*sigh* What did Kain say to Raziel, babe

>*sigh* What did Kain say to Raziel, babe...

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"No, you're not getting it babe. There never was a "coin toss". The new Simon is always the copy. Catherine knew this but didn't want Simon to give up and kept it to herself..."

"Babe i lost my mind when the professor showed up to challenge me"

>and then he says "Nanomachines, son", I shit you not


>And then - he fucking stabs his father in the back, just like he did to him in the past, and takes the other sword.
>*tightens grip* I won't lie, I got hard at that.

>babe, you don't understand! Kefka blew up the entire WORLD! The whole thing is a fuckin wasteland! And the worst part about It? I could saved fucking Shadow before I jumped off the Continent! No BS! My buddy Chad actually waited 2 minutes and Shadow shows up while there's any time left on the clock, and he can become a party memeber later! That's why I want us replay it together babe, so we can use Shadow in the endgame!

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God I wish I was allowed to touch a woman

Go to a strip club or become a paramedic.

>see, in the age of ancients the world was unformed, shrouded by fog. A land of gray crags, Archtrees and Everlasting Dragons. But then there was Fire and with fire came disparity. Heat and cold, life and death, and of course, light and dark. Then, and I shit you not, from the dark, They came, and found the Souls of Lords within the flame.

>Give them the ol Raziel Dazziel

>"You don't get it do you? Raiden was a better soldier than Solid Snake and had a far more tragic past than him, but because of his bishounen looks and Kojima's trolling he was only seen as a "gay faggot" by the secondaries, this eventually led to Kojima butchering his character in MGS4 to appeal to that crowd by turning him into cyborg ninja edgelord with no character, and that's why MGS2 Raiden is superior to MGS4 Raiden."

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>You see, when Shinji Mikami worked on RE4, he absolutely insisted the game be exclusive to the GameCube, to the point that he'd rather cut his own head off rather than see it released cross-platform.
>So that's why it's called m-
>Yeah, that's why the chihuahua is called Mikami's Head, it's a reference to that interview

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>So then the Master summons a Keyblade and hands it to Luxu right, guess who's Keyblade that is
>... Sora's, I guess?
>No, it's fucking Master Xehanort's Keyblade!! Blew my mind, man. Anyway, Luxu fucks off with the Keyblade--oh, uh the Master put his eye in it so he can see the future and write the Book of Prophecies, fuckin' wild right--anyway Luxu fucks off, and then Ava finally finds him way later before the Keyblade War
>The what?
>The Keyblade War, babe! The thing that started it all! Are you even paying attention?

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Give it your best shot.

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>then Adachi said that if you're born with talent you have a natural advantage in life and everyone else will never succeed no matter how hard they work
>and to be honest babe, I think he's right

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the entire discussion with the barkeeper

>So I told them that Fallout 3 is gonna have 200 endings
>And guess what babe
>All the endings are just different combinations of slideshows so it was technically not a lie!

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>I was born 87 years ago. For 65 years I've ruled as Tamriel's emperor, but for all these years, I've never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seen the gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold, in darkness, a doom sweeps the land. This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh, 433. These are the closing days of the third era, and the final hours of my life.

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>"STR>DEX, every time. try to change my mind, babe. pro tip? you can't."

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>Alright, so get this; You is Win

why is she so attractive? where did hot women go

>still no edit of Scout holding Miss Pauling
>or RED Medic holding RED Heavy during surgery

This but transcribed:
>Babe... The elites

If society doesn't allow men to rape and pillage like God intended, they'll escape to fantasy to achieve a sense of accomplishment in life. Roasties brought this upon themselves.

>And then she invites him back to her place. And you know what he responds with, babe? No way fag! Get it? Because she is not Asian. Isn't it hilarious? I am a straight man but Leon.... Damn.

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Get this babe. In the event of a national emergency, FEMA has a list of American citizens that will be transported to detention centers. Just guess how many.

>...but that irony is always what gets me, you were brought to Vvardenfell only because you somewhat matched the description of the native's liberator-god, but along the way it turns out you actually were the Neravarine! Some fans say it's up to interpretation, but you're not only personally thanked by Azura herself, but Almalexia...

>john 3:16
blessed post

>fake tan
>fake tits
>plastic surgery face

Yeah, real attractive.

literally, LITERALLY, THE hottest instagram/twitter meme right now.
good job forcing this here!

