Why the fuck is this allowed?

Why the fuck is this allowed?

Attached: Official Nintendo Switch Dock - Scalper Price.jpg (1123x527, 117.18K)

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cope poorfag

buy it on ebay used
literally does not make a difference

>100 dollars for an hdmi cord
my fucking god nintendo has no shame

>doesn't even feature a fucking ethernet port

No, fuck Nintendo

>why the fuck am I allowed to order a dock from a third party who overprices shit
I don't know, why are you?

Why would a handheld that can connect to the TV have an ethernet port?

>Nintendo switch is 300 dollars, plus a 180 dollar dock, plus 70 dollar joycons, plus 50 dollar pro controller, plus 60 dollar exclusives that never get reduced


Scalpers are allowed to sell things as "new" on Amazon.

>Why would a handheld that can connect to the TV have an ethernet port?
you use dock in handheld mode?

What exactly is this thing made out of that is should cost this much?

Attached: Official Nintendo Switch Dock - Retail Price.jpg (972x448, 58.18K)

Nintendo products can only be afforded by the 1%.

It's mostly plastic with a small upscaler board on the inside and two USB ports. Should be much cheaper desu. Nintendo can get away with it due to being historically stingy + they know their customers will buy it anyway.

OP, it's already expensive as it is for Nintendo to manufacture these docks. They're also high tech in the fact that you're connecting a gaming system to it to have it output to your TV, which has never been done before in the history of technology and is exemplary of Nintendo's high innovation. Also, $90 is a bargain, but then again, here you are causing more faux outrage for the sake of getting clicks due to your lonely lifestyle.

Plastic shell + USB type C hub servicing power, USB and a DP1.2 -> HDMI 1.4 chip

Nintendo couldn't even be assed to use DP1.2a and give us variable refresh rate, oh no, they had to be cheap kikes and pinch every penny they could like usual

>$90 is a bargain
Not at that expense.
To make matter even worse you can't even settle for cheaper third party version due to incompatibility issues.

Attached: inside_of_a_switch_dock.png (600x454, 266.48K)

Makes no sense to include an Ethernet port if it drives up production costs. Smashfags gotta pay the Ethernet adapter tax, who cares.

because people buy it, the price of something is whatever people are willing to pay for it, if everyone didn’t buy at that price Nintendo out of necessity would have to lower until its at a price where people buy again

blame consoomers

at that price you might as well just buy another switch.... ooooooh.... that’s the point

The Best Buy store brand "Insignia" Dock uses the same chip as the official dock and will not brick your Switch. I've used mine for a couple months on the latest switch update. Don't trust me, look up the Insignia Dock teardowns and reviews

Attached: Capture.png (735x553, 70.41K)

>At first I think the overpriced Switch was finally at a reasonable price point
>It's just the dock
Lol. Like taking hot pocket money from a man baby.

It would drive up costs by maybe $1 at most, still would be sold for a large profit

Devkits have Ethernet ports built in, Xbox had Ethernet standard in 2001, zero excuses for this shit from Nintendo

yes, great dock

You dont need an Ethernet port when WiFi is commonplace

Ok boomer

Same. Imagine paying an extra $70 for the nintendo logo

Ok snoy

You literally get one with switch
Why would anyone care about it

Instead of being a lazy dumbass do some research.

$40 for a refurbished dock through Nintendo.



Great 40 dollars for a piece of plastic that someone with corona probably spat on.

You know, it's amazing that the popular opinion on Yas Forums is that free markets are good and you somehow still regularly get threads like this.

They clean and test them like new. No different than buying one new you whining retarded faggot.

it's okay because Nintendo and muh nostalgia

Free market is good. That retard is not going to sell it at $184. He’ll have to bring the price down if he expects to sell it.

