How's the level design anons? I didn't really like Nioh 1's level design, some of it was good...

How's the level design anons? I didn't really like Nioh 1's level design, some of it was good, but some of it was also quite bad. How do the levels in general compare?
Also, I need PS+ for Co-Op right?

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Same as the first, not good. And yes, I think so.

much better than 1. if you dont like stages its no bueon if you like stages these flow and look way better than 1

If you didn't like 1 don't waste your time with 2. As simple as that.

>if you dont like stages its no bueon

Its better than 1 and yes you need ps+

Fucking amazing for anyone who loved the first game. I've cleared first 3 main missions and each took almost 2 hours to fully explore

Human bosses confirmed to drop additional skills

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The level design is as good as Nioh 1s DLC, which was pretty fucking good.

I don't know what levels you think were "quite bad" in Nioh 1 tho, OP.

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Jesus fucking christ

Only problem I've had so far with level design is how they've staggered the release of new monsters more compared to Nioh 1 (which was admitedly a problem in that game too in term of enemy variety). It makes it so that the early levels are limited in enemy variety and how they're used compared to later in the game.

The first level of the second region is fucking big, I've looked for an hour how to get to the tree shortcut at the beginning and instead I stumbled into the boss arena.

>people were joking about MC's mother being oni girl who raped the father
>his mother is indeed oni
>but she's a kind and calm miko

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES. Thank you user for proving it. Holy fuck thank god. This unironically makes me super fucking happy. other than realizing I have to grind each boss for their skill.

I only hope it's true that every human boss drops one. I wonder if they even drop more than 1. Ryu could drop 2 skills, one of which was ninjitsu sso it's only going to take a lot of testing from some super autists to find out for us

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Can anyone help my trashcan ass out with the snakeboss?

I have died so much to them I am getting titled.

Password is cat

Dude i'm telling you, Nioh 2 is so much harder than the first game!!!!

>game finished downloading an hour before work
>"oh cool I have some time to play it"
>spend the entire hour creating my character

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Nioh 2 dev documentary, official subtitles are in the youtube settings

Stuff I found interesting after watching.
The director/producer didn't know from the beginning whether he wanted to make the game hard or satisfying to pull off moves (implied). There was a lot of trouble deciding difficulty since there would be people with hundreds of hours in nioh 1 playing nioh 2 and those who just started playing for the first time. He goes on to say "it was about who was winning between "the pleasure and the unfair".

They also go on to say that because of how acclaimed the first game was they thought they didn't need to change much but when the alpha came out they got a lot of "Nioh 1.5" which took a toll on the devs. They SPECIFICALLY say Nioh 1.5 which makes me wonder if they truly do look at a lot of english feedback though maybe that is exactly what the japanese were saying too.

He also says..."for nioh 2 for the action parts there are parts I can improve in the DLC" lol.

"There should also be a Nioh 3 in the future" along with some higher up saying a Nioh 3 will definitely happen but I don't think that means a 3rd game any time soon. The director says he wants to work on directing a new IP for next gen with team ninja, which has already been talked about in an interview before. There is also talk about expanding Team Ninja to work on multiple projects but again, the director has talked a lot about how he really really wants to make a new ninja gaiden and I think that's pretty likely to happen at some point. idk how big team ninja is but I don't think they could work on DoA, New IP, Ninja Gaiden, and Nioh 3 at roughly the same time and I think it's too early to start development on another Nioh game. I can see them doing 3 of those games but not 4.

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>about to start the game
r8 my samurai

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As long it's not 99% nighttime I'm happy

I'm bad. and I put down another cup

pretty decent actually


Whichever one you think looks coolest

dont pick fucking switchglaive i started with that and did absolutely no damage

>have to go topless for that sexy 30% fast dodge

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Hows difficulty? Same as 1? Dose it need better reaction time?

Pick switcglaive. Its fun

How does co-op work? Do you summon other players like in most Souls games or can you go through the whole story with friends?

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Stop, my nipels can only get so erected.

is Nioh 2 still flooded with diablo-like loots all over the place ? It annoyed me 15 hours after playing Nioh 1, I found out I was doing more chores sorting item than playing.

There were also many levels that were exactly the same area with differents ennemies and fucked up difficulty, I did 2-3 level then did some bloodmoon thing, won and then crushed everything with the stuff I just got from the bloodmoon level.

Overall I was pretty disappointed even if the gameplay itself was fun.

When can you fucking change guardian type? I'm stuck with shitty phantom and feral

Do you guys use two weapons primarily, or only one? Trying to decide if i'll be able to build for both kusa/ninjutsu and the tonfa

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I want to know if enemy variety is better this time around, that was my main gripe from last game


do a single minute of research instead of wanting to be spoonfed you dribbling retard.

Fair play to them all of the early levels have been a decent step up from Nioh 1 in terms of design. Couple of areas even looked "good".

It doesn't matter. You can focus on a single weapon or try to mix in 2, it's literally just a preference.

>cutting blast talismans
this is weeb as fuck

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so there's no limitations to leveling or anything?
like with dark souls you wanted to stay around a certain level to play with people but does this game have that?

are you replying to the wrong person, why are you asking me about leveling. Also no it doesn't matter at all.

First level of DLC2 in Nioh 1 is pretty bad.

Sort weapons by type, and sort gear by weight!

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I want to see a kodama fug a big bbw oni in the butt

>shitty ass animation locks
>everything takes forever to do
>no damage
its so bad

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It's not bad at all other than you being able to accidentally go onto the 2nd section of the level with no way to go back to the first. I missed a kodama by doing that and looked for like 15 minutes trying to find a way back so I could grab him since he was visible.

>Got so far I can't even find that many red graves anymore

i think 20 bust size is too big i cant stop my erection

>spirit doesnt exist anymore
do guardian spirit talismans scale with magic now then?

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because i was asking how do i manage the stats for the two weapons, since kusa uses dex but tonfa uses courage

Thanks g, this is cool.
8/10 actually looks pretty cool, I like gus eyes. Looks like some Takehiko Inoue character
What do they do

Damn anons, I really want to play. Hopefully sometime next week.

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>It's not bad at all
>Except for this bad shit

Well stats don't matter much for damage in the first place. The damage boost is very marginal until late game but you should be able to respec easily late game when you can afford books of reincarnation.

>What do they do
they make your strong attacks release anime shockwaves like bleach


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No. I want to be spoonfed and I honestly see nothing wrong with that and don't get why it angers so many of you

Why are you happy about this?

>burst counter on first big enemy
>goes through him everytime and nothing happens

great game

lets see it

I do this shit all the time in both nioh 1 and now this with the odachi grapple when the chunky copy paste yokai is fighting me, it makes me do the slam down slash and always clip through them wasting my ki and letting the yokai get up

if you're shit with feral (or it annoys you) then use brute which is retard-proof, it's what i'm doing.

>director said the dlc isn't restricted by the timeline

Here's your dlc bosses bro

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>second try
easy game

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That bad thing I described doesn't affect the 4/5ths of the entire rest of the level

okay well it looks like you aren't getting your answer so you might as well leave the thread

>fucking gamestop out of special editions
>preordered at best buy
>picked it up today
>no preorder bonus codes on the receipt

Am I retarded or did bestbuy not offer the preorder bonus?

>Godzuki's core skill just ass fucks everything

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Ice Odachi guy was pretty tough

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Because it means the game will have signficantly more skills in the game than just the base level.