So now that this game has been out for almost a year how does it hold up?

so now that this game has been out for almost a year how does it hold up?

Attached: sekiro.jpg (280x350, 42.84K)

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my favorite fromsoftware game, this game on max settings looks nice and comfy.

It’s shit


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that's really sad that your favorite from game is a linear mashing action game instead of one with rpg mechanics and open ended world building

yeah i know it sounds basic and sad but i liked how much I felt compelled to replay this game. All the dark souls games still are very top tier for me but I just liked sekiro a little more.

>muh interpretation
Just play souls, nigger

>replay this game
that's even worse it's literally the worst from game with variety builds like wtf man

im sorry man, my taste is my taste. even if its shit...

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Is this what everyone actually wanted out of a Souls game the whole time, and I was just unaware? I don't get the hype.
>Somewhere in C tier sandwiched between Nioh and S&S

still the goty
still the goat from game

Yes. But I haven't played nioh 2 yet. My opinion might change after that.

Best part of sekiro was rising bar. It killed fallen orders gameplay totally, it made it feel like joke game.

easy good
hard bad

Pretty much dead, gone and forgotten. The dev has played another game since then and been taking inspiration from others cause they lack talent at Fromsoft

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sekiro was an activision published product so it's not wonder it's praised by casuals

it doesnt

taking inspiration is now bad, holy cringe.

In my top 20 favourite games. It's not perfect but I'll be damned if it doesn't cater to my personal tastes

>Is this what everyone actually wanted out of a Souls game the whole time
Well it's not a Souls game for a start

Like fine wine. I revisit every once in a while to fight the sword saint. What a godly battle.

>W-wait what do you m-mean I can't get help to beat bosses?

Attached: Sekiro GOTY.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

I cannot beat Isshin

Stop hesitating

If Ubisoft made this game nobody would give it GOTY. It's literally just Assassin's Creed in Japan.




From here on its all fun and games, right guys?

A Tenchu game died so you could press L1 R1 L1 R1 L1 R1 L1 R1 L1 R1 L1 R1 and listen to some more aphorisms about cycles.

Yas Forums is so retarded that I can't even tell if this is bait


>From here on its all fun and games, right guys?
Yeah, you should be fine.

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>beat sekiro
>0 reason to replay
what do?

its too tedious and grindy for me


Yeah because Sekiro didn't filter a truck load of souls casuals who relied on summons to do the work right?
Goddamn fucking retard

Play another game retard

Good job mate, have fun with the rest of the game
Hopefully you won't get filtered by any other boss

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Still one of the greatest of all time

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how the hell is sekiro grindy

A fromsoft gunslinger game would be fucking incredible.

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Now you do it charmless and have more fun.

I finally got it now that it's priced down and I'm getting rekt. Never had this much trouble with Souls games or Bloodborne.

That fire bull I killed first try, samurai on the horse second try, but the big samurai generals, that fat drunk guy and the butterfly lady took me over a dozen each. I'm doing something fundamentally wrong but I don't know what it is.

>but I don't know what it is.
You'll understand once you get to Genichiro, he's the one who teaches you how to actually play.

if you're talking about Seven spears ashina, leave him for later.¨
Hirata estate (where you fight juzou and butterfly) is meant to be done much later.
But for now, your goal is to kill genichiro and save your shota lord.

Genichiro is situated at the top of the castle, good luck.
You're not doing anything wrong, the combat of sekiro really takes a while to get used to.
Just keep playing and you'll get better and better.
Don't forget that you can train with either Hanbei (zombie guy near shrine), or the normal enemies in ashina outskirts.

For skills, get mikiri counter ASAP. Then focus on getting the passive skills except for the ones that boost your emblem capacity.
Try to get the firecracker prosthetic, it will make fights so much easier to win

Lady butterfly is perfect for after Gyobu.
And seven spears is a mikiri tutorial.

Still has my favorite combat in any video game. Only other one that comes close are DD:DA and KI:U.


>I don't know what it is

shut the fuck up dumb fucking retard

it's the kinoest game ever made

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I haven't played it in a couple weeks. Went back to DS3 and been cooping at the Archives. Plan on getting back to it though, I just got filtered by DoH like a bitch and took a break.

But like I've always said it's a good game that leaves much to be desired. It's not as fulfilling as it could be like Bloodborne, which is why it deserves a sequel more to tackle those missed opportunities.

Its basically the cawadoody of Souls games. Mash L1 until deathblow marker appears, rinse and repeat.

well, Activision did call sekiro a "franchise"

Still great, just finished some randomizer runs.

I gave up at gorilla boss

as opposed to mash O when attack comes?
At least in sekiro you have to look out for more stuff during battles, sweep thrusts and grabs are all part of enemy movesets that you must deal with accordingly

Messages like this that imply previous souls games had more depth to combat confuse me greatly.

Stop comparing garbage copycat games with actual fromsoft titles you fucking nigger. If you don't understand what makes miyazaki's games unique you need to stop talking about them.

I really wish one mind was viable, it takes too long and the boss poises through the attack

it's made to destroy minibosses, since they can't parrye very attack of it, and the follow up r1 deals high dmg.
But I much prefer dragonflash, since it can be buffed and has a shockwave attack that can snipe and deal extra dmg.
It also can be buffed with divine confetti

Yea but one mind is cool


For some reason I can't get into it as much. I think it's partly because my favorite thing to do is to invade and get invaded. Makes gittin' gud worth it if you have more to fight than just pve enemies.

you rpg autists have some special kind of mental illness

>remember getting filtered hard by the one armed anti-shinobi nigger in the sewer my first playthrough for hours
>replay the game for the first time since it came out a year ago a few days ago
>beat him in one try
>same with Genichiro
It really is such a satisfying feeling to get good

Linear games are better because I can just get through them and get the platinum then move on.

sekiro one year later = 75K reviews on steam
DS3 4 years later = 100k reviews on steam
Man Sekiro is a fucking cashcow, Miyasaki better hurry up with that sekiro dlc