Please recommend me a fun game I'll play anything
Please recommend me a fun game I'll play anything
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That little bastards shampoo budget is probably more than my rent
Play Vermintide 2
Instead of playing something, read Berserk.
>go to mangadex, which I've heard nothing but praise for, and look for berzek
>extremely low res scans
>comic sans
>reads like it was translated by a retard and the proofreader was brazilian
what kind of pupperino is this?
why is this game getting shilled so hard lately the past couple months?
I want to play a game but no matter how many games I played they feel so boring.
why would someone "shill" a 19 year old game
me thinks your an autist
Will play, thanks for your recommendations friends
I read Berserk a while ago I'm mad we got monkey pawed with a "healed' Casca
It's just a pomeranian with a teddy bear cut
Sim City 3000
I guess more people are playing it for the first time with the Wolfenstein series being so popular now.
Hmmm how about you play Earth Defense Force 4.1 or 5 OP
Also pic related is my puppy I got a month ago
i played it for about 30 mins, it's kinda boring. And the weapon accuracy is just ass.
>this used to be a wolf
I've been playing 4.1 on PC lately and it's the first time I've played the series since the early games, it's weird playing EDF with a good framerate
We used to be Gods
cute pupper
change your crosshair to a dot without the outer circle, the default crosshair makes the weapons feel more inaccurate than they really are
oh my goodness
so cute
I wanna fluffy hug
I love dogs (proper ones) but seeing these small, deformed and mutated "dogs" makes me want to put them out of their misery, can anyone relate?
Dogs shouldn't be made to look like this.
Any fighting game players want to tell me if Granblue Fantasty Versus is worth it?
>is worth it?
first you need to define value, then others can know the worth of it
We used to be kings and fecal matter
Doom (2016)
Does it feel good to do combos I'll never be able to do online in training mode?
is this better? she's still completely defenseless and falls on her back if there's even a slight possibility of a fight.
fast-paced FPS at its finest
>Have to stand still to get any sort of accuracy
>Fast paced
For me it's serious Sam.
first shot is always accurate, and headshots are an instakill, but yes, serious sam is based
Old games get shilled all the time to build interest in newer titles, it gives people something to explore while new information trickles out about upcoming installments. Not that complicated.
no one who likes rtcw likes nuwolf
Ruff doggo
Nigga it's just a haircut, it's not like it's a pug mix that was born that way
As a cat CHAD I agree, these rats are not dogs and the people that created these abominations should pay.
Just like the ones that do the same to cats like breeding dwarf cats that can't even move or shit like that.
Play uh super maryo 3
get that ugly ass dog out of this thread. only cute doggo pupperinos allowed. you probably drive a pick up truck as well as owning several guns. fucking white trash piece of shit
Please no fighting
No more shitposting for the rest or 2020
Those words don't go together. Cat owners are the limp wristed faggots of the fag community, aberrants so degenerate they make normalcy look like a joke.
A real "Chad" pet would be an elephant or large venomous lizards, something that could kill you at the drop of a hat yet you keep in line with sheer Chadditude.
>for the rest or 2020
Are you out of your mind?
Please! Shitposting is literally bad for your health the studies have proven it
The small dogs could probably still handle domestic vermin at least
So when ever game gets delayed out of 2020 what will you be playing?
well if the studies have shown it, I guess I'll have to cut back on it.
>The gook killed this puppyrino later on for view boost
Fucking insects.
yeah then they met humans and got /domesticated/
>Saw how this race originally looked
Jesus fuck, we fucked with pretty damn hard to the point that it turned into eagle food meatball. I bet even cat can murder it.
very fun teleglitch inspired shooter
great audio design too
elite beat agents
I like almost all dog breeds. The ones I don't are more out of pity because of their history of breeding purposes, like pit bulls. My favorite dog breeds are dachusaunds and beagles though.
well i guess they can be trained to catch mice and stuff
Toki Tori
Baba Is You
I be you are one of those faggots that one a chihuahua in their women bag.
nice esl mohammed
>tfw another 20 year hiatus
I dunno why you think about sandniggers so much.
isnt this called false equivalence or something?
>Spend $400 grooming this thing
>It rolls around in dirt and shit 15 minutes later
I hate dogs
As if. These things are apartment handbag dogs. They only know what park looks like from tv
>Destroys your furniture
>Makes your entire house smell just by existing in it
>Requires 24/7 supervision or it'll destroy your shit and/or kill itself
>Basically just a toddler than lives for 12+ years and never grows up
Why do people put up with this?
My pit would like to smack playing with that pup.
If it was still a wolf it would be dead because they are dangerous.
Then it rolled around on the pavement outside 15 minutes later and got some chewed gum, a cigarette butt and a used condom stuck to it
cute dog
What other non-english-speaking ethniic group hates dogs so fervently?
It's a domesticated animal who cares.
It is sometimes funny to think that these are part of the same family as domestic cats. I always wondered if house cats were bigger if they'd be just as dangerous as lions/tigers/panthers/etc.
I told you this in an /an/ thread but your dog looks like a fucking coyote it's unreal. It's like one of the designer shit wolfdogs but smaller and coyoteish. Cute bro.
>You can't POSSIBLY be white and dislike smelly, obnoxious animals that do nothing but make your life a pain in the ass
inb4 you take the easy bait and just make a joke about blacks, Yas Forumstard
Wtf is that bird thing, left middle?
I would guess if tigers would find out and realise they could get food from humans without having to hunt they'd become friendly over time like cats did.
>Letting your animals on the furniture
Your house smells.
Probably, but big cats are cute too. Only Chads would have one as a pet.
Wolf niggers don't need to apply.
to be fair the left is as large as they are because there was more oxygen in earth's atmosphere at the time
Quetzalcoaltus but the scale is exaggerated
Damn you got me
They'd be dangerous just because they'd be big.
Your cat clawing your hand or whatever while playing now isn't a big deal, now imagine if that paw is the size of a baseball and the claws are each an inch long, and its attached to something the size of a golden retriever.
>put them out of their misery
Haha, 'misery'. I wish I was a stupid fucking pet dog oblivious to my own mortality. Man is the most miserable species by far.
If inordinate misery is cause for merciful extinction we should turn the gun on ourselves.
Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair.
bros im trying to find a game with female protagonists set in prison it has permadeath (violence and gore too iirc) and iirc it's kinda anime-like and turn-based
There have been recorded cases of big cats bonding with keepers.
lay off the weed
>this used to be a monkey
Not even close to the same time frame