The only good change 343 made

the only good change 343 made

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>343's Halo franchise director Frank O'Connor has in an interview with GamesRadar tried to explain the disparity. "She's not really nude … but that's what it makes you think of," he said. "So one of the reasons she [chooses to appear without clothes] is to attract and demand attention.
Fucking BASED boomer

Weird how he turned her into this the next game

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Excuse me but it was Kiki and Bonnie who did that to her

No, silly, the cute one on the left is the one BUNGIE made, not 343. 343's the one who made the saggy-titted buck-toothed soccer-mom, who screams every mission and has no useful information, on the right.


The Halo 3 head and colors on the Halo 4 body would be perfect.

I doubt it

If the story wasn't pants on head retarded it would have been nice.
Fuck Halo 4.

Reminder that chief is the didact's grandson

I like the new design for Cortana, and the idea of the UNSC Infinity. Everything beyond that has been utter garbage.
Spartan-IV's should never have been given Mjolnir armor, and should have been comparable to Spartan-III's. Disposable soldiers who are augmented just enough to get the job done, but not to the point where losing them makes a difference to the UNSC.

Cortana unobjectively peaked with Halo 2.
Everything after was a move closer to 3d waifu skinsuit cosplay trash, with Halo 4 and 5 being the worst offenders.

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Oh, so you've just never seen breasts in real life, got it.


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Fuck 343's shitty attempts at lore too

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H2 Cortana a best. She's like a digital Claire Danes.

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I want an artificial intelligence gf so bad

I didn't think much of H2 Cortana at the time because I thought she looked cooler in CE, but these days I can get behind this. It's better than everything that came later.

Funny thing is, Chief being the Didact's grandson was their attempt to cover up guilty spark in the original trilogy referring to Chief as a Forerunner.


>that track that plays when you have to leave her on the podium leaving the council chamber

This is now a Halo 2 Cortana thread.

Post yfw Cortana says this to you.

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Chief being what the fuck now?

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agreed, halo 4 cortana is so hot


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In the Foreunner books leading up to the release of Halo 4 it was revealed that Forerunners were communists and you were selected for a position at birth. Warrior, engineer, etc. The main character Bornstellar apprenticed under the Didact (the one in Halo 4) and also became a didact (pretty much the peak warrior class, a general) through biochemical mutation. This pretty much made him an exact copy of the Didact except for a little bit of himself left. Well the didact went mad and the new didact died and it's implied that the new didact's "genesong" was imprinted in master chief. Making him technically the grandson of the didact.

Actually, in the original trilogy by Bungie, Humans (and Chief by extension) were meant to be regressed descendants of the Forerunners.
Foreshadowed as early as CE.

That was all thrown out for Halo 4; totally rewritten.

I like that throughout Halo 2 Cortana isnt just in your helmet and you can hear other characters responding to her dialogue that you cant hear; it's from this that I surmise that all the radio dialogue you hear is her passing it onto you which explains how chief can selectively hear shit ranging from communques from the dawn to pelican pilots and marines

Wrong Frankie did it.

He's not

Left is pretty good too but it's low poly compared to MOMMY Cortana.

That's impossible, nuDidact left the galaxy and died off there, it's IMPLIED that Chief may have Forerunner DNA but not of the Didact, he's just the most advanced human compared to Forerunner Warriors and Ancient Humans, that's it. The fuck is with Metroid and Halo fans when it comes to headcanon and no sources to back them up?

Wtf, where is my holotitties
Literally ruined character design.

>Halo 2
>Cortona looks like a mid 2000s emo/slighty goth gf. That holds the overall aesthetic if some band like Evanescence was designing a character.
>Cortona looks like a saggy titted soccer mom from some porno.
The only correct choice 343 made? Yeah right.

saggy tits? have you ever seen a real women breast before or do you only know women's anatomy from anime

They have only seen tranny tits and so assume all tits look like air filled balloons

I actually have believe it or not sunshine.

