What's your town tune gonna be, Yas Forums?

What's your town tune gonna be, Yas Forums?
Here's mine:
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=s-G-s-z-z-G-d-z-z-G-G-z-z-G-g-z&title=June 2nd, 2008

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-13 Nooknet - Island Tune Creator.png (1100x638, 97.07K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-s-c-s-s-C-s-A-G-s-c-s-s-z-z-z&title=GRAND DAD?!?
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E&title=but god wont answer
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=b-s-d-s-e-s-d-b-z-b-d-s-e-e-d-a&title=Disgaea 4
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=B-G-A-d-s-z-d-A-B-G-s-z-B-A-G-d&title=Westminster Chime
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-e-G-C-z-G-z-e-f-G-A-s-G-z-z-z&title=Kappn GCN
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-z-z-e-z-z-e-f-G-z-f-e-d-z-e-f&title=il vento d'oro (major?)
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=b-a-b-d-s-s-b-a-b-d-s-e-b-a-z-z&title=New Melody
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=c-d-e-s-e-f-e-d-c-d-c-s-C-s-z-z&title=Norune Theme
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=D-D-C-D-z-A-z-G-z-G-z-d-f-s-d-s&title=Sunshine of Your Love
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-G-f-G-z-d-z-d-G-C-B-G-z-z-z-z&title=Funky Town
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-s-c-s-d-c-s-d-d-d-G-f-e-d-e-s&title=Cruel Angel Thesis
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-e-z-z-z-z-e-f-G-E-z-E-z-C-z-z&title=June 2nd, 2008
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=g-c-d-e-f-G-z-z-C-f-C-e-C-d-C-c&title=r e v e n g e
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-s-b-c-d-s-c-b-a-s-a-c-e-s-d-c&title=Tetris A
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-d-a-c-a-g-E-z-a-d-a-c-a-g-E-z&title=Home Depot Theme
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=f-s-G-s-s-A-f-G-s-s-B-s-C-B-A-s&title=New Melody
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-d-f-A-s-A-G-s-G-f-s-e-s-G-s-s&title=Sailor Moon
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=c-z-c-d-e-z-d-c-z-G-z-e-z-C-z-G&title=June 2nd, 2008
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=c-s-G-s-f-s-c-s-e-s-c-e-s-f-s-s&title=His Theme
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=d-d-D-s-A-s-s-G-s-f-s-f-s-d-f-G&title=Sans Island
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=C-s-B-s-A-B-A-G-f-s-e-s-d-s-c-s&title=How look trying 2 makedis🤡
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-f-e-d-s-z-c-d-c-a-s-g-s-a-s-z&title=Last Surprise
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=s-G-s-z-z-G-d-z-z-G-G-z-z-G-g-z&title=June 2nd, 2008
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=A-z-G-f-e-d-z-d-f-A-G-z-f-e-d-c&title=Fly Me to the Moon
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=g-s-b-a-b-a-g-s-d-e-s-d-g-s-z-z&title=Grunty's Lair
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=d-g-d-s-b-s-s-s-g-s-a-s-s-s-s-z&title=June 2nd, 2008
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=d-d-f-f-A-A-D-D-e-f-G-f-e-d-c-c&title=Moonrise Kingdom Opening
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-c-c-s-a-d-d-s-a-e-e-s-a-d-d-s&title=Dragon Quest V Overworld
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-s-d-s-a-s-s-e-s-d-s-G-s-s-f-e&title=Le Sad Piano
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=C-s-G-s-e-A-s-s-A-B-A-R-G-G-G-G&title=SMB Bonus-Allstars Version
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-G-z-d-z-e-d-c-d-c-a-g-a-c-z-z&title=Ape Escape
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=A-s-B-G-A-c-B-G-a-s-b-g-g-c-a-z&title=New Melody

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-s-c-s-s-C-s-A-G-s-c-s-s-z-z-z&title=GRAND DAD?!?

this sucks where are the sharps

based and grandpilled

Attached: 1531330370242.png (623x623, 452.47K)

Cards on the table, I was gonna do a Rickroll, but A: that meme is so old, and B: I couldn't get it to sound right.

I had the Azumanga Daioh eyecatch back in NL but I dunno what I'm gonna do this time

Can someone tell me how to make clown music that goes. DUN DUN DA DA DUN DUN DUN DUN. Kinda sounds like rugrats ps1 where you had to make a circus in the backyard.

