Half Life Alyx

>Barnacles can pull you up again in VR

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You have a bad fetish.


Thank god.
What is it with Valve and their obsession on "comfort"?

They're selling a new and alien format to most normalfags and need to make sure they aren't scared away/sickened in their first hour of trying it?

I guess it's because they realize this'll be the very first VR a lot of people will play and more than ever tards bounce off of VR in a heartbeat the moment they feel the tiniest bit of discomfort.

Seems like these last few weeks are just them polishing the game out and adding loads of other options for players who're fine getting jostled around. Which is nice. I wonder if we'll get a full Alyx IK model in a later patch if enough players ask for it.

Because it's a game aimed to help people get into VR and comfort is a big part of players sticking to something like this.

no you stupid fucking polnigger, they don't mean emotion comfort they mean physically sickened from the experience of being lifted in vr


*noms your post*


Someone explain vore to me. This garbage is even worse than the other fetishes because it literally turns getting eaten alive into sexual gratification.

It's the closest thing to actual sexual suicide besides strangulationfags.


Because it's the first big vr only title. Why do people find it surprising that they are trying to make it as accessible as possible?

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When was it "removed"? HL2 had it, the episodes as well, right?

It's not something you're ever going to understand. I can tell you that there's a subset that doesn't like the death part at all though.


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>spend one grand on a special peripheral that let's you experience the action on true first person
why do they do it?

Like all fetishes you're not going to "get " it because you dont have that fetish retard

Now they need to add an option for a dedicated jump button instead of mantling over objects, and an option to turn off invisible walls so you can fall down.

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there's a huge spectrum in the fetish, with different motivations behind each flavor, so "explaining" the fetish as a whole is impossible. The main varieties include:
>people who want to be eaten by monsters
>people who want to be eaten by cute girls
>people who want to see cute girls be eaten by monsters but not be eaten themselves
>people who want to see cute girls be eaten by other cute girls but not be eaten themselves

And that's not even touching the fatal/non-fatal/willing/un-willing divide that exists within each of those.

I'll say that one of the driving forces for most digestion focused vore is just a dominance fetish taken to the extreme. The ultimate domination someone can take over someone else is to digest them and take their nutrients into themself, shitting out the rest.

it's about people getting motion sickness and vomiting, not about emotional safe spaces you retarded double nigger

holy fuck i just learned that this shit has name to it
when i was a kid i would get semi boners thinking about getting swallowed whole by something. Also I remember it turned me on whenever alyx was stabbed by a hunter and taken alive like a prey

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Thankfully those are all pisseasy options to implement. They just need to make playtesters do a playthrough one time to see if anything breaks.

Sorry bud, you'll be the shitter in couple hours after I'm done with you.

Cope, prey. You're lucky I dont assimilate too

fuck, I feel bad for you user, you're about to go down a deep rabbit hole that will ruin your sex life forever

sorry dawg

>Being such a newfag you only now heard of vore

someone post the comic where the guy gets cock vored

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This user is right This shit of a fetish is more of a curse

remember when Chet thought that it was impossible to get your VR legs and teleport movement was the only viable option?

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Disposal > digestion > hard > shit >>>>>>>>>> "safe"/endo

I don’t care. When is the Artifact relaunch?

Comfort in general is a huge part of VR development. Honest to god there are some people who will reflexively puke if they spent 5 minutes in VR, and even with teleporting it can give people who are prone to motion sickness headaches. Basically if you have shit genes then you cant play this game without special accommodations

I think I'm good. Don't remember last time I had such fantasy. I think I grew out of it. I just looked up some of that vore BS and my dick didn't even flinch.

Being moved involuntarily in virtual reality is jarring

I'm happy for you user, you might've dodged it by not discovering until after development

Just deal with it.

Why this fetish is more of a curse? Is it because you can't enact on it or because it can develop into more serious shit?

Why do people even have "fetishes"? The hell is wrong with you?

No because it's a majority of people with interest in it are the most cringe and autistic individuals you'll come across.

You're thinking of footfags.

People these days call impregnation a fetish.

that's the point? Nobody said being eaten by a barnacle should be a pleasurable experience

When I was younger, I had erotic fantasies of Alex being caught by barnacles and having her titties suckled. Now I can live out that fantasy for real. Thanks, Valve!

Shit genes? More like superior genes. During cave days, if you ate some fucked up berry and it tried to kill you, you would first feel dizzy. The disassociation between what you see and what you feel makes you nauseous. Therefore, you would puke the berry out and live. The people that dont get motionsick from vr wouldnt have survived cave days.

So is teleportation movement basically cheating?
From the trailer it looks like you can teleport from cover to cover without the enemy having an opportunity to shoot you

Admittedly I haven't been looking for any statements from Valve about it, have they said how they're going to be balancing it?

yeah in the credits it calls you a pussy if you use teleportation

getting sick from simulated movement in VR =/= getting nauseous from getting poisoned

They recently had an interview where teleporting isn't really you just "teleporting", it fully simulates the traversal you need to do to go from point a to point b. So enemies will detect you, barnacles will grab you, and projectiles will hit, it's just that from the player's POV they just ported into a new position.

Both happens when what youre seeing doesnt match what you are feeling, whats the difference?

we don't live in the stone age anymore faggot

getting motion sick by vidya, cars and stuff is a fucking handicap in modern society. Like not being able to digest dairy products. All stuff based caucasians adapted to and only inferior races like asians are still negatively affected (fps are not popular in asia mostly for this reason)

Once we have the tech to make you feel virtual g forces, sure. The disconnect between your body staying in place and your eyes seeing you getting pulled up will cause a lot of people to vomit.

That's exactly what it is. Same with carsickness and seasickness

why is it that inferior beings always try to justify their existence with being smug and a false sense of superiority

Do you go out and eat poisoned berries regularly? No? Why are you bring this retarded shit up, are you a nigger or something?

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I bet you faggots don't think there's any reason for humans to be strong or fast anymore, either. You are weak and dependent on the system to keep you alive like a child at his mother's breast.

What are you doing on the internet my guy, Yas Forums's Yas Forums board in particular
Go pretend to be a chiseled adonis somewhere else, this is just sad

You're really hurting my feelings, bro.

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I think I am actually, I've seen you posting your gay theory before and you're a completely apeshit nigger with zero emotional control in addition to those subhuman genes
You probably live in one of those plastic bubbles for dying retards

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are you just pretending to be stupid?

No, I live in this

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>he is the one that can't handle getting in a car or playing vidya and gets diarrhea if he eats cheese
>calls other people weak

shut up, your genes are inferior