>Hey user can I borrow your game? I just want to show my little brother your cool character and let him play it for a bit :)
>I promise I'll give it back tomorrow :)
>Oh hey user. Oh the game? I accidentally spilled orange juice on it this morning. I didn't want to give it back all sticky and stuff but bon't worry my dad said he can clean it by next week. In the meantime I'll let you borrow my Godzilla: The Series for the gba to cut it even. Oh you don't have a gba? What does your dad work at Mcdonalds? LOL
>Oh hey user. Stop asking me about the game its so annoying! Don't you think about anything other than video games? Holy shit what a gay
>My dad's a cop
>*moves to another state during summer break*
Hey user can I borrow your game...
Other urls found in this thread:
>m-my mom said im not allowed
I was the bully kid so I know the excuses
my greedy ass dad used to sell the games I borrowed or got gifted without asking. I didn't have many friends.
>let anyone borrow a game
>they lose it, break it, or they move
literally 100% of the time. i can't even trust my own family members with that shit.
my friend gave me advanced warfare when it came out for the xbox, legit the moment before i gave it back to him the xbox fell off the table and fell on its side completely destroying the disc and leaving the xbox completely fine. Like what the fuck why is it always like this?
This. I consider myself to be a decent guy and I have at least three games that I borrowed 20 years ago. This shit sometimes happens on accident if the guy who it belongs to forgets about it.
I used to say this whenever I didn't want to do something. My mom told me to use her as an excuse. "Say I said no."
My mom was pretty based.
you only needed to borrow one to figure that out why did you keep going
how the fuck does that happen
literally just happened to me. I let my "friend" borrow my kh:bbs for the psp cause I felt bad he didn't have any games. One week later he forgets it in fucking NY after visiting family up there. How? Its the only game he had, how was it not in his PSP? Bullshitter thieves I tell you
>have pokemon colisseum and gale of darkness
>we have this reunion with family members after grandpa died
>my house is the closest one to the church
>all my cousins comes to play some melee and gta sa
>night falls
>all of sudden urge to play pokemon in gc
>none of the two are in the place with the other games
>only those missing
>have to ask all who came to the house even ask the neighbors
>most probably someone took them to sell them
probably the universe against me, nothing like this ever happened to me before. I pressed the button for the disk tray and the fucking xbox just tipped over. I might of pressed the button too hard and pushed it back? but it fell on its side though.
real story time
>friends over as a kid
>"Hey user, can I show Tim your Pokemon on your Silver game?"
>hand finished Pokemon Silver with dope level 100 Pokemon to friends
>"Here you go user, we're all done looking"
>Turn game back on.
>He started a new game and saved over my file.
>REEE with the force of a thousand suns
>Stop being friends with the one who did it, wasn't really friends with the other one anyway
>Years later
>the friend who did this to me spent his high school years drinking and partying and now sells hot dogs out of a food truck for a living
my condolences
Clearly you're the real winner here
not that, how the fuck does a disk break inside the console
mobile food trucks are actually really profitable, if the climate has no snow, they can work all year long, and the food is incredibly overpriced, probably a 200% upscale from raw ingredients, maybe more. These jobs are much more profitable than a minimum wage job. You don't need to ask me what their salary is, you can find the data yourself.
but you're selling hot dogs for a living. not exactly the ideal vision for how you'd hope you'd spend your late 20s
As opposed to?
>Be over at "fRiEnd"s house
>bring my PS1 controller for some soccer shit
>after match we change controller so we keep playing with the same teams or something
>he somehow breaks mine, the hull is open
>slowly stops working, button by button
>I try to smack it a bit out of desperation
>dead, start crying
>hes like "whatever fuck you dude"
>tell his mom, his moms like "whatever fuck you dude"
>15 years later I saw him
>hes now that one fag in the group of cheap paperhangers who has to get food and coffee while others make jokes about him
oh basically i think its the disk reader inside of the xbox , i think it basically pressed against the disk too hard when it fell and it broke it.
If you make enough money, you can hire people to drive the truck and sell the hot dogs for you. Then you can buy a couple more trucks, hire more people, you could end up becoming the Hot Dog Truck King.
>lend my friend my PS1 since he busted his trying to mod it
>Put a sticker on it to know its mine
>Go to get my PS1 a few months later
>'Oh user, your PS1 broke, mine is working now'
>The one that's working has my sticker
>That kid is now a fucking narcotics agent
Fuck you Rhys.
Sure travis as long as you eat my ass.
What's infinitely worse is when you lend "friends" combined upwards of $300 worth of vidya, retro & current gen & they go away to college without telling you :(
>pour ungodly amount of time into game
>"Hey user that looks like an awesome game, can I try?"
