MHW Iceborne

Are you enjoying the new monster PCbrews?

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is there a point of saffi jiva's recon mission? or is it just "practice"

practice, nothing else

STILL no dragon balls. Spayed dog is moderately weak and should get the super stingy ziggy treatment from 3U for arch tempered or a special event.

Haven’t touched the game in a week. Easing up before the eventual Safi grind.

Replaces Seething Bazel as easiest T3, but he's still pretty fun.

All T3 monsters are probably getting AT forms so i guess you'll get your harder Stygian, i'm personally waiting for it to get Stygian Alpha as layered armor.

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Yes I am but I would also appreciate if he'd give me that damn emerald already.

Not PC bro, but I’ve always found stiggy to be one of the hardest monsters of them all. I’ve improved massively since IB released so now it’s him that eats shit.

Feels good.

This new layered update really changed things up.
I hope we will get MR sets eventually too

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>All T3 monsters are probably getting AT forms
This really makes me wish Scarred Garuga and Brute Tiggy were considered T3s. War Veteran Archtempered Garuga would truly be something to behold.

You know what combo looks really good?

Rathalos alfa chest and waist (painted red) with teostra everything else. That was a killer look, at least for male characters.

Fool, you should be grinding tundra for the bazillion tempered dragonholds you’ll need for augments when Safi drops.

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You are like children.

>Hunter’s helm
>Pukei chest
>Rathian waist
>Pukei waist
>Rathian pants
This is truly peak clownsuiting fashion.

>Ywn orgasm by giving mother earth the SUCC

are monster in GL really buffed?
I have much easier time doing investigations

Biggest problem is weapon clipping

Why is Safi so fucking pissed

That’s always going to be a problem. Specially with the bigger weapons.


Man, Stygian GS is such garbage

don't do it

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is this how you summon exodia

you wanna find out?

I just want a guard up gem
This system is fucking trash

Design me a monster anons.
It could be a new crossover, a new design, anything. Just make a monster concept for me.

Attached: AnjaTigrex.webm (426x240, 1.98M)

I've been getting Err 18 and the game freezing after a few minutes

velkhana but with physics-based genitalia

It's the only base mhw gem that's missing for me. I am forever doomed to mediocre shielding. Unless I take 2 pieces of Uragaan set.


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>oh no I'm going to lose 5 pct of dmg
just do it

ape that can fling poop like congalala but he can also pound the ground for an AOE like donkey kong


I dont even like damage skills that much
I just want all the utility shit at once

Deviljho already exists, try again.

There is no better utility skill than Safe Landing.

>Just carted to a tail skewer that hit me an entire hunter away
I fucking hate this autistic popsicle

A monster that can purposely remove its own tail, like a lot of lizards do.
It will fall off if you try to clutch its tail or mount it. After this the tail will thrash violently for a few minutes, or until it's subdued. The monster can also quickly regenerate its tail, but it will be shorter and harder each time, decreasing range but increasing tail damage and durability. Eventually it can't be cut off anymore but will be like a rock-hard club at that point.

Seltas duo skeleton works

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I would be insanely pissed too if the dude that attacked me with a big-ass sword the moment i was born showed up again.

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more giant insects, either bring back the old insect monsters or make a new one. something like some giant flying AIDS hornet like creature that can paralyze and poison.

I think it's a shame that the high tier monsters we fight most of the time get arch tempered variants.
I wish it was like Apex where mid tier monsters were upgraded to high tier level.
Out of all fights, the elder dragons tend to be the less enjoyable ones

Stygian can legit go fuck itself.

I've never actually failed a hunt before encountering this fucking nigger. Fuck stygian to hell.
>3 weapons completely invalidated because of delayed followups making dodge moves pointless
>3 other weapons completely invalidated because even with guard 5, guard up and max dragon resistance it still takes half your fucking life bar per hit
>every other weapon is shit against his animations
>next to impossible to knock him out of charged up
>he charges up instantly and has almost no vulnerabilities
>no actual openings for wallbang

Fuck stygian. The only time I've seriously considered turning on an infinite hp cheat. I'm fuckin triggered and filtered.

Antlion type desert neopteron that can dig into the sand and pull you closer to it to snap like a Gobul

I've used lance maybe 3-4 times and I beat him no sweat

Monster Hunter? What do you do in that?

big fukken crocodile
its long ass mouth is a railgun idk

what are you talking about? You can just meme him with lance like it's nothing

The monster you're looking for is Lagiacrus.


Oh and also he chunks your HP through chip damage even with guard 5/guard up/dragon resist.

[swords clashing]

i didnt even use any dragon res, only difference between lances is damage, so quit being a bitch
are you not using palico?

>getting filtered by an easier version of zinogre
Just throw in the towel user
Time to retire

There needs to be a variant of lagiacrus that has saltwater croc colors

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There's better Lances dude, just use Shara/A.Glav if you're a Handicraft + MT fag or Ruiner if you're not

got me

>no actual openings for wallbang
Huh? I wallbanged him twice no problem. And I normally suck at Zinogre species hunts. Stygian is really slow, which makes Zinogre's regular moveset more manageable, like the paw step advance and his tail flip.

lagi's posture is too tall, they got that whole water area in wildspire perfect for a croc

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Life augment should be a given on lance to easily counter chip damage.
Also, just use the Ruiner Nergi lance. It got good raw and white sharpness for days

Safi had a rough childhood

But there is Ivory Lagiacrus

Tigerstripe Zamtrios then

I don't have ruiner gigganigga unlocked, and don't know how to unlock him.

>giving up several seconds of free invincibility
very useful

Zamtrios is a Shark

God I want layered stygian. Both those helmets are fucking sick. At least for males. Don't know what the female versions look like.
Really hoping the Angryboys update adds some MR layered even if its just the tier ones. Would not mind layered Russian Tobi and Kulu turban.

He is a shark-frog-croc, as he shares the Amphibian skeleton with Tetsucabra.

So you aren't even fighting tempered stygian, just regular? You unlock ruiner are MR100.

Get any sick killscreens lately fellow hunters?

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I have neither the time nor desire to autistically grind for 90 hours straight to get MR100. Why in the fuck is everything good locked behind the ridiculous MR grind?

>Both those helmets are fucking sick. At least for males.
Yep, that's one of the things i love about it, Stygian armor has been one of my favorites aesthetic-wise ever since 3U and getting it as a layered would be a dream come true.

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No but I do have 2 death screens
One where a chinese player got deleted by safi and cost us the hunt and one where we got all got deleted because of the same chinese guy

You unlock him once you're MR99.
Until then, you could use the Lost Babel or Tigrex lance

When I fought him in the special assignment I thought he must have had his health tuned down for the story mission, so I went to see what he was all about in the arena. Turns out it was exactly the same, they managed to make him easier than the regular zinogre, complete pushover. Use a gunlance my man.

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Could this guy shitslap Fatalis?


Could Nergigante?