What do you expect?

what do you expect?

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Rune Factory 5 i guess

I've only Played RF2, and the characters felt kind of shallow. Are they better in other games?


Rune Factory 4 only in full 3D with a lovable town of interesting characters and funny cutscenes and interactions.

RF 1 and 2 are pretty weak. 2 especially has a lot of wonky aspects in that a ton of content is locked behind marriage. It's a slog, honestly.

3 is when the series really takes off. Qol improvements and better combat, a diverse cast of characters, and a decent story. 4 is the peak of the series.

As a huge HM/RF fan, skip 1 and 2 and just play 3 and 4.


Hopefully that they won't cancel it.

With what I imagine was a "huge" influx of cash from the RF4 remaster, I really doubt it has any potential of being cancelled.

A bigger concern for me is focusing too much on 3D and graphics, and not being able to reuse assets from previous games. What really made 4 great was the insane amounts of dialogue and events that made the town feel so alive. Not to mention how involved and encompassing the crafting system was. If they skimp on that in favor of visual upgrades then I'll be disappointed.

Spent a ton of time with Frontier back when. It's possible to tank the whole ecosystem just by not managing it at all. Wonder how the world world before the protag came along.

I want a tomboy bachelorette obsessed with fighting where dates with hers are duels between the two of you.

I didn't know I wanted this, but now I do

can she still be busty?

Venti is too pure.

Hot milfs I will not be able to bang

kitsune waifu please

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Tides of Destiny but with a real world the scale of RF4
And hopefully more bachelors

Forte doesn't cut it for a tomboy? I guess she isn't aggressive towards the PC.

I'll start false flagging as a fat-acceptance SJW if it means some thicc waifus show up.

I want my clogs mechant to come back.

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RF4 2.0 ie shit

Gaysex marriage. NTR

>doesn't even mention the Wii games
>"im a huge fan"

1 and 2 are just dated, they're still good games.

Yue best girl based taste


the only reason you would ever play them now is because 3 and 4 exist
they're bad

Only if shes the smug teasing type

Greatness. Can't-haves.

More loli bachelorettes

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loli milf bachelorette.

>There will never be a hentai game version called "Rune Fucktory"

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Story and characters stock-full of anime tropes, like literally every game that was released in the franchise.
As long as the gameplay remains good, I'm not complaining though.

Never ever.

considering that the order of best game goes

Venti to make a cameo and be marriageable

RF bring me legitimate joy that I don't get to experience too much, I'm so happy it's back

1>2 in my opinion

Those are less than signs, user

This but Bado
Or at least Carlos

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Leon cameo for sure. Maybe Pia.

please make weapons/tools/items quick swappable for fucks sake

More muscular/manly bachelors.

also this

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Make it so you can quickly add lumber/material stone in a menu and not have to throw it in the bin yourself.

I'd rather they did it the oldschool Harvest Moon method and made any chopped/hammered resources automatically be added to your stockpile. There's no reason to do all that shit manually.

No swimming.

I think it would be fine if you could at least open the material box and put shit in there with the menu like you can with almost every other fucking container in the game.

Being able to marry the damn dragon

to be delayed

Huge tiddy milfs I can marry

2D or 3D?

3D but keep 2D character dialog portraits. I wasn't a fan of 3D ones from ToD, it's a shame too because a lot of the bachelorettes had great character design(the bachelors were garbage). The moveable 2d portraits that they tried out in newlywed mode would be nice with a little better animation.

Nah, Venti will show up with Lest and let us all know they're in a loving relationship already. So you get NTR'd by the protagonist of the last game where you couldn't do the same.

console rune factory instead of handheld rune factory
and i might be a bit disappointed unless marvelous gives it the production values it needs/deserves

Maybe they'll end up going the Live 2D route.

it's not NTR if it's Lest from your RF4S save data.

Lest from your RF4S save data can't marry Venti.

This is my Rune Factory Frontier's waifu. I gave her cherry pies until i could pop her cherry,

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says you. im going to play through the game again without marrying and keeping myself pure for Venti. The extra story from the DLC is enough for my imagination to do the rest.

but for real though, the devs wanted Venti to be marriable and even teased the fuck out of it until reality hit them (not feasible for a port considering they also have to work around what happens with Venti in-game and the textures were already lazy upscales), but i dont understand moon runes to understand how they responded to the small backlash in the RF4 livestream

>im going to play through the game again without marrying and keeping myself pure for Venti.
True dedication right there. I like it.

>devs wanted Venti to be marriable
If only they went through with it. Only time we had a main girl not romanceable.

Good gameplay, dogshit art style.

It'll somehow look worse than the Wii games and the 2D games at the same time.

Considering Marvelous continues to treat HM and RF like shit, i'll accept that a VN scene with her loli form being canon is all we'll get from Venti. I don't understand how Marvelous had to resort to upscaling the 3DS backgrounds for the port, surely someone must have saved the original files considering how cheap storage is nowadays.

who knows, maybe RF5 will actually be so good I won't look back at RF4 again.

It being better than 4, but not as good as 3

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