50 Doomguys Vs. 1 Space Marine. Who wins, Yas Forums?

50 Doomguys Vs. 1 Space Marine. Who wins, Yas Forums?

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1/2 a Doom Slayer

space marine

1 Doomguy because bfg boils the overgrown manlet alive

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The're at the same power level so the 50 Doomguys win

These threads are always shit, no one tries to argue subjectively they all just pick whichever character they like best.

Threads like these are made by autists who think Goku vs Pacman would be an interesting match up.

meant to say *objectively, only saw it as I hit post

What kind of Space Marine ? A Primaris would definitely win, but Doomguy would probably be able to kill a scout.

how can anyone honestly say a space marine would beat doom guy? he slays the equivalent of daemon princes and greater daemons left and right

I think that more shows that Doomguys demons are weak rather than he is strong. Deamons have a lot more going on for them in both complexity and power.

I dont know where this perception started that Doomguy is some sort of super unkillable bad ass.

If you play Doom I or Doom II he dies in about 3 seconds from 100% health if he gets surrounded by Imps, the shittiest monsters in the game.

The only thing he has going for him is that he finds some big guns and armor and lots of medkits strewn around the areas he fights, and the enemies he fights all have really slow projectiles that are easy to dodge so he mops them up if he can stay at range.

Even mid tier sci fi heroes like Samus or Master Chief would easily wipe the floor with him, let alone a space marine who can shrug off hordes of monsters like they are nothing.

Space Marine, stuff in 40K is pretty damn scary power wise

Space Marine, Doomguy constantly cries about chaingunners he has no chance lmao

>he slays the equivalent of daemon princes and greater daemons left and right

Nah, Demons in the DOOM universe are pretty trash in comparison to Chaos in 40k.
They're more similar to Tyranides or Ork in that regard. Numbers over quality.

>Goku vs Pacman would be an interesting match up.
>Guy who needs 50 episodes of screaming to get anything done vs wakawaka

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50 doomguys could probably take the entire Tyranid Swarm. But 1 could easily take on dozens of space marines.

Pac-Man would win seeing how Goku is pretty much a ghost or it would be a stalemate. All he have to do is grab a power pellet, munch Goku and send his ass back to king kai, only for him to return a day or week later.

Space Marines are useless and die like flies, so Doomguys would definitely be fine. They would pass that one Space Marine around like a cigarette.

The BFG alone would cook the space Marine in his armor, it sould be crazy to have 50 of them with one. Also isn't DoomGuy a Space Marine already sent he was sent to Mars from Earth?

But OP's fight would be a genuinely unfair fight, one Doomguy can murder hundreds of demons whereas the Space Marine's die by the dozens and need help from the inquisition to fight off a few

Demons and Deamons are not the same thing user

What's the difference then?


when are you homos going to learn
Named characters in any warhammer setting are Fucking Invincible!
The rank and file die of some disease after getting a scratch

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What weaponry do they each have? If DOOMguy has his full kit than clearly the DOOMguys would roast the Space Marine with the help of the BFG. But if the DOOMguys are restricted in terms of weapon options it could be a different story.

Super shotgun probably can't penetrate Spess Mahreen armor nor can any bullet firing weapon for that matter. Plasma pistol I'm going to say wouldn't do much either. Plasma rifle and the Rocket Launcher both could potentially do a lot of damage, and times that by 50 yeah DOOMguys win.

You say that, but how many Primarchs are still around?

Daemons are pure Warp being that can't subsist in the material world unless they have a host or some shit like that, but also possess some EXTREMELY broken abilities, going as far as reality warping in the case of daemon princes/Champions of chaos.

Doom Demons are your regular "shoot fire and be big and strong" monsters, with minor psychic powers.
In fact, the most powerfull monsters in DOOM are the one enhanced by humans technology/weapons.

You need to consider the fact that Doomguy has holy and demonic equipment, as well as the fact that he singlehandedly took down a Titan and the Icon of Sin

>roll 50 D6 for armor save
>All 3+

Nothin' personell, heretic

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Big problem here is not the characters themself but the weapons: Doom weapons would do jack against Space Marines while nasty weapons like plasma, melta and power weapons would rip him a new one

Master Chief would win against Doomguy but he would bow to a space marine.

This is bad logic, chief can get fucked up by one elite/brute.

Samus is far beyond either of them.

corona virus could kill both.

Our perspective of Doom demons is skewed by the fact that the games are from the perspective of Doomguy, someone who deals with demons easily, but consider this, in the first game, they've taken over a military installation, and then in the second, they've basically destroyed earth, entire militaries wiped out by the demons

>Doom weapons would do jack against Space Marines while nasty weapons like plasma, melta
Doom has TWO kinds of plasma and railguns you donut

>who would win
>these 50 one man army demon slayers
>this 1k old meta human with several lifetimes of experience that is trained to work in a squad as a shock trooper
Oh geez i don't know

dude space marines got killed en masse with stones, arrows, some dudes with lasguns and some green dudes with rusty iron pointy things

they didn't originally get rules (besides Russ I think), also that hasn't stopped a bunch of them reappearing. Ferrus keeps getting a new life and losing it until Fulgrim get's a pal

Who cares, nobody can beat pic related
I dont think the Doom plasma rifle is as strong as regular 40k plasma guns user maybe the BFG on a direct hit. or maybe Dooms plasma rifle hits as hard as a Plasma Cavalier, we dont know

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If you were baiting for this here you go.

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Based, Doomguy bows to Master Chief.

probably the 50 doomguys, but the space marine would kill dozens before going down
a space marine would be like a cyberdemon that's significantly smaller and harder to hit, can run faster than you, has a hitscan rocket launcher with near perfect accuracy, and can pull out a foot long bowie knife or chainsaw sword to gut you with inhuman speed and reflexes if he ever runs out of ammo.

>never reloads
>avenge his pet rabbit

is this a joke? space marines die like fodder

it takes 1 doom guy to destroy a universe's evil.

The better question is 50 Doomguys or this motherfucker

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original doomguy is probably about as powerful as a primarch, ZOOMguy is probably a match for a space marine or two but would get dabbed on by multiple

Arent emperor titans the next step up from warlord titans?
How the fuck would you deal with that besides dropping a blackstone fortress on it

space marine

same way we deal with most of our problems in the 41st millennium, we shoot at it

to kill the cyberdemon, shoot it until it dies.

But warhammer fodder > doomguy

Let me just rev up a regiments worth of 8th edition lasguns.

That's the spirit!


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If magic is involved betting doomguy would lose, if just weapons and brute strength probably doomguy

that mp5 is huge

That's dumb

other titans and vehicles with titan killing guns

What? It should be 50 Space Marines vs 1 Doomslayer.

nah brah, pilots just need to be real tiny to fit in the cockpit

So you are fucked if you arent imperium

>50 Protagonists vs 1 Generic Mook
MMm tough betting choices on the race track today Bob, what do the experts say?

NuDoom Guy is the original doom guy + all his parallel universe selves from every Doom WAD

Space marine easily. I am an expert

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inconclusive because the warhammer "fans" on Yas Forums don't actually play the TTG or read any of the lore and get all their information from youtube videos and the wiki

The higher tiers of Hell are about equivalent to Khorne's Chaos Marines, both him and his forces are consistently considered the strongest in 40K, and Doom Guy bodies his equivalents for eternity.

>wakawaka vs waku waku

doomguy's already shown as capable of feats you'd need a spess marine for, fifty of the fuckers is unfair

Doom guy with full arsenal takes it one on one easily, people don't seem to remember power ups in the equation. One berserk punch or quad damage siege mode blast is disgustingly one sided in Dooms favor