New at uni

>new at uni
>group of people talk about games during break
>join conversation
>some like fornite, lol and the normal shit
>3 dudes were into starcraft 2
>cute girl streams wow
>"what kind of games do you like, user"
>"Oh, I'm mostly a dotafag"
>cringe the second the word has left my mouth
>everyone is looking at me weird
>girl looks at me like I'm some mongoloid who just shat his pants
>these are the people I'll spend the next 3-4 years with

Thanks, Yas Forums. You ruined my life.

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Just b yourself bro

your fault for playing dota, fag.

>saying the f word on campus
Don't worry, you won't have to spend more than a week with these guys before you get kicked out.

>like dota or any MOBA
you deserve it.


>Imagine assimilating chan-speak into your vernacular

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There's an easy solution to this. Just never come back and fail to get a higher education because of it.

I've been on uni for three years and I haven't made a single friend. I don't even have someone to exchange notes with

>Blizzdrones and ASSFAGGOTS players
You were better off not talking to them, most insufferable group in all of gaming

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holy shit user do you not have any sense of self control?

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>the absolute state of ASSFAGGOTS

>playing dota
>speaking in 4channel
Good news, you’re retarded so you can’t be held responsible for your own actions.

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>plays Dota
>talking irl like it's Yas Forums
you deserve it

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>hey user do you like video games
>oh... okay
Story of my life

>epic meimei

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OP here.

After this the people pretty much ignored me for the rest of the conversation. Honest question: Is there any way I can fix this situation without making it worse?

Do people actually this place seriously enough to let it effect how they behave or think outside? If you take it as anything other than a dumping ground for retarded, angry basement dwelling man children you're a fucking twat.

I won't give advice to a MOBA player.

Pretend it never happened

Come out as gay.

start calling them faggots too

pff thats nothing. yesterday i got fired because people were stealing hand sanitizer from my office job and when the boss was telling us that i laughed and mentioned that it was all thanks to "coronas blessing" the normies then swarmed me asking how i could be so cruel and call it a blessing. and you know how it goes from there.

on the bright side, its a good time to stay home for a while anyways.

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Sorry bro, spaghetti can not be unspilled

>Is there any way I can fix this situation without making it worse?
Well, to avoid making it worse the first step is to stop playing ASSFAGGOTS, but you can't exactly fix the damage it has caused to your brain anymore.

Time to become a full time wizard

Pretend it never happened and pray they eventually stop caring

just b urself

It's only useful for making racist or edgy jokes


Just say it's a colloquialism

Film yourself getting fucked by a dude and send it to them as proof that you aren't homophobic.

you're all garbage

The reason they freaked on you is because you used Fag as a pejorative. Your best bet is to play it cool, act normal,.and hope they forget with time. The girl never will

Chanspeak becoming part of my regular vocabulary is no longer a problem because I've come to absolutely loathe modern internet lingo and don't partake in it.

Say it's an Albany expression.

It's completely your own fault you pathetic idiot.

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just fluke out, it wont get any better even if you become a wagecuck.

that's gay, some people pay me to make koikatsu things for them because they think I know how to 3d model

which was she cringing at? the dota or the fag part?

>Live in Germany
>Unironically racist and sexist not only with friends
>Tend to openly admit I'm leaning towards the right
>Am somewhat charismatic and social
>People accept it
>People who I become friends with jump on the bandwagon
>Not afraid to say any sort of "bad" word like nigger or fag
>tfw germany is still like back in the day, we're just waiting for the right moment

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say you're bi if they question it. they wont challenge you, they would be bigots bu their own rules.

your fault nigtard

Unironically just drop out
You won't make it without friends and you blew your chance at it already.
By now everyone has made up friend groups and you're left out.

>lunch at work
>talking about stupid shit we laugh at
>new guy says "lol"
>everyone looks at him strangely

i remember seeing that chortler meme, yesterday. it was spot on. fuck it was even a warning.

