Coronavirus is now canceling esports

>Coronavirus is now canceling esports

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>corona virus is destroying humanity
God I wish, wouldn't have to commit sudoku

what if all these failing ventures that are just barely making back the money their burning finally die off because they're put out of commission too long?

Esports should never have existed, they are responsible for the destruction of several franchises either by changing them for esports and turning out shit (starcraft) or making them for esports and then canceling any sequel/updates when it turns out they make for shitty esports and not enough people are interested.
Fuck esports.

>had shitloads of hand sanitizer (about a year's worth)
>run out literally within days of a viral pandemic being announced
>insanely overpriced now
>ordered some for a decent price but seller had account suspended and nothing shipped

the gods are trying to kill me again

We can only hope they do, esports is a cancer.

esports does nothing but ruin games
based corona

Am I supposed to care?

I'm scared. I just want this shit to be over.

what the fuck is a LEC?

Don't worry bro.
It's airborne so hand sanitizer wouldn't save you anyway.

Esports was inevitable.
Just like pro chess and other things before it.

>melee finally gets a world circuit
>pandemic cancels everything

Dude just wash your hands bro lmao

It's already in you, you're still just incubating it.

It's nothing burger

LEC my balls

Who cares, it only kills boomers.

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dangerously based

That's pretty based tho. Fuck smelly melee tards.

You used a years worth of hand sanitizer in a few days?

And neither will the simple masks, since you can get infected through your eyes.


I hope it evolves into gigachadvirus and kills 4 billion people

i mean crazy idea here. but maybe having the event done remotely? like you know how internet games are normally played? i don't understand the need for a fucking stadium when you can just stream shit

The games today were just about to start when the cancellation happened, this was a last second decision.
They'll probably reschedule for online matches later.

Very based e"""""""sports""""" are the big gay

Report any and all hand sanatizer and tp scalpers. Scapling emergency items is a big no no and they will get fucked if reported and ebay, amazon hands their account info over to the feds.

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yeah, like 400 something days.

that's a lot of hand rubbing being happy about coronavirus


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Doesnt work like that.
t. Spaniard

literally there was some guy who got arrested nearby my street for selling toilet paper outside of his van at retarded prices

nah, it just changed to a zombie survival live action esport

Corona-Chan dabbing on the world's entertainment industry

"esports" are fucking retarded anyway. commentators, "fans", and streamers are the fucking worst pieces of shit ever. take them away and you have a fucking LAN party. everyone should have stayed home and played online to begin with LAN parties are for turbo nerds and actual boomers

Dude you're going to damage your hands

Based boomer remover virus

Good luck Corona-chan

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Tbh I'm gonna be fricking cheesed off if they cancel muh nippon orympicu

I can eat off my hands. Can you say the same?

yes because you only need to disinfect before you eat, not literally every time you touch something

You know anti-bacterial hand sanitizer doesn't do shit to viruses right?

>A virus 33% more deadly than the flu is shutting everything down
About time our shitty infrastructure got a wake-up call.

>season 3 is amazing, spices up the game a lot
>corona-chan cancels fighting tuesday

>wake-up call
more like coup de grace lmao

That's why you get the anti-virus sanitizer.

There's a lot of gross shit on mail and whatnot plus if you have animals there's shit on them too. If you touch your face a lot it's in your best interest to be clean.

It's like 70% ethyl alcohol. I promise you it does.

>destroying humanity
if by destroying humanity you mean killing all the 70-100 year old space wasters then yeah it's absolutely destroying humanity

Delayed most likely

Can it infect through the computer now wtf?

>get ethanol
>mix in 7:3 ratio with water
wow so hard

ahhhhh i can't stop picking my nose. lord stay these idle hands!!!

>you only need to disinfect before you eat
Enjoy your coronavirus, retard.


lmao just play online

>gays at higher risk of Corona-chan's embrace

I hope it finally kills that faggot Sonicfox and all the trannies secondaries that followed with him

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Yeah, I just transmitted my cough to you. Enjoy!

God this virus is based.

lecma balls

Gee, maybe if the administration in charge hadn't done exactly nothing until now while trying to pass the whole situation off as a political stunt by the opposition to ruin him personally, this wouldn't need to happen!


Based on what?

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>NOOOOOOO Don't ask for refunds! Please just let us have your money and not do anything about it!

Glad this virus is fucking over these esports organizers. They're the reason why fighting games have gotten extra shitty and the community is full of trannies and virtue signaling clout chasers now. I wanna see Jebailey on the streets begging for cash before he chokes on his lung fluids and succumbs to Corona.

>corona is canceling all the SJW tranny shit and corporate cancer events

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No. Not based. ESL Dota 2 Major was going to have OG vs EG in the fucking group stages. We were robbed.

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Based on you dying from your aids.

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Eurpoops might get lucky and have Japan cancel the Olympics this year.

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Delusional. Keep panic buying tho.

Fuck you esportsfag. No one gives a shit about felating your literal who e-celeb players.

>we run out of hand sanitizers because people are actually this retarded and panicked

It will be good to be canceled. Just think of people coming in to Japan and noticing all the "icky" hentai and shit. They will shame Japan into removing it all.

But that didn't happen yet, so how can anything be based on it?

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