Kyle Bosman leaves EZA next month for literally no reason other than “This job is too easy” which means we’re stuck in the worst timeline where Kyle leaves and we’re still stuck with mike TSA damiani. In other words. EZA is dead before the end of this year.
I’m dropping patreon so here’s their early podcast I haven’t even listened to it yet.
And if an Ally sees this. Maybe tell damiani to shut his fucking retard mouth every once in a while. The streaming initiative has only hurt EZA. No one wants to watch Damiani misunderstand the controls and bitch like DSP while Huber sits there awkwardly. No one wants to watch Damiani at all.
He's leaving LA. I honestly don't even know what the fuck he's gonna do. He used to be from NY but there's no industry here in the North East when it comes to vidya or media
Benjamin Martinez
>quit an easy job where he had free reign to do anything he wanted creatively with literally nothing lined up ahead is kyle the most retarded man on earth
Dylan Thomas
>Kyle leaves >Damiani and Ian stay Yep. That's it, folks. Pack it up.
Yeah but you have to work with people you dont like and in crappyfornia I think he only really liked Jones
Hunter Morgan
>where he had free reign to do anything he wanted creatively with literally nothing lined up ahead Only barely. Like no one else ever even really wanted to work with him on any of his ideas. Kyle could barely even get Jones to stream with him, and the only surefire partnered content involving Kyle were playing Huber's most favourite games to completion with him.
Judging from snippets caught from Kyle's solo streams over the years it sounds like the vast majority of Kyle's ideas were met with disinterest and were either impossible or needed to be pushed for hard. It's like anything that ever required Easy Allies to do anything new, different, or anything that required a modicum of effort, was like pushing a boulder over a mountain.
Ironically enough Ian appears to have been the one most willing to actually do new things. But Ian personally was always one of the busiest members, with the least time. And as far as the audience is concerned he was by far the least popular and all of them knew that.
Jack Lee
I believe that that as much as box peek had an actual ending.
Jeremiah Mitchell
It was only a matter of time until the group gets smaller. Also his reason for leaving is retarded. He did the least work of literally all of them, he could have done all sorts of things if he actually wanted to.
At least now they have a few thousand bucks that won't have to go to Kyle so maybe they actually up their production value a bit,
John Perez
they were only good in GT era
Evan Ramirez
Their Patreon is going to tank, they'll be worse off you goddamn fruit
Ryder Jackson
>He did the least work of literally all of them that's brandon
Cameron Collins
>At least now they have a few thousand bucks that won't have to go to Kyle so maybe they actually up their production value a bit, Please. They'll lose like 50%-66% of their patreon without Kyle.
Jesus christ those comments are patheic. >b-but kyle muh friend Dx listen to my sad life story wah you were my best friend i pay money for you every month that means we are so close
Jacob Brown
>I stopped saying L&R because of some shitposters lmao this guy, not that the phrase wasnt cringe as fuck
Wyatt Wilson
After 4 years it comes abruptly to an end with me and EZA. Feels bad. Without Kyle there's really no point anymore. Jones is the ONLY other entertainment ally, but that's not enough.
t. patron since month one
Adrian Rodriguez
Wait people actually like Kyle? he was shit even back in the GT days. Barely did anything except his stupid meme show, in EZA he did even less except read off some resetera news for the podcast and aside from that his whole thing is being shit at videogames, hating pretty much everything and having bad humor.
Alexander Bell
Op here. I unsubbed 10 mins after posting this thread.
I’m actually curious what their count will be at at the end of today. I’m not giving damiani a fucking cent when betting specials are over.
unfortunately the rest of them are even worse (except blood, sorry brother)
Lincoln Green
He was the only person who understood the game’s he was playing. At least when he had the controller during the conker stream it was at least tolerable and it felt like I could handle his bitching when he’s at least playing the game right and proving he understands it.
Go watch Damiani play ANYTHING that isn’t an RP server in FF14. He’s their DSP
Chase Barnes
So much for taking antidepressants making it better
Ryan Lee
time for the weekly discord shill thread? resetera cancer
Aiden Powell
Fucking devastated lad. I wonder why he was in more streams lately. He's the one guy I liked. Oh well. I hope Brandon and Blood continue to do okay
>Only barely. Like no one else ever even really wanted to work with him on any of his ideas. Kyle could barely even get Jones to stream with him, and the only surefire partnered content involving Kyle were playing Huber's most favourite games to completion with him.
To be fair, Kyle seems to have massive self-esteem issues, I think he just didn't want to "force" anyone to share screen time with him
It's a shame, he's a really talented and charismatic guy and he just can't accept it
Ryder Jackson
Stop passing the blame, Damiani. Brandon could do only voiceovers and still do more work than most of the others, yet he still edits many of the videos anyway (and it seems he's "in charge" of handling the EZA money).
