>25 classes, each with 6 archetypes
>extra 12 racial archetypes
>able to reach level 20 + 10 Mythic
>mounted combat with dinosaur mounts
>massive amount of feats
>9 Mythics: Lich, Azata, Angel, Demon, Legend, Locust Swarm-That-Walks, Trickster, Gold Dragon, Aeon
>each has portrait + dialogue + story branch + gameplay mechanics changes
>1st-10th spell circles
>full blooded succubus romance, can be utterly corrupted once again or even redeemed
>both RTwP and Turn Based officially supported
>still able to have 6 party members at once
>HoMM & Master of Magic inspired massive army tactical battle sessions dev not only played both, but also worked on 2nd best HoMM
How can any other cRPG, WRPG or JRPG unironically ever compete?
Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
Wake me up in a year and a half
It sincerely hurts.
Too bad Beholders are D&D OCdoughnut content.
Oh well, doesn't stop every other RPG from having eyeball monsters now, does it?
Hi Beepz, pic related will be released this year. And what do the barber's balls feel like?
At least post a japanese game where your choices matter.
Why is this poor elf girl missing figures and covered in spaghetti?
What's this game like? Is it only on Switch? I'm desperate to play something to get my mind off Pathfinder while I wait a year and a half of Wrath.
She was burned at the stake as a child for being a Witch (which she is) and became a mentally challenged retarded elf late teen with the naive mind of a loli.
I'm surprised the same fingers are missing. Usually you people mess up details like that.
I hope we can mindbreak her away from having a retarded child mind
Was this in the kickstarter and my pea-brain just missed it? I wanted to play this adventure path eventually, but now it feels like I have a year and a half timer to run it before this comes out and everyone already knows the story. Do you think playing the AP would ruin the game experience?
>no Hunter class
Haha seethe dinofags
It was there as a stretch goal along with Golden Dragon.
It's a locust swarm, though.
Eh they said slackerbackers will qualify for it aka paypalpigs
Did they say if you start as any of these outsides/dragons/monsters at level 1 - mythic 1, or do you become them later in the game?
>" player's decisions affect the composition of the army. Initially, for player is only available the militia. In the future, he can turn them into swordsmen, archers, spearmen, and cavalrymen. The subsequent evolution depends on the decisions made by the player. A Spearman can become a halberdier who can attack the enemy for a square, or a defender of Mendev, a Spearman with a shield with the best defense indicators, cavalrymen can become paladins of the Iomedai or knights of the Order of the Rack, depending on which side he chooses. Special detachments give the chosen paths of elevation. Angel is one platoon the outsiders of Iomedae, very pumped swordsmens with wings. The path of the dragon is only one unique unit, but a very strong, guess what it is. But most of all, the necromancer distinguished himself. He is able to raise the dead from the battlefield each battle in numbers depending on the progression of elevation. First covertly, without the ability to use in battle, then openly, and to the full elevation, you can perform a ritual and turn the entire Crusader army into undead."
From russian interview
The early alpha demo had you as 8 base class/2 mythic rank
I'm guessing you can gain the first mythic rank decently early.
Ideally you'd get the actuall full mythic path after you free whatever that main city under siege is named, which is the end of Chapter 1 if going by the story.
>2nd best HoMM
Those are some fighting words. I may actually agree but I would put HoMM II as equally good as well.
I assume you have to quest into it later in the game. I know for most of the mythic paths it's going to be that way according to the initial announcement.
Give me Camellia or give me death!
I am weirded out by outsiders and dragons if a mortal PC is meant to become them as the story goes on. How would this go? A wizard shows up, true polymorphs you into a golden dragon for shits and giggles, then teleports away? If this goes into some asinine homebrew territory, at least it should be funny.
There is a dragon who runs eugenics program in the worldwound, not sure if he will be responsible
Sadly its a trash game though so who cares.
Supposedly it's because you get caught when the god empowered wardstones in the city you are liberating explode or something.
I'm guessing that gives you the mythic "essence" that you just shape into the possible mythic paths
Which also explains why even a 8 INT/WIS Fighter can become a Lich without needing to research etc
> If this goes into some asinine homebrew territory, at least it should be funny.