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If you're a dotafag, you're the one who ruined your life.

it's easy
don't associate yourself with humorless faggots, join a male dominated trade where everyone else isn't a estorgen filled pusscake soi boi

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The problem is they probably all come here too and are avoiding you because of it. They're probably in this thread right now

How can one be so fucking stupid?

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Ask if they need someone to jungle for them.

>new at uni
>group of people talk about games during break
>dont join conversation just eavesdrop
>some like fornite, lol and the normal shit
>3 dudes were into starcraft 2
>cute girl streams wow
>walk away
>never even attempt to socialize

better or worse than embarrassing yourself?

"by the way, I'm jewish"

> join a male dominated trade where everyone else isn't a estorgen filled pusscake soi boi
>post that gay shit

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But isnt Dota like the most played game in Steam? Is Steam not popular enough for Zoomies?

when you only interact with the web/a group of people you forget the lingo of the average normie. its a thing. its not exclusive to us either. artist engineers, etc. sports people seem to get away with it though.

he already said he plays dota

>join male dominated trade
>refer to yourself as a "fag"
>get even more strange looks and ostraciztion
I think the real answer is to not use retarded Yas Forums injokes outside of Yas Forums

You blame us for your retardation, then beg us for help? Go fuck yourself.

someone doesn't know what masculinity is yet I see

Word around the office is you've got a fat cock.

OP did you actually say dotafag? If you did, just neck yourself. If you didn't actually say it, just say you found a new obsession so you don't spill more spaghetti

Pronounce every N as a G from now on.

Just keep trying.
Don't wait to be verbally acknowledged to say anything.
Be curious about other people, asking other people questions about themselves is a good way to get them talking.
Always read the room.

never been in a group where men are comfortable with what they say have you?
look at any frat/construction crew/military, they are the reason the phrase "no homo" exists

That’s what happens when you tried to speak like it’s a usual Yas Forums boards in public.

Try to be more cautious with your tone of voice/behaviour if you don’t want to make a same mistake.

>Pretend it never happened
>try to ignore and stay out of conversations of the people you spilled your spaghetti over
You could also use say 'I'm BI so it's okay bro' but that's a risky card to play
Learn to hide your powerlevel more you GAYDOTANIGGER

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people who talk about vide games piss me off so hard. worst thing is I study CS so 70% of all the other students are vidya fags
god, why can't CS niggers be interesting? all they do is play shit games, listen to entry level metal and masturbate to porn

>i cant tell the difference between real world and the internet
go see a shrink

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It could be worse. I went to university with somebody who proudly announced to the class that he pretty much exclusively only played Bethesda games. You could have been that guy.

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What do you study, fag?

After a while sure
New guy we know nothing about comes in starts talking about how he's a fag as his first impression, well...

Start a Yas Forums club

>underage cunt gets shat on by not hiding his power level
was it so hard to say you play "steam games"?

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What do you do?


hiding is pathetic

Club closed due to AIDS

Just apologize and be honest where the slang came from.

The only correct advice here

fuck off colectivist.

>casually saying fag on a college campus

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He literally said he was a Dotafag in real life.

Just say it was a joke from your highschool friends

> proceeds to post pedo weeb shit
why not just neck yourself and make the world a better place?

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t. retard who goes around saying he's a dotafag
did you parents never taught you how to behave in public?


Speak for yourself, dweeb.

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Just be yourself bro

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Found the nigger faggots

>mobafags are retarded
What a surprise

This is WORST thing you could possibly do
You may as well just LARP as a stormfag at that point, holy shit. It'd be slightly funnier

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Feels great living in eastern europe we can spend entire lectures just talking with our lecturers about how shit niggers are.

When I was your age and started on a similar school, I went in deciding to just be myself and see if I could find anyone into Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, like I was at the time, by putting it as one of my interest in the introduction essay we had to do for the class.

I ended up not having a single friend for 2 years until after preliminary school was over and I got a student job.

Always hide your power level until you are absolutely SURE it's safe, user.... and don't worry too much about it, you'll eventually make new friends and new mistakes in the years to come.

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stopped reading right there and I haven't stopped exhaling in vicarious embarrassment since
saying that you probably deserve for your awful taste