Pre-order just cancelled

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pre-ordering right now!
Just kidding pre-ordering at all is cancer and you're cancer if you pre-order ever you absolute disgusting piece of shit ruining video games

Fucking seriously, Larian?
It is not enough to ruin the game by literally and figuratively cucking it with polygamy shit, now you aim to ruin the entire series?

>polygamy shit
Thats what people are angry about?

You know it'll be shit either way it's not being made by old Bioware or Black Isle

There is no reason to add polygamy in a fantasy game romance unless you try to push a narrative

>Just kidding pre-ordering at all is cancer and you're cancer if you pre-order ever you absolute disgusting piece of shit ruining video games
thats it cry me a river.

I dont disagree Im just asking if thats the reason people are upset
Im not caught up

NOOOO I haven’t played 1 or 2 and don’t plan to I just like the way the 3rd looks!

If you weren't a retard and actually played BG2 you'd know that one of the side-stories in it is going through a Mind Flayer city in the Underdark and learning that they plan an invasion of the world above, guess what's happening in BG3.

>Larian (check their history of games)
>Wizards of the Coast (the most sjw cuck company in the planet)
>Mike Mearls
fucking dropped since day one

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its mostly fake outrage by a loud minority

Its agenda pushing. Like everything from WotC nowadays

yeah, among other minor things.
For example, why the fuck would you make it turn-based?

Because turn based is better

Yeah, you know, because this didn't happen in medieval times

*drinks salty rpgnazi tears*


Who cares about your pre-order retard ? This game is gonna be GOTY with or without you no matter the story.

just because it happened in some third-world country during medieval times doesn't mean you need to insert it into your propaganda game

Yep. Had there been any other company backing/providing the IP I'd scoff at the idea.
But WotC is a lost cause.

Larian has the worst writing I've seen in a modern RPG company.

Sequel continues to the story!? OMG!!!

>>Larian (check their history of games)
They're almost all great though

>They're almost all great though

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Who cares? The polygamy shit shows that they don't respect the franchise at all.

WTF these people look different from me! This makes me so upset! ARGH!

What are the bad Larian games?
Did you actually fall for that autistic ban evader that was trying to start shit between Obsidian/Larian fans around the time Original Sin 2 came out?

Plenty of experience with all of them.
>pirated OS2

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Divine divinity, beyond divinity, divinity2, dragon commander, original sin, original sin 2

Good to know. I thought the game would just pull a NWN and be around the city. And you also exposed the autismos that suck media dick and barely know about d&d. Good job.

I've played all of those as well though, and the only one that wasn't that good was Dragon Commander

>Divine divinity, beyond divinity, divinity2
These games were a tonne of fun though, are you not a fan of action RPGs?

I love this
The character in question is so ugly that if it wasn't for the "polygamy" shit, people would be shitposting about how much of a "goblina" she is
but since she's also slut from a race of sluts who fuck everything, it's absolutely outrageous, as if you were gonna romance her in the first place.

well, you are wrong then. Larian simply cannot make a good game
good mechanics in the OS tho, but that does not mantain a game.

What didn't you like about them?
I think they have a history of coming up with really clever maps, great art directions, fun and inventive mechanics, and their games always have a lot of content.
I've almost never been disappointed. The writing having such a humorous tone isn't for everyone I guess, I enjoy it, but its a pretty subjective aspect.

I'm really curious what you hated so much about their games though, because I thought they were really well made. I've always thought of Larian as a fairly unsung studio, a bit of a hidden gem.

This social justice agenda garbage does not belong in D&D.

>this thread

tip top contrarianism.
Until DOS2 it was common sense that larian made some great obscure games. Even when DOS came out, the consensus was "DOS has silly/bad writing but the gameplay is good". Of course, now that they're popular, you gotta pretend they never made any good games just to not be like the "sheep".

this "social justice garbage" has been D&D canon since before you were born bruh
Go read up on the gith (who, by the way, did appear in bg2).

>Wizards of the Coast
More like
>Wizards of the Roast

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The leftist stench was always bad.

let me repeat the answer i give to everyone who ask me this, because there is plenty of Larian fanboys. I hope you aren't one.

Bugged, bad quests, bad questlines, terrible mechanics, horrible UI, bad characters, boring NPCs, bad maps (cmon man), absolutely atricous comedy forced every 10 minutes, nonsensical story or boring story, boring RPG system, always bad magic tree/skills. And Dragon Commander has the most annoying feminazi character i ever saw in my life

so yes, Larian can't make a good game. You are absolutely free to enjoy it. I like some shit games too. But objectively, they are all bad.

And you are just making shit up with this "now you gotta pretend"
Don't act like a child.

Jesus Christ

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Oh my christ how they have butchered D&D...

I mean, it's obvious you're lying just because you're mad about BG3 and their recent popularity.

Stopped reading right there.


>But objectively, they are all bad.
Okay but can you actually explain why?
I'd like to know why you think these things, I didn't ask for you to just say you think the games are bad, WHY are those things bad?

if you really do have better taste, I might be able to learn something from your deconstructions of Larian's style and why its objectively bad.

Id fuck Helene.

Oh my god a genre for weirdos is full of weirdos.
Why the fuck are you people doing on this site?