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E&title=but god wont answer


Attached: 1572902220513.png (705x455, 85.88K)

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=b-s-d-s-e-s-d-b-z-b-d-s-e-e-d-a&title=Disgaea 4

Attached: D4_Fuka.png (340x552, 123.43K)

The same thing I've had since the first game was released here on GameCube.

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=B-G-A-d-s-z-d-A-B-G-s-z-B-A-G-d&title=Westminster Chime

I like to hear that from the town bell every hour.

Sharps??? Nigga please WHERE ARE THE FLATS BRO

> Leading with a sustain

The same it's always been since the Gamecube.


Attached: Mine.png (689x386, 47.53K)

Gamecube Kapp'n boat tune: tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-e-G-C-z-G-z-e-f-G-A-s-G-z-z-z&title=Kappn GCN

sharps and flats are essentially the same thing you dumb negroid

I remember when someone was first introducing me to Animal Crossing, and he was sharing a town with his brothers, he would actually set the town tune to this just to piss them off. I was like, "It doesn't sound that bad when you talk to the villagers." And he said, "Yeah, but the real pain comes from when you go to the post office to try and change it."

I've always used this.
Thanks Dark Cloud

*yellow man in front of microphone*

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-z-z-e-z-z-e-f-G-z-f-e-d-z-e-f&title=il vento d'oro (major?)
Tried to recreate il vento d'oro's piano as best as i could.
I picked a note, then used Audacity to change the pitch of the song, and go from there, so that's why it's in a major key. (I think that's the term.)


tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=b-a-b-d-s-s-b-a-b-d-s-e-b-a-z-z&title=New Melody
Cirno is the best!!

Attached: 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9.jpg (1000x1220, 446.1K)

Can a valiant soul transcribe the Pornhub Community theme?

Oops I'm retarded
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=c-d-e-s-e-f-e-d-c-d-c-s-C-s-z-z&title=Norune Theme

If you know this one you're cool in my book.

Is this a variation on the music from Tazmily or am I totally wrong?

I've been waiting so long
To be where I'm going
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=D-D-C-D-z-A-z-G-z-G-z-d-f-s-d-s&title=Sunshine of Your Love

Not exactly. A sharp is a semitone raise in pitch, and a flat is a semitone drop, so it's true that two notes a full-step apart would give a sharp and a flat in the same pitch, but the meaning of the accidental on whatever mode you're in can be very significant. In this case, a sharp and a flat are not the same thing at all.


Attached: 1582067588304.jpg (500x498, 61.11K)

my go to in new leaf
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-G-f-G-z-d-z-d-G-C-B-G-z-z-z-z&title=Funky Town


Cruel Angel's Thesis: tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-s-c-s-d-c-s-d-d-d-G-f-e-d-e-s&title=Cruel Angel Thesis

is there a way for a musically retarded person to more or less convert bits of song to work for this? kinda wanna do ballad of the wind fish

*songs which make you say "ahhh, where's my box cutter"*

It's dead simple, a bit slow but you don't need a special tool to convert.

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=G-e-z-z-z-z-e-f-G-E-z-E-z-C-z-z&title=June 2nd, 2008

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=g-c-d-e-f-G-z-z-C-f-C-e-C-d-C-c&title=r e v e n g e

Nigga das the joke you dense mothafucka


Attached: rajput.png (234x288, 184.05K)

Download musescore: musescore.org/en
Go to vgmusic.com/ and find your piece
Open it in musescore
Transpose it to C major or A minor (if it has necessary accidentals, you're fucked) using the Tools > Transpose dialog
Then put it in note by note.

Sakura Skip?


Attached: d34b4fd7daa2ec562db46e17cf9b39ecdd7768fe.webm (1920x1080, 1.68M)

Tetris Music A: tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-s-b-c-d-s-c-b-a-s-a-c-e-s-d-c&title=Tetris A


It is inevitable

Attached: 220px-Sans_undertale.jpg (220x294, 17.75K)

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-d-a-c-a-g-E-z-a-d-a-c-a-g-E-z&title=Home Depot Theme


I fucking wish there was more space.
like being able to make a cool anthem. only when enteringa building or when the clock reaches a full hour the little tune part plays.
would give people more creative access.

either way, I created a little Chala Head-Chala but it's really frustrating.