>no you see it wasn't just Ricky his brother and me last night there was like 40 of us.
>I'm like whoah that's double of what my old school bus could hold.
>but anyway I get in the Ventrilo group and it's like a board meeting in there I was getting anxious about it yo know it's so professional
>one guy was leading everyone through it on the voice call posting game maps on ImageShack and in a second call one guy was asking about my greens and blues.
>but yeah we went up to that flying skull pyramid and we went in like we where soldiers or surgeons or something and I told Ricky like: "This is so awesome!"
>anyhow we wiped for 3 hours straight so that's why I couldn't come over.

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>The elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this, some are good some are bad some are a mix; but the good ones don't ever want to organize, the bad ones tend to want to organize because they lust after power. Powerful consciousnesses don't want to dominate other people, they want to empower them so they don't tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together and evil is always defeated. Because good is so much stronger. And we're on this planet and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it- there's at least twelve dimensions. And now that's all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out and saying it's a false hologram, it is artificial, the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe. That's what they call dark matter. So we're like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in a computer program, some God's mind, whatever. They're proving it all, it's all coming out.

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No prob, bro

>And then I said baby "literally, LITERALLY, THE hottest instagram/twitter meme right now. Good job forcing this here!"

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>So the guy who invented augs in the first place is all like "fuck this I can't even use them myself why should people be happy" and activated a virus that makes them all chimp out so people distrust them
>Then he realizes that killing like a third of the world cause he's sad is wrong after you talk to him for like five minutes
>Anyway after that you go to the basement and I shit you not the final boss is this crazy asian chick hooked up to a machine that can't defend herself, and once you deal with her you have to make a choice to either tell the world the truth, a lie, or just bury the place in the sea
>But the Illuminati cover it all up, find your corpse anyway and put it on ice so like what's the point, you know?

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>So Professor Gerald at one point visited Angel Island and saw the mural of Super Sonic fighting Perfect Chaos.
>You see where this is going, right?
>So he uses Black Doom's DNA to try and create the ultimate lifeform. At first he bases it off of Perfect Chaos, leading to the creation of the Biolizard. Isn't that some shit right there?
>So the Biolizard ends up not being what Gerald was trying to make, so he bases his next experiment off of Super Sonic. Now guess what came of that. Come on, guess.
>It was Shadow! Pretty fucking crazy, right?

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>the guy who looks tired of having to hear him isnt labeled as anything

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I *literally* have not touched a woman I'm not related to since elementary school when we had to link hands in gym class. I'm 28. I just want to know what it feels like to touch them.

>So the whole time you thought you were partaking in some Victorian werewolf hunt, you were actually just caught up in the nightmare of an infant shoggoth
>you remember when I told you about shoggoths on the car ride over, well I didn't want to spoil it, so I'm telling you now
>Anyway, after fighting through a few bosses and finding a school that studied these cosmic horrors, you fight a spider, and it turns out that this spider was keeping everyone in the dream somewhat sane. After you kill her, because it's a girl, all the people hiding from the hunt turn into werewolf things, as the fabric of the dream reality lies exposed, driving their normal minds into insanity.
>Oh yeah, like these Shoggoths are so strong that you can get stuck in THEIR dreams, right? Like their minds are that powerful
>So after the spider, you get grabbed by a monster called Amygdala...

she's 5x more attractive than anyone you've had sex with or will have sex with.

I'm 28 and only ever hugged grills

>listen, it's called hebephilia and totally normal

Couple more months and I'll become a wizard. In two years, you'll get there too.

Trancendence awaits, brother!

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I don't even remember the last time I touched a non-family human.

>literally, LITERALLY, THE hottest instagram/twitter meme right now.
>good job forcing this here!

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depends on the woman. average ones aren't what you might imagine. skin isn't always soft, legs might be hairy. boobs are weird. some feel good, some don't feel much different than your own asscheek.
bottomline you're not missing much. the really awesome feeling is when they touch you. like, I'm not too crazy about sex but I'll never get tired of handjobs.

this, it must be great to just casually hold her like that

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>uses the meme anyway
way to ruin your own argument dumbass


You become a Wizard at 40
the idea of becoming one at 30 was put forth by elitist wizards who want to stay a reclusive elite.

t. autist that doesn’t know how humor works

MGR autists really are the worst. It's anime tier shit and they eat it up

This is literally me explaining BB to my female roommate on acid. I see the irony and hate myself now.

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how is living with a girl?