>tell him not to save over the first slot, cause that's where my save is
>"Ok user!"
>10 minutes later
>Save Slot 1 Play Time: 00:09:50
I don't let anyone near my shit anymore.
>"Hey user, you can have my extra copy of Pokemon Diamond, I don't need it."
>"Oh wow, thanks!"
>I play it and have a decent time with it
>a few months pass
>random kid comes up to me in the hallway of my middle school
>"user give me back my copy of Pokemon."
>"What are you talking about?"
>"I know you have it, its mine, give it back to me!"
>"I don't know what you're talking about, I don't even know you."
>kid leaves me alone and I'm confused about what happened
>couple years later I think back on it and realize what happened
>still have his copy of that game to this day
Only thing I've ever technically stolen from someone, and I was too naive to realize it. That naivety also led to me having a handful of my own shit stolen too though.
>Be black and live in the south.
>No one let me borrow games.
>Be the change I want to see, and let them borrow my games first.
>They actually start letting me borrow games and even the consoles.
give em the ol grumpy dumpies
>Hey user. You want some more grilled cheese?
>It’ll cost you...
The 360 was a piece of shit and shredded discs to hell if the console was moved somehow while the reader was spinning.
You sound like a pussy. Just say no
>have Zelda 2 calssic on my GBA
>babysitting this kid who likes games
>he has all the other classic games on his GBA but not this one
>"hey can I play it to see what it's like?"
>yeah sure
>after his parents come get him I go to play my game
>I was in the last dungeon about to fight dark Link
>all the files are deleted and have the name "AARON"
How the fuck did he manage that?
This also happened on my Gamecube. Cousins came over to visit but I was heading out of the house. I set up the gamecube with Melee before I leave
>come back
>all the files in the memory card are deleted except for my Metroid Prime save file
>Had 12 other game saves on their all deleted
Fucking people man.
I'd kill to have a food truck, they print money you retard
>friend leave his lol account
>has over 10k RP
>his friends decided to buy all the Annie skin line cuz he never plays Annie
>gets super depressed for whole high school year with failing gpa
lending stuff to others lol. you brought this over yourself
>be the poorest kid in class in 7th grade
>save up my money for dope ass game
>let my friend borrow
>kid is the richest kid in class and gets whatever he wants anyways
>he loses game
>bug him about it, offer help finding it
>ask him to give me like $20 to call it even
>he starts complaining and then starts making up stories
>dont fall for it and just keep firm
>he finally whips out his wallet with $200+ in it and hands me a $20
>Kid on the playground has no friends
>One day comes to the playground with a brand new PSP just when it came out in 2004
>Instantly befriend him and ask to see his games
>Lives with his granny but dad is a rich fag who buys him a ton of shit
>Go over to his house, play Budokai 3 all day
>Ask to borrow his PSP
>Since i'm his only friend he agrees
>Just as I leave the house and walk two steps, trip and fall and smash the PSP screen
>Run away from him anytime he approaches me
>Move away 2 weeks later
Sorry Sergei
>everyone was a PCfag so we just made copies of whatever the games we had
I doubt that even the shops selling those games actually had legit copies.
there was once a bunch of niggers that wanted to really badly borrow my GTA IV, i politely refused because it was my favorite game and i didn't have any other way of getting it again. also i didn't even know who the fuck they were.
I am sorry I took your ps1 and ff7 game Nguyen.
No! No user!
Fuck you!!
>How the fuck did he manage that?
"I made Zelda go away, he had a lot of hearts." Anyone got that comic?
I knew this was coming. It was inevitable.
havent seen this in years.
it's so sad seeing these mentally unstable people churn out kids. and she didn't even seem to be that poor since she could just call a locksmith for such a frivolous issue.
>m-my mom said im not allowed
This actually happened to me once so I went to house house at the weekend and actually asked his mum why I wasn't allowed my game back. She lets me inside while she goes upstairs and ask my friend about my game. Cue the most uncomfortable half hour of my life as I sit downstairs and hear screaming, shouting and slapping/smacking being inflicted on my friend as he whimpers out 'please, no' and 'I haven't finished it yet'
>mfw lended a bunch of PS2 games to my best friend a couple years back
>hasn't even played them yet
>don't want to sound rude and ask for them
I know they must be lying on a shelf somewhere and that they won't be destroyed or anything like that but still
Asking for them back isn't rude. Rude would be saying "OI YER DAFT CUNT GIMME BACK ME BLOODY GAMES OR OI'LL KICK YOU IN THE BOLLOCKS!"