I'm pretty sure in DND lore there is a girl who tripped over a stone or something and accidently unleashed a lich's phylactery which cursed her into being a lich while the actual lich took over her body
I think we both know it's at least two-two and a half years away. And one more year for the game to sprout DLCs and be tolerable levels of broken.
No, that's the DnD thing where the lich is so old his phylactery fails to remake his body if it's destroyed. I have no idea if Pathfinder even has that.
You start the game as a normal character, get your first Mythic Rank at the end of Chapter 1 (it's just generic at that point), then choose a path at the end of Chapter 2, then Dragon, Swarm-That-Walks, and Legend are apparently "late game" paths that you change to (no further details on how that works, but we know that becoming full skellie is a later upgrade for the Lich, so presumably all the big, body altering changes happen around the time you could instead change to a new path).
Yes, that's how you permanently kill a lich in kingmaker.
He has atrophied and went from level 20 wizard to 1 (or 9 in the pnp)
Slacker backers will get it 100%.
Heck, they were kind enough to declare it last stretch goal instead of teasing further ones down the line
But user! How can it be trash if it is not even released?!?
The only twist she can possible have is be Chaotic Evil. If you are hiding something, it's because there is something to hide.
FE style srpg
sounds kino
All the footage I've seen makes it look pretty interesting, I've got high Hope's for it
Play Langrisser I&II for PC.
Has story branching that lets you betray allies and such for different factions/routes, it's bretty fun.
Biggest dick route where you kill everyone to become supreme ruler.
Here's your extra race chosen by kikestarter, bro.
Based Pathfinder backer chads dabbing on ratniggers.
>DMing a 5e game this sunday
Wish me luck boys
She seems well put together to be CE
But who knows CE has always been a meme
Have fun, user!
Seems bloated desu
first one was bloated too but some of us like that
>25 classes, each with 6 archetypes
And none of them matter because you can just go vivisectionist.
Remember that a vote for ratfolk is a vote for homoerotic fanfiction with illustration in every single thread.
Vote responsibly
>thinks vivisectionist is the best archetype, let alone martial
It is pretty good though.
SS can be better, but nothing has more weight than 1 point in vivi.
looks good, is it challenging?
Monk dip.
And quite a few martials would rather not get it for that reason.
And if you go vivi, I think it's a waste to not get feral mutagen and preserve vitals for some crit mitigation (unless you get mirro image from elsewhere)
That's just the AP plot, the tabletop mythic levels have nothing to do with what was shown, more likely than not the plot is entirely different too
Bloody hell, just put me in an artificial coma until this comes out already
>Camellia (or whatever her name is) in the bottom picture but not the top
Evil snek waifu all but confirmed.
>own Blood and Wine since it released and haven't found the will to play
Why don't I like video games?
Hi-res Lich version of the Artwork
None of those features matter when the gameplay isn't good.
But will they fix every non-lawful good dialogue option being:
A: A complete asshole
B: A violent retard
but nigga LG characters are assholes and violent retards
I think you kinda exaggerate. Anyway, they now have all dialogue alignment options be on good/evil/lawful/neutral/chaotic axis instead of a specific alignment.
If you care more about the lawful or the good part of your LG alignment, you will need to make a choice
But the LG options were the violent ones too.
Perhaps you meant Neutral good? It's the softest one in Kingmaker
I'm surprised people in a CRPG thread can't read.
This shit is coming out NEXT YEAR. Why the fuck are we talking about it, the wait is insufferable as it is, I don't need to be reminded of it.
>every non-LG options is either a violent retard or a complete asshole according to the poster
>These apply to LG far more than alignments like NG or CG
>Therefore, poster made a typo, is lying or is a retard
LG and NG are literally the same in kingmaker. It doesn't matter what arbitrary tag the dev put next to the dialogue option.
have sex.
Not really
yo nigga any of these pathfinder games any good?
im boutta be quarantined
>are literally the same in kingmaker
I think you did not really play the game
Otherwise you'd notice the difference in body count at least.