Are you a patrician?

Are you a patrician?

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>Water World for the Virtual Boy

is that even a real game?

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final fantasy 2 did nothing wrong

I can see that you are a serious man who only plays serious games for serious people such as yourself.

Sonic adventure 2 sucks for the most part

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truly a patrician

Hello fellow gamer

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you tell me

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So I need to play Doom 3 on Xbox, Sanic 2 on game cube, metal gear on Xbox 360 to get the best experiences?

>fusion frenzy

I need to add Disco Elysium to my list

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What's middle right? I recognize that artstyle but not the game

front mission. My favourite in the series is front mission 3 but there's no cool art of it

what is top right?
what is it with you people and taing pictures from which someone who hasn't played the game can not identifywhat the game in question is ?
cool bro

Dangerously based list.

Final Fantasy 2 is "great ideas, poor execution:the game". I heard SaGa has simlar mechanics, but I never got into it.


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Thank you. Also I like your grid.
Top Left is Vagrant Story right? I should finally play that on spring break

final fantasy 12 it was my first ff

What is top right? I like everything else.

tactics ogre luct


nice bait

Patrician is a social stature based on wealth, it's not determined by video game selection, especially since every video game is the same price at release. unless of course you're implying a patriarch would have high and distinguished taste, in which case I don't think any of the games you've listed would be considered anywhere close to 'high taste'. Most you've put weredesigned for poor people and trailer trash (low breeding)

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These are all good games but they filter a lot of people and i got to say FF2 filtered even me, i dropped it and i was playing it on the generous PSP version
That's Yas Forumscore
50% Contrarian
Mostly contrarian other is Yas Forumscore
Yas Forumscore mostly

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No, I'm zoomer

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Yeah says the guy who put MGS2 and Drakengard in his 3x3.

I know you’re a child but he picked the good one.

only one of those games is good while the rest are dogshit garbage shovelware

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based af

why the xbox version of doom 3?
tho i agree with the choice

I don't see New Vegas nor Gothic II so you have shit taste.

not saying being contrarian is bad, just saying Yas Forums does't like these games.

>Any 3d Sonic
I will never understand this embarrassing zoomer meme.

>if it's not Yas Forumscore it's contrarian

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>when you never grow out of you're 90s edgelord phase

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Why yes, what gave it away?

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>with xbawks cover shhoter on list

Yes. It is awful.


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>DSP will never “scratch his leg” until his prostate punches bullets of dark sticky pudding in your face

What’s the helicopter?

Uhhh, based department?

Spy Fiction.
Don’t report me to them please.

Play more video games pleb also stop forcing this oomer shit it makes you look retarded


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nah honestly im pretty casual, i mostly stick to a few action games (dmc, monster hunter, etc), comfy jrpgs, and stuff like animal crossing

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>Caring about fitting in with fat nerds on an indonesian underwater basket-weaving instant chat messaging forum
Yeah I'm gonna have to contact the cringe department

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>Not Heroes


>Onions 3
>Onions Evil 4


Wrong list faggot

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>SS2 instead of SS1

Needs to be updated.

Normie coming through, haven't updated in a while though

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>Super Robot Wars Alpha 2
>Not Alpha Gaiden

fuck jannies.

you're alright.

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Probably not.

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