Let’s settle this, what’s the greatest casual filter in the history of vidya?
Let’s settle this, what’s the greatest casual filter in the history of vidya?
quarter circle forward
I'd say Sekiro, I've never quit a came out of boredom so fast. Then i'd say Bloodborne. It took me 3 attempts to finish the game.
I got stuck on Gascoigne for a few days. The rest of them only took 2-3 tries.
ogre easily, 95% of streamers quit at him.
Absolute plebs
SNK bosses, all of them every single last one.
gascan or ogre
geneech i would say
Sekiro ogre is easy as long as you don't pretend that dodging grabs in these games is ever reliable
cyclops is exploitable in the same way as Vanguard and Asylum Demon
the ds3 weeaboo easily falls off the cliff and dies
Gascoigne is the hardest first boss in all Soulsborne
I cleared all the Dark Souls games and Sekiro and SMT 3 but Gascoin actually made me stop playing Bloodborne because I ran out of heals and grinding for them was too miserable.
I assume you mean the das2 huge guy. If you do, then what the fuck? Hes not even mandatory you can skip him
>easy mode is now selectable
>sword master
>casual filter
nigga you just hug the stairs and he jumps off the cliff
yeah i know but i seen some streamer quit the game because he decided to fight the optional enemy, and then my friend did the same. Seeing someone do something like that twice just goes to show that a casual will always be filtered by this enemy
Fuck, this actually pleb filtered me for like 6 years although I did make it as far as mission 8 before I took the rental back. I could've gotten gud at DMC a lot sooner of teenage me wasn't such a fag
Entirety of Wizardry 4
>all souls bab shit
Gascoin was the toughest
>95% of streamers
>One guy did it
Why do Americans do this?
It feels so good to go back to him with maxed DT and A&R and shred his health bar with that busted jump attack
i am not american.
I meant sekiro ogre
I never played CRPGs back in the day and only tried FO1/2 after NV came out and I never did manage to figure out how to play that
amazing how dark souls 3 manages to look the ugliest
Player character models are always fucking trash and the souls games are ugly anyways with rare set piece exceptions. Stop smoking turds.
Isn't he the final boss? That's not really a casual filter. Splitting hairs, I guess.
Bloodborne and Sekiro are not Souls games.
If we're actually talking casuals that stopped playing because shit got too hard then I don't think there's even a contest.
This bad boy is the King of Butthurt for normies.
the tutorial in driver
das3 is still the ugliest of the series if you look at aesthetics, ignoring the technical side of things.
Bloodborne is pretty fucking close and you're splitting hairs with that one. Sekiro is pretty different however
El Padre's only hard if you're stuck in the DaS mindset of "muh taking it slow"
BB is pretty fast paced compared to DaS 1 and 2, the only boss taking it slow being that bloated spider with an ass hole for a mouth.
if BB didn't have major lag it'd be the best one, DaS3 tried to do fast pace but it's dumb.
I just want an optimized BB plz. Don't care if it's PC, don't care if it's re-released on PS5...please...no lag...please..
>das3 is still the ugliest of the series if you look at aesthetics,
That's some DaS2fag cope.
>BB PC release never
although with HZD getting ported maybe there's hope
PlayOnline, it kept retards out of FFXI amazingly well for years.
>das3 is still the ugliest of the series
I love 2 but it is objectively ugly as sin
>re-released on PS5
I am quite fucking sure Sony gives zero fucks about souls games, look at demon's souls.
Such an easy game to market "WOW FIRST GAME TO START THE SOULSLIKE GENRE" but nah, no port or remaster
Azel or Great Sensei
At least the Sword Master has no poise so you can easily send him plummeting
2 has plenty of aesthetically pleasing areas such as Majula, Doors of Pharros, No Man's Wharf, it's packed with soul
3 is the same dead gray and das1 references the whole way through
Don't argue with haters, user. Let them stew in their own misery.
majula is overrated. people like it because muh comfy but has any of you actually sat back to take a look at the ugly textures and eyeraping overexposure?
Don't forget minotaur as well
We're talking aesthetic, not graphics on a technical level. No shit a game that came out years later is going to be better in that department.
but 2 has worse graphics than 1
the first 10 hours of FO2 is one huge casual filter.
Dude on the bottom right a fucking filter ?
He killed himself every run wtf
That early Nioh boss with the double ball-and-chains felt like a casual filter, especially compared to the bosses that came afterwards.
Cuphead's tutorial
Cleric Beast is supposed to be the first boss even though he's technically optional
>No Man's Wharf
I'll give you Majula but No Man's Wharf is terrible. Looking Glass Knight had an excellent arena. Dark Souls 2 also has the single most cancerous boss in the entire series with the royal rat authority
>if you point out das2 has flaws you're a hater
ok retard
i thought that lightning beast was a lot more of a casual filter. the ball and chain ogre was basically just designed to teach you about spacing
>Seek joy in these last precious moments.
>Dark Souls 2 also has the single most cancerous boss in the entire series with the royal rat authority
You're half right. The worst boss in the series is actually these three faggots. Just three normal NPCs with inflated stats and not even any unique look them to, absolute pinnacle of laziness.
>Gascoigne is the hardest first boss in all Soulsborne
i don't know how i have such different perceptions on boss difficulty than every other person who plays these games. i beat gascoigne on my second try and everyone says he is the hardest. Rom took me forever and everyone says that fight is trivial.
Amazingly, I beat Gascoigne on the first try. Granted, I'd played all 4 Souls games prior to Bloodborne. Didn't realize he gave so many people trouble
Never had as much trouble with the Nue, the ball-and-chain ogre felt harder to me because of cramped conditions, fire, and huge-ass swings. But I guess it all depends on the player.
>want that authentic PvP GankSquad(tm) feel, but don't want to have to play online?
>Boy have we got a shitty bossfight for you
Two of those are entirely optional so don't filter anything. Of recent FromSoft games nothing matched the salt of Capra Demon which is optional itself, but the vast majority of players don't know this.
You use words as "cancerous" and "cope" and want to be taken seriously?
You're even more stupid than I thought and I was expecting a literal manchild mind.
Every game is flawed and every hater is psychologically damaged. You're among your own here, tho.
>Dark Souls 2 also has the single most cancerous boss in the entire series with the royal rat authority
filtered lel
rat battle is easily the most kino boss fight in souls
That fucking water puzzle from Onimusha
You know you can just buy them right?
RRA is dogshit, its only source of challenge comes from the distraction of his pals and his absurd damage. As soon as you actually focus on him his attacks are trivial to avoid.
from a non shit game
Minotaur is small time. You get all the good demons that can actually help you stunlock him. For Matador, the fucker uses absolutely every debuff and shit you've never seen before. The difficulty spikes x100 for no reason