When I was a kid I stopped at my nan's for the weekend and she invited in the weird, crazy kid who lived next door because she thought we could be friends just because we were the same age. Little fuck got so mad at donkey kong country he smashed my SNES on the floor and tried to say it was an accident. Still mad about it
>go to a peurtorican school
>borrow modern warfare 2 from a freind
>next period I get robbed
>have to spend all my savings paying back my friend for his loss
>tfw your friend made you suck his dick to get another juice at the sleepover
fuck you for turning me gay, Michael
>borrow a GBA game from a good friend
>he moves away (according to the teachers at least) literally the next day without warning
thanks for the game I guess but still what the fuck
If he is rich enough to even place a food truck inside an urban environment I would say he is living well
I was the kid who would return borrowed games even when my friends said they didn't care and I could keep it
does this actually happen?
>"Sell" brand new 3DS to friend 6.5 years ago
>Only gives me $60 and says he'll pay the rest later
>He's had a job this whole time and has enough money to move overseas and back, as well as buy himself whatever
>Any time I ask about it, he'll mutter about how bad it makes him feel instead of actually doing anything about it or sarcastically says he could just give me the now worthless console back
Great guy
Sure gonna give you some of my GBA games and a copy of Sly Cooper
>get stuck in Ocarina of time in water temple
>friend borrows the game and finds the key im missing that night, returns it the next day
>"I'll give you a hint too user, if you hit a fight that's really hard later in the dungeon, use the hammer"
Based Alex. Same guy scored me an original sealed copy of symphony of the night and valkyrie profile for 35 bucks
>he never played hide the weeny with his buds during sleepovers
>borrow friends games althroughout middle and high school
>let friends borrow games althroughout middle and high school
>nothing bad ever happens
my babysitter used to play that all the time, she never told me why she had to leave the country
Cuz he's a dick
little shit deserved it
>have moral fag and poor parents
>befriend the edgy and rich kids so you could play m games
Anyone else do this? Sucks cause I don't talk to any of them anymore because our personalities ended up being different.
Reminds me of the same 3DS guy above who borrowed my OOT 3DS and pretended he lost it for over a whole year when it was expensive and hard to find and I wanted to sell it. He would feign looking for it all the time until the value plummeted and he said he just wanted to keep playing it. Of course the case was returned in shitty condition as if he bit it in his sleep.
>always lend and borrow n64 and GC games
>friends always return em in perfect condition, so do i
I had good friends.
I don't like that image
Owning your own business in your 20s sounds like a pretty good deal man
>befriend rich kid
>turns out kid is a schizo, says he was born with a tail like dragonborn Z and tears a gash in my face for beating him in Yu Gi Oh
>Love Minish Cap
>Decide to do a 3 heart run
>Create new save alongside my main one
>Reached the wind temple on it
>Friend asks to borrow it
>Let him do so
>Get the game back some time later
>His younger brother says "You said I can make a file too, right?"
>3 heart save was deleted
Not as bad as others itt but it was still annoying.
typical women desu
didn't even need to open the image to remind me and make me mad all over again
You guys had friends that played vidya?
my parents are protestant christian and gave zero fucks of what I played/rented as long as I reassured them I knew it wasn't real, mostly if it was violent or contained magic or some shit like that
despite that I didn't gravitate to many M rated games besides specific shooter games like Timesplitters FP or SOCOM II when I was 14 or so
I had a rich friend who WASN'T a giant dick because his parents weren't assholes and bothered to raise them properly.
I got to enjoy things like Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles on a fuckhueg theater TV with four players + Melee and other things, so good.
My mom originally forbid me from playing Goldeneye after she saw me shooting some dudes.
>kid at school I didn't like but had to hang out with because of boy scouts
>he showed me some (barely) legal's underwear pics on his PSP, got it from a friend who's girlfriend it was
>one day after school when the opportunity arises I just swipe his memory card
>knew it was me and went to his parents about it but they just asked me if I'd seen it
>he wasn't able to press the issue because he was afraid of having to get into why I would have taken it I guess
I might still have it somewhere. Someday I'll find it and get an adapter for it so I can give it another tug for good memories' sake
It happened because this guy is a stupid nigger who puts his console on an elevated surface, guaranteeing that it will someday come crashing down.
A similar fate exists for consoles that aren't placed on their largest available side by area, one day they will take a hit and their top-heavy nature will send it crashing down, ruining any disc inside (esp. if it's running at the time).
I can't believe anyone still makes such amateurish mistakes. Leave your fucking console flat on the ground. I don't care if you need an extension cable or some shit because of this, it saves you money in the medium-term.