Play Total War: Warhammer 2

Play Total War: Warhammer 2

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Already am.

no the gameplay looks boring.

why are skaven the most fleshed out and literally OP with doomrockets?

>supporting lazy devs who have been holding off on the third installment of the series for like 3 years now so they can release inane historical titles with the money they get from Warhammer 2 sales

As soon as my new PSU arrives I will.

Is it possible to have a loving and wholesome relationship with a druchii?

>tfw running down fleeing vampires with my grail knights

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Play Warhammer online.

and then there's this retard

I do play it. Dark elves and Malekith are my favourite. Still, gonna wait until they finish working on dlcs. I'm tired updates breaking mods and shit.

Does it have sexy mods?

And yet historicalfags will complain that they spend too much time focusing on fantasy. What they don't realize is Warhammer is funding the historical titles. And yet you get complaints like this. It really is impossible to please everyone.


Fuck Warhammer.
Give me Total War: Lord of the Rings.

love me some spearmanii in different shades of green or blue

That's going to be a based from me, brother

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I want to see them all have an orgy with each other

The best feeling is to send them a full Kroxigor army and watch them getting crushed to death

there are some wacky mods for that.

I would but my PC is a potato without an SSD. So I still just play MoM and MoO2.

Played this game for a few months. I learned to dominate with Skaven and Undead, but I am retarded with everything else. Recently I fucked up an Orc campaign at turn 50 or so.

Third Age Divide and Conquer is really good, but no mod is close to the quality a full game could have.
Just imagine a LotR TW with Warhammer 2 production values.

You do realize how many history titles there were before TWW, right?


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WH40k when


I support the undead, they are just trying to bring peace to the world - the peace of the grave. We will someday miss the days of Nagash.

Yes obviously? What is your point? Those historical games are no where near the cash cow the Warhammer series has been. GW has never been able to work on so many titles all at the same time before like they can now. Thanks to Warhammer.


Third Age/DAC is better than what CA would make.

Meh. Warhammer makes for a more interesting game with more interesting mechanics and factions. LotR is more coherent and serious but it lacks in breadth and flavor that Warhammer provides in spades.

only a couple. there's one on nexus to get elf tiddies out because it was removed from workshop and there's one to get dark elf tiddies out on workshop. a few to add more female units are also on workshop and one to beautify morathi and give skimpier armor

Both are clunky as fuck because Medieval 2 is clunky as fuck.

The mods that exist do more justice than CA would be able to muster.

You are deluded if you think they dont care about warhammer, they will milk this trilogy with DLC for years to come this is the cash cow of the series.

i fucking love siege weapons and charging. but med2 engine is a huge charge/blast will make units die on the spot and fall over like they were just stabbed to death

Anything good 40k when

>doomrockets op
someone doesn't play H2H do they? none of the skaven campaign gimmicks are useful in h2h except for free t5 settlements

of course im talking about campaign. h2h had always been light cav spam cancer since empire

h2h is cancer the game just isnt balanced for it

>Built a new PC
>Still getting framedrops when shit gets hectic

When will this series not run and look like shit? or is this just a warhammer thing?

Three kingdoms runs and looks much better,and im sure total warhammer 1 ran pretty well too.

Man I love the Beasty Bois. They are the best faction and I love that they don't use the standard "form a line" tactics.

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I already do play it, and if you like humans, elves,
or dwarves you're a faggot

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>didn't even make it an actual lizardman

There is no known PC build in the current day that we know of that can handle the game at max settings and not get frame drops.

warhammer 1 ran like garbage. it'll run fine in 10 years when you upgrade again and be able to run it with med 2 levels of troop numbers. at least they fixed turn times on the mortal empires map

I'd be putting more effort into Tehenhauin than CA did at that point

And we're supposed to be better than them, user.

I am so sorry for this meme but I need more skaven

yes yes

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Warhammer 1 ran much better than 2 did apart from the new turn time update, look at the differences in textures and lighting the spell effects in the second game are ugly and obnoxious probably one of the reasons it runs worse than 1.

if i didn't play any do i play the first or the second

Isnt the 3rd game going to run better? it will use Vulkan i think and has had much more development time.

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>Isnt the 3rd game going to run better?
Creative Assembly doesn't do "run better".

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It's a mediocre Warhammer game and a sub-par Total War game. Whether you like the former or the latter, it's been done better elsewhere, so why settle for this rubbish?

Attila >>>>>>>>>>warhammer
Also, why won't companies create kino promos like they did with Rome Total War back in the day

>it's been done better elsewhere
There are barely any wh games that let me play dark elves and faction variety is great. Easily the best WHFB vidya.

Name three better Warhammer games and three better Total War games and I will tell you why you are wrong.

>"lets give the AI cheats so they ignore 90% of the game's mechanics just to fuck with the player who we've designed the campaign to be pure CBT for"
>better than anything

>"lets give the AI cheats so they ignore 90% of the game's mechanics just to fuck with the player who we've designed the campaign to be pure CBT for"

see also: warhammer total war

I would but
>unoptimized, so runs like shit even on the most powerful computers as your CPU (which the game only uses 1 core) tries to melt a hole through the fucking floor
>$120 for WH1, a 4-5 year old game
>$120 for WH2, a 3 year old game
>$100 in DLC for each game
>need to spend close to $400 to fully unlock the entire campaign map and every race
>just for a lazy Tolkien-clone Warhammer game
yeah nah.
pirated it, it's OK.
Shogun 2 is still the best Total War game, but only play Warhammer once in a while for the artillery units.

The difference between Attila and Warhammer, when it comes to difficulty, is that, while both have AIs that cheat, only Attila was designed with the player losing in mind. Also CA has been actually removing some AI cheats from Warhammer such as free public order as they upgrade the AI to deal with these mechanics.

I feel like the campaigns just had different visions. Attila is a survival game, Warhammer is a map painter that spawns powerful factions periodically. Cheating AI is whatever.

>is a pleb
>wants to steamroll the campaign
>become unstoppable by turn 5
While WH was a massive success for CA, they have brought the most obnoxious fanbase on the Internet. Even furfag and Lolbabs are more bearable than warhammerfags

I already have 500 hours in the game, I can only summon the elector counts so many times

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So are you mad that you are poor or that you are terrible at math?

i'd rather play crusader kings 2