Probably to make sure SJWs don't REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at him

I always thought Forerunners were an ancient civilization of humans back in the OT.
I know that's not the case now, and it's stupid.

Her face doesn't look this good in the cutscenes.

nice gravity-enhanced MILF titties are peak femininity and fertility. you're just gay. and i mean it, you're literally gay.

Me on the right

They were supposed to be a common ancestor type of thing. There wasn't any need to go into it further than this.


lol gay bois

4 cortana looks so dogshit it might as well be a different character. Same thing with chief's armor

Cortana is so hot I wish she wasn't an AI i just want to stick my sick in her

>it's IMPLIED that Chief may have Forerunner DNA but not of the Didact
Nah, the Librarian said something about saving the nudidact's spunk and it was hinted that she activated it in 4

why are there so many gay retards in this thread

they are bungiefags in denial that halo got better after halo reach, just ignore.

>The fuck is with Metroid and Halo fans when it comes to headcanon and no sources to back them up?
Eat shit retard

>the Ur-Didact performs a brevet mutation on Bornstellar essentially making him a copy of himself. This mutation gave Bornstellar all of the Didact’s thoughts and memories. Bornstellar is now known as the Iso-Didact
>Bornstellar rebirths a proto human as 343 Guilty Spark. We also find out that the Librarian has been busy placing imprints(gei) in many people
>Bornstellar tells of another geas that he suspects the Librarian imprinted somewhere on the Human race.
>Reclaimer, when I indexed mankind for repopulation, I hid seeds from the Didact. Seeds which would lead to an eventuality. Your physical evolution. Your combat skin. Even your ancilla, Cortana. You are the culmination of a thousand lifetimes of planning.
>Master Chief is the one that the Librarian placed this imprint on.
>Iso-Didact is the one who takes his place and ends up firing the Halo array to wipe out the Flood

This all comes back to Halo 1 and how 343 (a now proto human companion of the Iso didact) refers to chief as a forerunner
>“More or less…but you already knew that… I mean, how couldn’t you? We have followed outbreak procedure to the letter. You were with me each step of the way as we managed this crisis…Why would you hesitate to do what you have already done?… Last time, you asked me, if it was my choice, would I do it? Having had considerable time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed. There is no choice. We must activate the ring.”

The main thing here is the line "Last time, you asked me, if it was my choice, would I do it?"

>“Were it your choice, could you fire the Halo array?”
—The Iso-Didact to 343 Guilty Spark before activating the Halo array Forerunner books

They clearly meant Chief to contain the Iso didact's geas.

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Master Chief was a mothercon, not a retarded coomer like you. It's an inferior design that shit on established characters.

She nothing of the sort, at least act like you played the fucking games, I bet you didn't even play the Bungie game and I also bet you're a PC nigger.


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>Eat shit retard
If you want to reply to me, reply to me faggot, it's not hard to do, all Librarian did was accelerated his genes, most likely awakening dorment Forerunner genes while making him an ancient Human.

>The fuck is with Metroid and Halo fans when it comes to headcanon

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and shut up, still can't believe Chief was the isoDidact or whatever the hell he's called when Halo Fractures already told his fate.

cortana 4 has the ideal female body in my opinion
it's not even unrealistic like most hot video game girls, she's naturally sexy

If you read the books you would have realized 343 tried to make the Chief the Iso Didact, but you didn't.

>343 already retconned Halo 4 and the Forerunner saga so I don't have to admit I'm wrong

Not the person you were replying to but you are misinterpreting what a geas is. Its a sort of genetic command or programming imposed on an organism. Under the influence of a geas, an organism could be given a set of subconscious orders.

That's all that it is, subconscious behavior manipulation. It's not DNA splicing, Human/Forerunner DNA hasn't been combined. You're taking the "Seeds of the Didact" line too literally, it a metaphor not a literal "I put didact sperm in Chief's DNA". They geas she put on humanity was to guide them to an eventually take up the didacts mantle.