Did Matthewmatosis expose himself as a hack, when he said that Souls combat is unremarkable and insinuated that it's largely mediocre?
Did Matthewmatosis expose himself as a hack...
these games are so fun though, he has to be.
post yakuza 0 webms
Explain how is he wrong.
He's right. Nothing about the combat is special.
its not special but that doesn't mean it's bad.
he's kinda right, its just monster hunter but with a ridiculous number of i frames
He dodges thrice and attacks thrice, there is NOTHING spectacular about that webm. Dark Souls doesn't have exceptional combat but it's not made to have it, it's supposed to be methodical and slow. Nothing wrong with that.
He exposed himself when talked about fighting more than one enemy in Dark Souls 2.
Unremarkable and mediocre don't mean bad either but OP still made a thread about it.
Not really, he was right. There's a reason why Souls gameplay isn't discussed much except:
Boss Difficulty
The gameplay is simplistic. You have attack button(s), movement, and a defensive option. It's almost as simplistic as an NES game all around, which I think is an intentional design decision.
Combat in Dark Souls is extremely unremarkable. Bloodborne, however, is the same formula except it takes FULL advantage of its simplicity to make a great game.
but he didn't say that it's bad, he said that it's mediocre, which is true. compared to the games made by clover studio and platinum games the souls combat is really unremarkable
No he exposed himself as a hack with the footage of him playing in all his videos. Watch any of the Souls ones, he just mashes R1 while continuously getting hit. If you dont even know what the knight does, how am I supposed to respect your chess opinion
I adore souls games and even sekiro. 100% agree with him.
You roll to dodge attacks, wait for an opening in the pattern/memorise the parry timings, and that's it. It's fun, the games are good, but compare it to a more nuanced action game that gives way more options and Dark Souls really does fall off. DS3 tries to expand on it with arts, but it doesn't change the core. The games would be better off seeking inspiration from Demon's Souls on how to vary scenarios again
He's right though, it's less complex than Ys for fucks sake. I-frames on dodges were a huge fucking mistake.
Imagine half understanding the point being made yet losing it this hard at the end. The irish faggot himself points out that Bloodborne is weaker precisely because it leans so heavy into its action mechanics.
>post button mash webms
great thread bro
Souls combat isn't what I like about the game. There is a weighty feeling to it that I guess is appealing, but I prefer the exploration and style more.
same template thread
>i am silly!!!!!!!!!!
This is the one place where I actually prefer DS2's dodges. Because the i-frames are fewer, I have to consider where I am rolling or else I get hit. Even the hitboxes, as wrong as it is for them to be so disjointed, are good to this end because I'm being forced to be more careful about when I roll.
He's wrong about everything, as per usual.
The combat thrives on the back-and-forth call-and-respsonse nature of combat. Enemy interplay in Souls is better than DMC.
DeS and Das were fine the way they were
DS2 bothered to revamp the formulae, but failed horribly with their scrapped light mechanics, and DS3 was just more of the same.
Bloodborne is the logical progression from DaS, addressing most gameplay niggles, like min-maxing, parrying, turtling, etc., but From Soft needs to be careful not to pull another Dark Souls wit it's sequel.
this, the combat isn't, and never was, the appeal of the souls series, the point is exploration, the combat is just a means to an end to fill the void and give you something to push against
>Bloodborne is the logical progression from DaS
no it isn't
Sekiro is even better than Bloodborne.
Nope. Souls combat is entirely reaction-based. Memorize an enemy's attacks and, provided you time your dodges right, you'll never get hit. The combat isn't what makes the Souls games good. It's just a means to an end, a way to measure yourself against the world. And it doesn't test strength or skill or how well-equipped you are, if anything it tests how calm you can stay under pressure.
This. It's not much of a progression and instead just a serious improvement.
It's over, Harris, Mauler had the high ground and you lost
I would hope so
It did come after it.
If that webm is anything to go by, no
I recently got around to play Darksideres 1
And the combat is garbage, for something you spend so much time on. You literally fight entire hoards and 5 vs 1 and 20 vs 1 most of the game.
The camera doesn't work
The combo system by large doesn't work outside of the fact you can permajuggle anything you can lift.
Defensive/offensive play options are garbage.
I would argue most most 3D melee combat games have garbage combat.
He's a retard that doesn't understand what makes combat good. Hint: it's engagement and not fucking retarded combo systems and mechanics.
All reviewers are hacks and the idea of having an 'educated opinion' about how fun you think a video game is, is retarded.
>press the dodge button when enemy attacks
>attack when the enemy isn't attacking
wow so complex
Hi Harris.
You can be so specific? What do you mean by "engagement"?
>Literally just mash attack and ignore everything the enemies do.
Why are you deflecting?
>Waaooww the fucking deadzone killed me guys.
>play on easy mode
So is this why soulsbabbies think that souls games are le hardest game ever?
No, since the combat is rather simple and i think he equates that to unremarkable (which is a mistake, but a comprehensible one).
However, he DID expose himself as a hack when he said his favorite boss in Bloodborne is Micolash, fucking Mico. No matthew, a chase sequence followed by a fight with an npc equipped with nothing but 2 non-unique spells is not interesting, the novelty died on the first 30 seconds.
