I'm new here.
Please tell, why do you guys hate him?
I'm new here
He's a white male
Thanks doc
i dont think zoomers know what dorkly even is
This is too fucking true. I wish they'd bring couch co-op back.
ekusu dei
Is that a JoJo reference??
Get the fuck outta here Dobson.
unironically based
He's an annoying little neckbeard who's scared of titties and thinks macs are superior
That's actually depressing.
Only funny comic I've ever seen in an LOL thread
>mc donald's night
>it happens during the day
>He loves to burn his money buying Mac
He deserves absolutely everything.
>being poor
I used to bully a kid who looked exactly like the one on the right.
Because he's a fat retard, and his art is shit
Imagine having no friends and having McDonald's be the highlight of your life. As someone that had friends at that age and has always been disgusted by McDonald's "food" it's really sad to see someone who has never really lived, who is barely even alive. I hate Dobson but this is the closest I've been to having empathy for him. He never had a chance.
so he admits mcdonald's is bad for your health but it seems the happiest he ever was turned out to be... mcdonald's night
>Funnyjunk filename
>laser cheese
>| || || |_
>we're at the objective
>dobson (X)
3 more to go before this shit 404's
Imagine being at computers
I want to fuck white Korra!
I see what you mean. But to me he looked happy enough eating alone
>Spending money on shit that becomes obsolete in six months.
You used to bully a kid?
What did you do, take his lunch money?
Fucking faggots lmao
I Still don't get what he meant by that
Yas Forums
macs are so streamlined that it's basically incredibly difficult to break them unless you're a massive retard
He's a hypocrite.
it's cunny time
They forgot the Matchmaking Age, when games suddenly decided you weren't allowed to spend any appreciable time around any other players unless you made friends with them before getting into the game and formed a party or something.
>Can't afford new computer every 6 months
Looks like a Ren and Stimpy sketch
Imagine playing skyrim at 5fps
Holy based
I hate those videos are lost, they were glorious
ok I laffed
He eats computers.
I don't get it
Because he's obnoxiously and aggressively in favor of a host of bad opinions.
He acts like Samus having green hair and a pink leotard was canon, and that her personality became "blonde bimbo"... even though she was blonde IN THE GAMES as early as Super Metroid.
He acts like the old DIC cartoons were canon, including genuinely believing that Link had a prominent round nose and brown hair, Peach had popeye arms and could totally save herself, Mario wasn't actually Italian and never had an Italian accent, and so on.
In spite of his complaints about Samus being made into a "blonde bimbo", HE LOVES OTHER M.
He constantly whines about everything sexually appealing being "sexist" despite not being a woman.
AND despite that most of his early art was "objectifying" in that regard, seeing as it was fucking fetish work.
That kid was me
That's not cunny, that's children.
Cunny is drawings and drawings only.
all of the day, bro