>The copy I bought didn't want to load past the pact with Angelus cutscene
Still not sure if that was a bad, or a good thing
>His only standard is that he would not fuck his sister no matter how hard she thirsted for his dick
His sister was in love with him? I don't remember that at all. Wasn't she in love with someone else?
There's a mission where you fight a bunch of brainwashed 12-year old kids. Caim murders them and Arioch eats them (really).
Based as fuck.
Brainwashed mutant child soldiers*
Sure he shows no remorse but those cunts really were just monsters out there to kill them at that point
How the hell did you not catch on the incest plot? When it's revealed, Caim looks away from his sister with a look of disgust.
2 > 1 > Automata > Nier > 3
Caim fight in 2 is kino af
Do you remember which chapter? I either forgot or was too dense to realize it.
Drakengard 4 when?
After 1:00
My dream is Taro somehow getting the go ahead to make a completely true to original uncensored remake of Drakengard.
People would lose their fucking shit over it.
Only if the original composer and voice actors are in it
>create cool curse nukes out of torturing people
>attempt to nuke a god
>create an undying and eternally suffering god out of a bunch of monsters and a maddona in order to fuel said curse nuke
>get flak for it despite being perfectly ethical and a man of science
Thank god he lived through the events of the game
>people hated DoD's sound track
are we the weird ones?
>Abandon all hope, ye who enter here
This halfway house is home to a madman.
His ghosts, and his perfect song.
This year has been bruised and broken in so many ways that days have long since been abolished.
But if all of this could bring my love back to me...
I'd do away with the drugs and the drink... and the body count could cease.
I've sensed her here, but I know that we're destined to stay seperated.
...and this is all my fault.
For what it's worth, it's worsening, and my song demands an ending... closure.
Karma can't control the beast I've born to swallow us whole.
Yes, my heart may beat again - but we all need medicine.
So forgive me, love, I'm choosing a fitting end to the abusing.
Last night, I leapt through the ceiling.
There was just something appealing about leaving my body behind and coming through as you circled overhead.
I said all the things that had been missing from the funeral that I had been forbidden from taking any part in.
And you forgave me for everything while the victims of the song sounded their applause.
"The doctor has to go." was the last thing that you said as I found my body back in bed
...but then, i guess it's always been his job to fix this.
For what it's worth, it's worsening, and my song demands an ending... closure.
Karma can't control the beast I've born to swallow us whole.
Yes, my heart may beat again - but we all need medicine.
So forgive me, love, I'm choosing a fitting end to the abusing.
For what it's worth, it's worsening, and my song demands an ending... closure.
Karma can't control the beast I've born to swallow us whole.
And yes, my heart may beat again - but we all need medicine.
So forgive me, love, I'm choosing a fitting end to the abusing.
To be honest, it was supposed to be off-putting at times and it was efficient at it
Shit's even scary at times
>are we the weird ones?
probably, but fuck those who don't think it's one of the best
Based Dark Id LP.
>DoD's sound track
A banger, but not that great compare to the rest. Still opressing and hostile as fuck.
It's atonal as fuck but that's what makes it so good.
did she actually do anything right?