No it's not the point. The point of it is to exploit desperate switch fags and force them to buy overpriced piece of junk that costs nothing to produce

Consoles are mostly manufactured with a loss or shitty margins. Nintendo makes majority of its cash on software sales, not hardware

>You dont need an Ethernet port when WiFi is commonplace
Ethernet is faster & more preferable than Wi-Fi. Always.

>That retard is not going to sell it at $184. He’ll have to bring the price down if he expects to sell it.
You underestimate the power of consoomer paypigs.

Also here’s a new one for $60 through Nintendo.


Because it is.

Doesn't matter. Move out of your third world shithole maybe. I play smash with my friends and I cannot tell the difference between ones using the adapter and ones using WiFi.

You’re throwing out a bunch of buzzwords but it’s clearly not difficult to find a dock. So if you buy one for ridiculous prices, you’re a retard.



Attached: 20200309_172332.jpg (1079x1048, 338.45K)

>Acute Tek (We Record S/N)
third party seller

Democracy is beautiful because this guy is going to vote for the politician who is against the free market because he thinks that the fact that someone charges $ 184 for a piece of plastic is proof that the economic system doesn't work.

What about those docks that are just a block like Dongii and Genki? Anyone try those?

The funny thing is that this Dock is better then the official dock because the official one will eventually scratch your screen.




I’m assuming it’s a 15 year old communist because his views are very naive.

Hoes mad

So I’ve heard. I got my switch at launch and immediately bought a screen protector. No issues thankfully.

Yes i’m mad that Nintendo basically forced normies and retards to play on wifi so all online games except MK8 play like actual trash online

But he legitimately may sell it to someone who is ignorant of that.

It's absurd that the dick is even necessary. Just give the fucking console a HDMI port. Why does this have to be so hard?

Not my problem. If someone decides to eat shit because they’re stupid, it doesn’t mean free market is a failure.

Anyone who unironically defends the lack of an ethernet port on the dock or a headphobe jack on the Pro controller needs to seriously drown in a pit of burning acid while being forced to “play” the last of us

>buy a used one one on ebay
>pop in portable shell

Attached: 31-q00P0AWL._AC_SX425_[1].jpg (425x293, 9.79K)

I know you're a God damn liar. Smash has the worst online bar none. My region has good internet overall and I can tell when some fag is playing on wifi. You probably don't recognize a difference because your wifi connection is the lowest common denominator and you're bringing down your friends.

Snoys mad

My man, Smash online is bad because its P2P. It doesn't matter if you're on wifi or have the adapter. And unless EVERYONE you're playing with is also using the adapter, you having one literally doesn't fucking matter.

They're not producing them because they magically make P2P games not shit, they're producing them for people who may not have reliable access to wifi and otherwise can't play online at all.

Obviously those should exist. It would have brought the prices up so Nintendo decided not to.

>an ethernet adapter will magically make peer-to-peer connections not awful

Shut the fuck up nigger

Does anyone know if there is really a reason why the Switch cannot be connected directly to a TV from an HDMI cable? What is the point of Nintendo creating a "dock"? Is it to create the false feeling that it is not a simple tablet?
I like my Switch, but its portability is extremely restrictive when I take it to someone's home but I need to take the dock with me, otherwise it is impossible to connect it to any television...

Nice rebuttal brainlet

>player choice bad
fuck off
Somehow no other console has this issue because they didn't put the cheapest chink 802.11ac wireless card in their consoles
USB C only supports DisplayPort video out. Gotta convert it to HDMI

return the switch, jamal

Keep deflecting while you play on wifi Miguel, you have a mental illness.

So, can you just use a USB-C to DisplayPort cable?

>USB C only supports DisplayPort video out. Gotta convert it to HDMI
Okay, but why is there no HDMI output on the console itself? Is there any technical impossibility for this?

I’m white but I play on WiFi. I’m in nj so my internet is the best in the US. My router is too far away to get a cable

>$1 per unit on something sold at huge markup is too much
I think so, though you'd need a DP capable monitor of course. The dock basically has a DP->HDMI adapter soldered to the board