Half Life Alyx: Barnacle can now pull you


confirmed on IGN

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But can you see them eating your face?

It must be frustrating for VR consumers having all their games knee-capped to appeal to people who are too lazy to train themselves to not be motion sick.

fuck are you talking about poorfag

I'm just glad that devs are caving to our demands instead of being bullheaded like they were initially
Especially Valve, as always they'll be the ones to set these trends

Aw yeah, good!
Official barnacle vore! IN VR!

>continuous motion
>barnacles pull you up
>verticality/falling off cliffs is a thing
Why would you lie on the internet

what else can we get based ign to request? we need to petition another ign visit to valve hq

If that's true, good job Valve.
Valve should really just assume people will want to experience Half Life: Alyx like they have in every other game because for the first time they get to really be the character.
If I don't get to drive a car, or ride a train, I will be genuinely upset.

Good, now if only they would stop listening to single digit IQ playtesters when it comes to level design...

There are more games than just Alyx. As well, there are design choices that are impacted by the knowledge they have to appeal to sick-prone players such as not implementing a car section.

so the valve AMA guy was not larping

what else did he say

haha what if the barnacle was actually a cute girl instead haha that'd be funny

there are games like boneworks, blade and sorcery and into the radius who give no fucks about sicklets

He's right though you nigger.

>playable piano
>take headcrab through entire game
>can grab and trip combines
>crushable cans, chalkable blackboards
>take headcrab to piano and it'll pay a easter egg
>tyler is a giant stalking faggot and gets fed false info constantly

The barnacle has always been able to pull you, since Half-Life 1, you dumb nigger.

His point is Valve almost made a bunch of concessions like this because they were worried about VRlets. It's great they're moving past this way of thinking.

>can now pull you up

Wait was this not in the base game before?

Wait what did it do before? Did it just strangle you or something?

>Did it just strangle you

Why did they make Gordon look so creepy?

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My primary concern at this point is
>whether or not you can run in smooth locomotion
>alyx talking to herself too much, or talking with/getting talked to by people in her comms too much
I just want to see some footage of running in smooth-locomotion so my primary fear can be put to rest. then again I can't afford VR and a PC that can run VR comfortably anyways so I guess none of this really matters atm

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>alyx talking to herself too much, or talking with/getting talked to by people in her comms too much
Considering how people gobbled up Portal 2's WAAAAAACKY dialogue I wouldn't get my hopes up.

So what made you decide to make ignorant posts in this thread instead of following all of the trailers, interviews, and extended previews that have been spread throughout the last 2 weeks? Why this thread? Why pay 0 attention to Half-Life Alyx but you see this OP with less than a dozen words and now we have your attention? Do you suffer from such severe ADHD that you cannot find any information for yourself and you only want to be spoonfed manufactured outrage for problems that no longer exist?

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it's fan made, Valve would never redesign the suit like that

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Why has no redditor claimed it for goodboy points then.

none of it is the default, which it should be.

grinch leak


Valve originally removed the pull you up because of VR sickness, they changed it this month, now you have the strangle/pull you options

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>the post was too complicated for VR cultist so he resorts to calling him a poorfag anyway

Two-handed guns.

>So what made you decide to make ignorant posts in this thread instead of following all of the trailers, interviews, and extended previews that have been spread throughout the last 2 weeks? Why this thread?
Are you new to VR threads? Yas Forums was going OH NO NO NO TELEPORTATION ONLY because they were too busy masturbating to gacha to actually watch a 3 minute video.

pulling you up is such a fucking nothing issue that of course non-vr fags were upset.

from the footage we've seen barnacles do 2 things. they strangle you and cause damage, and your vision slowly blacks out as you get strangled. so why the fuck would it matter whether you go up or down if you can't clearly where you are?

That's hot.

the point is there shouldn't be a teleport option.

It's a miracle Valve is making a game at all seeing how contradictory they can get, they wouldn't touch it without teleportation.

>the point is there shouldn't be a teleport option.
why shouldnt there be a teleport option in a vr game when most vr games have that option

the thing that gets me most about this is that people who dont even own vr seem to be the fucking gatekeepers in all this. what makes you think you know more than a company who has playtested not just this game but other vr experiences fully, for the past 6 years since modern vr was a thing?

this will the first VR game of many people, teleportation is needed, some people will be sick with normal movemenr

but they shouldn't have shown the teleportation in promotional videos, now some people think the game is teleporation only

imagine getting sucked off by a barnacle

What a shitty game, HL is so overrated

>now some people think the game is teleporation only
only retards, so what else is new

>It must be frustrating having game devs respond to criticism

we do have confirmation now from IGN that barnacles now tongue alyx's vagina

Then I’d finally have a compelling reason to get a VR set

I finally have a compelling reason to get a VR set

I can't wait for it to be fully modeled

And most VR games are trash.
VR's only redeeming quality is being immersive.
there is literally no point to a VR game if it gives you a teleport.
>muh valve knows best
How's artifact doing?
Or you know, they could suck it up and get used to it?

I think he's implying it's not an issue because it isn't. VR devs don't give a fuck about motion sickness. That was a year 1 meme.

>there is literally no point to a VR game if it gives you a teleport.
it's optional you autist

based af

And it shouldn't be, because it shouldn't exist.

At the very least Valve did in the case of Alyx since they initially didn't want players to be lifted or movement outside of teleportation because they thought it would be uncomfortable for VRlets. Thankfully they wizened up, but these are still relatively recent changes.

>VR shit
still not gonna buy it. i like my monitor not taped to my head, thank you

>VR devs don't give a fuck about motion sickness.
Except Valve.

whatever you say

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Commit Toaster Bath

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Nobody asked schizo

Based Valve.

Can't wait to simulate dying by having my head crushed by an alien.