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=f-s-G-s-s-A-f-G-s-s-B-s-C-B-A-s&title=New Melody

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-d-f-A-s-A-G-s-G-f-s-e-s-G-s-s&title=Sailor Moon

Always loved Sailor Moon and the jingle works quite well as a town tune.

No, that would be:
I like you.

Totaka's song

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=c-z-c-d-e-z-d-c-z-G-z-e-z-C-z-G&title=June 2nd, 2008

I know how much Yas Forums loves Undertale: tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=c-s-G-s-f-s-c-s-e-s-c-e-s-f-s-s&title=His Theme

san island tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=d-d-D-s-A-s-s-G-s-f-s-f-s-d-f-G&title=Sans Island

I suck at these


not without accidentals

Agreed. I love the little tune creator and I love when limitations force people to be creative, but the AC melody system is too restrictive and simple.

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=C-s-B-s-A-B-A-G-f-s-e-s-d-s-c-s&title=How look trying 2 makedis🤡
I tried

I usually go for something from Mario Sunshine but I love this song too much.

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-f-e-d-s-z-c-d-c-a-s-g-s-a-s-z&title=Last Surprise

Attached: 3683539.jpg (225x152, 14.42K)

Take a music theory class, nerd. (Rhythmically, this is off on purpose for the sake of getting more notes in.)

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=s-G-s-z-z-G-d-z-z-G-G-z-z-G-g-z&title=June 2nd, 2008

Honestly though, just play with it until it sounds right. Might take a while, but you'll get better at making tunes, despite how limited the town tune system is.

mine is Fly Me to the Moon because I'm a Eva fag and I'm planning to make a cozy modern/rural Japanese town
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=A-z-G-f-e-d-z-d-f-A-G-z-f-e-d-c&title=Fly Me to the Moon

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 12.14K)

Gruntilda's Lair

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=g-s-b-a-b-a-g-s-d-e-s-d-g-s-z-z&title=Grunty's Lair

Music theory fag here, any requests?

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=d-g-d-s-b-s-s-s-g-s-a-s-s-s-s-z&title=June 2nd, 2008

Wished we got minor notes, but this will do for me.

can you make stupid hoe by nicki minaj?

I want an MJ tune on my island.


Frank Sinatra is synonymous with that song though.

Don't judge me.
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=d-d-f-f-A-A-D-D-e-f-G-f-e-d-c-c&title=Moonrise Kingdom Opening


Unfortunately the song is probably associated most with Bayonetta right now, especially given it's in a Nintendo game from another franchise that first entered Smash in the same game.

Tried creating the Dragon Quest V Overworld theme.
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=a-c-c-s-a-d-d-s-a-e-e-s-a-d-d-s&title=Dragon Quest V Overworld
pls no bulli pls

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-s-d-s-a-s-s-e-s-d-s-G-s-s-f-e&title=Le Sad Piano
Here's my ass attempt. Can anyone guess it?

Attached: 1530162312407.png (480x602, 396.51K)

Anyone has the New Leaf default tune?

This is supposed to be part of the Futurama theme. I wish we had quarter note options


Was trying to do Sono Chi No Sadame, but the extend note wasnt working on this app.

>fucking sustain notes don't actually draw out the note like they're supposed to
What is this shit?

bow to your Mario overlord.

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=C-s-G-s-e-A-s-s-A-B-A-R-G-G-G-G&title=SMB Bonus-Allstars Version


Attached: b04c6951e7370142126d65c46ebc16b686f0600a.jpg (424x381, 22.06K)

>Frank Sinatra is synonymous with that song though
okay and?

Attached: 1581414245906.jpg (230x272, 44.34K)

The song is called "Entry of the Gladiators" fyi

tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=e-G-z-d-z-e-d-c-d-c-a-g-a-c-z-z&title=Ape Escape

Attached: ape.gif (282x263, 1.18M)

oh shit oops
tunes.nooknet.net/?melody=A-s-B-G-A-c-B-G-a-s-b-g-g-c-a-z&title=New Melody

Attached: f59739c973e21c60bea5f2efc2469363a5f42291.png (855x987, 1.26M)