That sure didn't last long. Not really surprised though, their whole group never really seemed like close friends or something, more like simple coworkers.
Matthew King
This was literally the worst case scenario for them, RIP EZA, Kyle was the one thing holding it together
Jackson Kelly
Will he say "fuck" before he leaves? He said he was saving it.
David Ramirez
>Barely did anything except his stupid meme show That stupid meme show was absolute kino and you're insane if you can't recognise its brilliance.
Eli Taylor
sorry I mixed them up I forgot the name of the guy, the guy with the hair
Dylan Torres
anyone wants to bet the whole group dissolves before the year is over
Xavier King
He’ll try to be a screenwriter for comedy tv shows and try being a comedian again, probably
David Morgan
>Achieve It Yourself will now be produced by Damiani
Ryan Jenkins
No your post was right.
Jack Scott
Guess they will end up like the Best friends, everone will slowly leave and do solo streams and only two or three will stay together for podcasts and LPs.
Julian Fisher
Bloodworth? He does more than every other Ally combined
John Ross
not dissolve, but by this time next year half of the EZA members will be different (also female)
It’s insane, his job is literally like winning lottery, no bosses to answer to, no strict deadlines, no “do this right or people die”... I’m speechless
Zachary Thomas
These ones were around before youtube and twitch existed thats why they get a pass
Camden Miller
Brad? If you mean him you are correct.
Ian Ortiz
Ah, Brad? Yeah, you right
Dominic Thomas
Yeah. That thing is fucked. Which is a shame. The whole show had Kyle's flavour and humour in it from the very beginning. Meanwhile Damiani outright tried to bend the very idea by cheesing the very concept as much as possible. At the very least Kyle understood that watching them struggle with some silly goals was part of the appeal.
Dylan Jenkins
This isn’t Eceleb it’s the last bastion for reporting and journalism That wasn’t blatantly compromised.
But now it’s been so who cares
Christopher Morales
Holy based
Evan Kelly
How long until he realizes hes not good at fucking anything and Pope only needs him for 3 hours a year and nobody thinks hes funny and crawls right on back in
Tyler Ramirez
yeaahh that guy
Jackson Murphy
I can totally see a huge decline in EZA. Ian will leave and do editing jobs for other companies, Brandon will focus on voiceovers and sell it to Rooster Teeth or some shit...
Brayden Baker
I'll be submitting "Complete a Speedrun in Ocarina of Time"
I'd miss Kyle, EZA really missed their chance at being humongous with a Bosman show kinda thing. This is for the best, EZA will die off from here as personality vaccuums like Ben and Damiani proceed to murder what's left of the EZA fanbase.
Camden Lee
Why are you guys complaining about Bosman leaving when we still have based Ben left?
I predict in 3 months we’ll get a solo Kyle patreon with Bosman at Home weekly
Ayden Sullivan
So Brads depressed money begging girlfriend will join now?
Luis Howard
wow that's a pretty melodramatic thing to say for a ragtag vidya podcast group
there are plenty of other sources for info & opinions & entertainment out there
Dylan Morris
Fathead is cringe
Carter Perry
Oh shiet I bet that will happen, and she is not even hot
James Lee
I hope you like FF14
Julian Carter
Like giant bomb so I can watch Jeff slowly deteriorate some more while a bunch of resetera new bloods continue to tear down what was supposed to be the anti gamespot into fucking polygon2.0 Or what about rev3 games? Oh yeah that’s right Adam “coke binge” sessler killed that and max went to IGN of all places
Jose Ward
I loved listening to it after work. I never found what that jazz song at the end of the episodes was.
Kevin Hernandez
I do, but i hate watching people play it, especially Damiani.
Brayden Cooper
I only subbed because of Bosman. Damnit.. RIP EZA ;_;
David Ramirez
>kora role play >making mouth sounds with every sound effect >blaming everything on lag and other people when he fucks up >this becomes their Tuesday stream
Yeah, I too would feel restricted by their "community" and general unwillingness to do anything remotely controversial. He got a taste of real responsibility at Keighley's and he's coming back for more.
Noah Watson
The guy refuses to release his game on the fucking switch because of the Sony cock. He's a dumbass.
Nolan Brown
dunno what happened but after the japan trip i could not stand this guy anymore
Anthony Morales
He's gonna an hero isn't he, what with no actual thing lined up after it. I hope he's saved up a good amount of money.
Blake Russell
reminder that they all voted for bernie except for blood