Nah. But you will never believe me or even argue agains the bad game history larian has so that is the end of it.

I bet CDPR will do the same with Wither 4.

It's ogre

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I don't care about politics though, and I think people that get real serious about fighting the silly twitter culture war are retards.

Does this mean the games are still actually good as long as I don't care about looking cool in front of Yas Forums?
Cause really I'm just here to talk about games,

How are these stinking whores still infecting nerd shit?

After how much liquor?

Has the black chick 2 names or she simply can't decide on one?

These are your average D&D fans these days

Its fucking D&D, who even cares?
Its not like other people playing a tabletop RPG in a way you don't like can have any impact on your game at all.

Hell, most people would probably hate my variant rule heavy low magic dungeon crawl campaigns where your treasure is in the form of 10,000 copper coins that you have to try and get out, but that doesn't mean I'm ruining it for RP heavy people either cause they can sit around talking in character for hours at their own table.

Why the fuck are you people acting like anyone can "ruin" D&D or tabletop RPGs when they are literally whatever you want them to be?
If you aren't having fun blame your DM or other players, not a bunch of stupid college kids trying to make money on twitch/youtube by chasing a fad.

It's like the worst of the worst holy shit.

They made elves into trannies

oh boy that would make an entire essay here and would require me to replay them again. Wich i will absoltely not do.
Its not that i have a better taste mate, i literally said that i like some shit games too. But one must analyse it outside fanboysm too.

One thing that I recall vividely, and the reason that i stopped with DOS 1 is that after 50h of game, questing and all. In my party Modoca and the arab wizard, i went to the final dungeon door.
So, the main quest literally said "you cannot proceed, you must remember more about who you are". That translates to: Keep doing boring sidequests to gather that triangle thingy that makes you remember

THIS is a terrible game design. You never force the player to do anything besides the Main if he doesn't want to. And that was the end for me.
Also, there is barely any meme/joke using Larian NPCs. because they are boring/forgetable.
That is as much i can pull out of my ass now

Do you guys even play D&D?
What are you mad about?

>sandrah saga mod does this
>on top of literally rewriting the entire game to be about sandrah and not charname
>on top of her being elminster's daughter with mystra
>everyone on Yas Forums raves about it being 10/10 and an incredible classic
>larian does polygamy too
>wow wtf larian sjw sellout

However much it takes for her to pass out.

Life is political and games are too.

With every news i hear about this shit more i am convinced it will be a Fucking disaster

I also stopped at that spot. Fucking retarded game design. It isn't even side quests either. You have to go purchase fucking maps and find "secret" star stones to proceed. That being said, DOS2 was a major improvement and i've beaten that game 3 times all the way through. Too bad custom campaigns never worked out and no one made any. Would've loved to play something with some better writing and DOS2's combat system.

this is the cancer killing video games.

>dooooood who even cares
>dooooood just ignore it
>dooooood it will go away
>dooooood wev
If you have ever wondered why things got this bad, i hereby present reasons 1-1000.

No they didn't, also elves have always been giant faglord mary sues. So its a perfect fit even if they did.
But lets humour you here for a moment and pretend they did.
So what?
Don't run them that way at your table? Your setting has different elves, its as easy as that. The Monster Manual or DMG are not the only things you're allowed to use, they're guidelines, building blocks to use as a jumping off point.

Complaining because you don't like the way something is written in the DMG without just writing it a way you like more is about as stupid as complaining about the spell variety while only playing exclusively with vanilla spells

No it isn't and no they aren't.
Quit bringing up your stupid clown politics on the hobby boards, this isn't facebook. You don't have to express your political views every chance you get regardless of the context.

>implying underage newfags know about the sandrah saga mod

>save the west by shit posting on Yas Forums.
No one gives a shit about Yas Forums.

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is this an improvement over sweaty fat nerds?

Preventing liberal nonsense from taking over is more important than your bing bing happy woo time.


D&D is not a fucking videogame
This is not the same as you being triggered because a liberal worked on a game so now you can't play it because it makes you literally shake to think about liberals.

If you don't like something in D&D, or Tabletop RPGs in general you fucking change it.
You could probably fucking repackage the way I play 5e as a whole new system with how much homebrew content I've added and how many changes I've made, and this is how its supposed to be played.

I think Critical Role is fucking gay, but they're allowed to play with their gay houserules too. Their game has no impact on mine, your stupid crying has no merit here.

You're literally just mad that people like things you don't like, and thats embarrassingly autistic

>I also stopped at that spot. Fucking retarded game design
amen brother I even have the screenshot at the moment
never again i will play/pay for a larian game

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I unironically love all party member mods. Even the terrible ones. I always try them out because no matter what you get a glimpse into the person who made it. Fucking fascinating.

Bioware was never good

Mods = Cucks

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most people get over this phase when they are 15 15-18 year old the fact that these people are in their 30 and still act this way is the tragedy

And now they'll pretend it's because politics don't belong on Yas Forums rather than it being personal political bias.

Crying about politics on Yas Forums is for fags
Deal with it

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Has there literally ever been a thread on Yas Forums complaining about any other political viewpoints?


For you who can't understand precedent or think in the future.

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