>b-b-but my awoo
Fuck off, he is a funny meme man but this story though, we are talking gameplay and mico is fucking shit.
I can understand the appeal of originality, its honestly what i look for the most in vidya, but it is not the most important aspect of gameplay by far. If you cant intertwine the uniqueness with competent, satisfying gameplay then its just a gimmick, and gimmicks get old fast, specially when you replay the game.
Dark Souls has you actually engage with your your enemies and not simply blow them up. The thing it was popular for in 2009 is still effective as hell today. Encounters are simple, but concise, quick, and deadly. Souls games prove you can have more fun with literally one button than you can have with realized combo systems, advanced mechanics, etc.
It's not deflection. You can boil down every game to it's basest functions as a way to disingenuously dismiss it. The games have enjoyed ten years of constant popularity, so something in the formula works.
You can mash all the way up to DMD, at which point it upgrades to mash and jump.
Ok but you're not being specific, you're just throwing out random words like "engaging" and "deadly".
Engage and deadly aren't random words. The fuck?
Okay, you might be retarded. It's pretty clear what's being said here
>why is it good?
>cause its like epic and stuff
ah yes now i understand
Why yes I only play soulsborne games for the designs and lore. The gameplay is cool too I guess
>Just strawman when nothing else is available, claiming words like "deadly" are buzzwords.
I'm sorry you don't understand words like "quick."
>>Why is it good?
>Quick lethal exchanges where you have to be mindful of your enemies.
>>What does enemies mean???
"this boss is good because it's deadly" doesn't mean anything. what the fuck is it supposed to be mean? do other video game enemies not try to kill you?
What the fuck is so good about this shitty webm that you decided to name it "God tier?"
he exposed himself as a hack when he got BTFO'd by joseph anderson having to explain to him, like a retard, that you're not supposed to lock on in 100% of encounters.
>lethal exchanges
>you have to be mindful
That describes every single boss in any video game that is difficult.
If you think a game has bad combat you post a webm of that game and you name it "god tier X combat", it's fucking stupid but the one autist spamming that one Yakuza webm essentially forced his meme and it caught on so here we are
It describes almost every single enemy in Souls. You understand now?
This encounter is one of the worst in the entire fucking game, I'm not surprised B-Team Defense Force made an epic may may about it.
me dodge roll
me r1
user, you can be led to water, but you can't be forced to drink. I'm not parsing the meaning from every single word because you're clearly an autist that can't glean meaning.
I don't understand. Are you saying that souls games are the only difficult games that exist? "the enemies can kill you" describes every video game ever made.
Nope. That's not what I said at all. Souls games just do it better than basically every other game while being fair
From what you're saying it sounds like you think that souls games are the only games that have enemies that kill you if you aren't paying attention.
Please point to where I said that.
I feel like there's been a huge increase in the number of people who are purposefully obtuse over semantics over the past year or two.
>one opinion i dont agree with = HACK!!!
Jesus christ, its like you can gleam what you like from a youtube reviewer, discard things that don't stimulate thought (nothing in his reviews constitute discussionless filler) and enjoy his other reviews that are on point, such as the Zelda and Mario 3D and Bioshock Infinite reviews.
>It's not deflection. You can boil down every game to it's basest functions as a way to disingenuously dismiss it
Except there are absolutely no systems or additional mechanics you have to ignore to boil Souls down to its most basic form.
>The games have enjoyed ten years of constant popularity, so something in the formula works.
Yes, the simplicity. Mediocrity is very appealing to a wide audience. The more complex the game is, the fewer people will be able to enjoy it.
Ok but how specifically? Why is it different from run and guns like contra where every enemy can kill you in one hit? How is it different from stealth games on higher difficulties where you get completely fucked up if you get seen by an enemy? Or clover games on higher difficulties? Do you just not play many games?
Nothing obtuse was said. user asked for clarification of plain words because he didn't take his brain medicine
I disagree.
But he's right. The combat itself can't make the game, it's everything around it that makes it special
You aren't forced to boil down DMC either, it's literally mashing attack.
There was a time DMC sold exceptionally well, but the games are stale and for formula sucks. I suppose they're also mediocre.
this game is deadly and engaging and if you ask me to elaborate then you're a big dummy head
Are you going to point to where I said the things that you claimed? You better.
I didn't say anything about DMC.
Shit game. Literally only proving his point.
Engaging and quick and concise are literally opposite, retard
Engaging is the antithesis of Souls combat, 99% of fights in Souls games are over before they even begin
So what sets souls games apart then?
Yes, precisely. ,
You wouldn't know, you've not played it
>My opinion is the truth, the post
One combat system isn't better just because you had more fun with one over the other.
Then every game that's ever sold a copy.
Literally applies to any and all combat systems and we must agree that none are best. Thanks for agreeing, it's your opinion.
Why are you so hung up on the popularity thing? You're the one who brought it up as an indication of quality, stop crying at me for suggesting that popular games don't have to be amazing.
the only bad thing about this game is shannon. fuck shannon and her spam attacks dumb whore
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