Happy Mar13!

Happy Mar13!

Attached: Splatoon.png (1500x1500, 3.51M)

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Blessed Pepsi goddess.

2nd best idol. Prefer Callie.

Attached: 2.png (1000x1380, 762.8K)

Attached: Marie_dance.gif (243x281, 1.17M)

Does Callie have her own day?

You can use a Charger, can you Yas Forums?

when she made a reappearance for Splatoon 2 in one Nintendo Direct video

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Fuck chargers

Attached: d71.png (600x711, 317.79K)

People can prefer other idols.
Don't be like one of those people.

It’s called having an opinion. We are not a hivemind.

wtf that's not what Yas Forums told me

Callie is better

That’s fine. You can like whatever you want.


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>Didn't use the Chaos vs Order Splatfest results.
>Uses a fan made animation that shows the opposite of what happened in Splatoon 1's final splatfest.

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Attached: mariebunnysuit.jpg (850x1361, 201.49K)

I couldn't really bring myself to get behind Pear or Marina the way I got behind Marie.

Attached: 640093d7927ea7961dfe8c0adbeb08c0.jpg (736x736, 68.85K)

They are all great. You just like Marie's snarkiness a lot more

I guess this is the Splatoon thread for today.
Fun fact: Marie says "Hell yeah" at the end of Spicy Calamari Inkantation during one of the live concerts.

Attached: Head.jpg (460x420, 150.5K)

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She also says her own name in inklish in the octo canyon intro

What a dork

That's the best part.

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Marie looks better in blue than green.

y'know this thread made me realise almost all of my Marie pictures are lewd or semi-lewd

Attached: EL58B3gUEAA1nEw.jpg (1360x2048, 330.22K)

there is absolutely nothing wrong with that

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You should change that.

Attached: 74431558_p0.png (1500x1102, 458.27K)

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the duality of man

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That’s a good thing

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Hey can you delete that pic? You're kind of cramping the image limit.

I'd argue that most characters in general look good, if not better, in blue.

Attached: Blue Marie.png (622x1040, 437.4K)


Attached: HLEP.jpg (456x628, 220.79K)

guys I think there's something wrong with my Marie

Attached: D1l9ItlX4AMTPLx.jpg (954x1200, 153.36K)

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

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how do I do either of those things

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why are the plushies so photogenic?

Attached: marie after every concert.jpg (2268x4032, 1.61M)

>Jerks off exclusively to inkings
Hah! Jokes on you, I only Jerk off to Octolings!

Splatoon rhythm game when?

They look so dum.

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Her hat is the power button.

Does Marie prefer swisher sweets or backwoods?

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shit, that was for

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I like that there's no consistency with Plush art. She is both blessed and cursed.

what bideo james is marie playing Yas Forums?

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Dark Souls.

I see this thread about Marie, guess it wouldn't hurt to share this here with you anons. Happy Mar13 Day.

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b e e g

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For this special day, explain why you like Marie, anons.
Hard mode: You can't say it's just because you find her hot.

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Sassy, smart, and Callie's perfect counterpart.

Attached: cuddle a nyoomy.jpg (2048x1826, 453.13K)

I enjoy her dry humor and her color scheme is nice.