What was his fucking problem?

What was his fucking problem?

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>what ever the fuck i want

Superiority complex with a hidden inferiority complex

You were always better at skating than him.

Crippling nihilism and substance abuse

Does Underground 2 work on PCSX2?

Wasted and wounded

too much drugs

just a lad who likes banter

Why would you emulate THUG2 on PS2 instead of just playing the PC version and installing THUG Pro?

Hes an earth rocker


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He was an earth rocker

Bars were paying him to get drunk there and after Dunn died he fell off the handle.

adderall, booze, and cheeseburgers

funny how he looks like his father now.

Every game works on PCSX2 1.5


He was wasted and wounded

fuck. you can see it in his eyes. no drive. no passion. lusting for the old Jackass days with his friend Dunn. substance abuse is his only coping mechanism now.

Imagine his kid busting in the bathroom and beating his ass. How do you think he would react?

>tfw want to rewatch Viva La Bam and Jackass now


The real question is, what the fuck was Eric’s problem?

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drugs, alcohol

Pretty badly I'd say, he's usually a complete baby about people pranking him

I recently rewatched all the Jackass stuff and had a good time. Didn't watch Viva La Bam because I was afraid of cringing.

Having rewatched it not that long ago, it's still as entertaining as Jackass. What you might be concerned about is more amusingly stupid than cringeworthy.

why not just use Dolphin?

I'm funnier but got way less credit.

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[Phil voice] Come on Bam I gotta fly a plane in the morning I ain't tryna get my dick sunked.

because controller

Payback is a bitch motherfu

Why haven't we had a spinoff of Phil and Ape being cool people?

I miss those days. Those days of being a young teenager, playing this game on a really relaxed weekend, with the windows in my room open and not a care in the world

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I've been watching Jackass videos on youtube all week because they've been recommended to me and now i see this thread, anyone else? Is the youtube algorithm trying to tell us something? New Jackass movie could still happen

He had low self esteem/ depression so he did stupid trick to get attention and consumed so many drugs that he became brain-damaged.

I actually knew Bam IRL

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there's always a major dickhead in extreme sports games

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My best friend Andrew Stranberg died in a skatepark four years ago. He got set up. He got jumped. The bar's his favorite place. I'm gonna build him a jail.

You don't have to go out anymore to be an Earth Rocker. Ryan Dunn is an Earth Rocker.

My other best friend Brandon Novak chit-chatting with fucking nobodies. He's back in Iceland for the sixteenth time. Good luck with that one.
Sick of Nikki. Sick of all this shit. I don't go out anymore, cause I’m on heroin again. I don't have to be a musician. Four years I wasted, sippin on drinks at the car accident, watching me get my fucking ass kicked. Now I stay at home, like a fucking bigmouth. I'm not gonna take any rehab from anyone.

I know what's going on. I got dead. I gone. Thank eye every motherfucker wasn't there to watch me get my fucking hermit kicked. I don't care what they're up to. The bullshit would have wound up with a black god. Payback has a bitch shit.

I fuck for this shit. I live it. love it the fuck on.

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>April has published her own cookbook entitled "April Cooks: There's an Alligator in my Kitchen"

The entire Jackass crew has always been steadily tumbling towards suicide.

The fact that they aren’t all dead is amazing.

reminder that ryan dunn literally killed another person while he was driving drunk

This is why I hated Bam. Dude was ALL for fucking with other people, but once the tables turned he'd fucking literally cry about it.
That little bitch should've been the one to go, not Dunn, who was a great sport about everything.

>that episode where they find a island and spend the entire day fuckin around

Johnny seemed like he was alright

so did matthew broderick

It kind of irked me that people cried and treated his death as some sort of tragedy, meanwhile he was driving drunk and killed another driver who wasn't.

You think that's bad, Chris Raab (Raab Himself) is still making shitty follow ups to that sluzbury steuvre for keykey bit he did over twenty years ago, on youtube for a few thousand viewers.


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Typical Gen X/Millenial cusp that couldn't handle the fact that his fatass boomer mommy and daddy wouldn't hop on his pity train as a teenager. They supported his hobbies, just not his lifestyle. Got bored of being stuck in suburbia. Had to fit in somehow during adolescense so he took to skating and making an ass of himself, thus introducing him to drugs. Drugs & skating lead to crazier ideas and stunts, which leads to media deals. Media deals lead to fame & forturne. Fame & fortune lead to mental breakdown. The rest is history. He was just a wannabe goth heartthrob shilling his brothers shitty nu-metal band and his own shitty mallgoth garbage.

This is now a THPS nostalgia thread

Yeah Johnny's just fucked up because of his upbringing, and Steve-O's alright despite the gravely voice and fat women telling him it should have been him right after Ryan died.

Dave is still the most underrated jackass boy

>whole episode about how he picks on Phil because he fears becoming like him

Bam doing that gave him a life his parents could only dream of. Say what you want about him, but he really does love his parents.

i remember i used to see HIM merch all over hot topic in the early 2000s lmao

it'd have to be him or pubeface because everyone else is far more famous

Viva La Bam is actually pretty kino, and Don Vito and Dicamillo makes it all the better

Imagine you're a production assistant for a major network TV show, hanging out with some of the biggest names in the entertainment game at the time. One of the guys with the most charisma, clout, and pull on the show invites you to take a spin in his Porsche 911. Are you gonna fucking refuse? Are you gonna tuck into bed early and crack open a book like a boomer granny, or go for a spin with the life of the party? Yeah, maybe he was wasted, but do you think this is the first time the Jackass crew did something dangerous or stupid or life-threatening? It was just another day in the life of a famous person. Get off your high horses Yas Forums.

Drugs and alcohol; actually being the character he played on tv rather than deciding to keep it just a character

>Are you gonna fucking refuse?
Yes. I value my life


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clout AND pull? this guy had it all!

youre fucking retarded, nobody asked him to murder someone else

>Vito's been dead for 5 years

Lately he's been saying he never wants to talk to his mom again unless that has turned around. I thought that was especially weird given his old relationship with April.

+69 internet point if u can find a gif or webm of him getting pantsed at the end of the game

>mfw I remember Don Vito has been dead for years

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what happened between them?

Cum-for-brains, guilt is based on intent & knowledge. At the very very worst Ryan Dunn commited manslaughter. Look up the definition for murder and then go back to playing Splatoon 2 and jacking off to squid girls for the love of fuck

The pranks, I absolutely agree, but the "kick my dads ass all day" bit has always felt wrong.

>fat women telling him it should have been him

I was just watching the cutscenes, here's a sloppy widescreen stretched youtube video instead of the file formats you specifically asked for

He was referring to Amy Schumer during a celebrity roast roasting him by saying "Oh Steve-O, if only it were you" (referring to Ryan Dunn)". Mike Tyson yelled "Fuck you, Amy!" in response.

based user

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Yeah okay I get it. That still doesnt mean I have to feel bad for him. Live fast, die fast. I just think it's a shame he had to take out another uninvolved human life in the process.

Yeah no one liked that joke big surprise